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Change your Pinterest settings in Novashare

See how to change your Pinterest settings in Novashare.

Share button behavior

By default, the Pinterest button shares the post image (WordPress featured image). Below is an example of what it looks like when you use the “Share Post Image” option.

Example of post image share with Pinterest
Example of a post image share with Pinterest

Image grid behavior

If you prefer an image grid, there are two different image grid behaviors you can choose from in Novashare.

Show all pinnable images

Sometimes you might want just want to show all pinnable images on the post or page and let the visitor decide what they want to share.

Follow the steps below to enable the “Show All Pinnable Images” option.

Step 1

Click into the Novashare plugin settings.

Novashare plugin settings
Novashare plugin settings

Step 2

Click on the “Pinterest” submenu.

Novashare Pinterest
Novashare Pinterest

Step 3

Under the “Share Button Behavior,” select “Show Image Grid.”

Show Image Grid
Show Image Grid

The image grid behavior will automatically default to “Show All Pinnable Images.”

Step 4

Scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

Show only Pinterest images

When using the image grid, you might want to only show images to share that you’ve specifically customized for Pinterest. This includes the main Pinterest image along with hidden images.

Follow the steps below to enable the “Show Only Pinterest Images” option.

Step 1

Click into the Novashare plugin settings.

Novashare plugin settings
Novashare plugin settings

Step 2

Click on the “Pinterest” submenu.

Novashare Pinterest
Novashare Pinterest

Step 3

Under the “Share Button Behavior,” make sure the “Show Image Grid” option is selected.

Show Image Grid
Show Image Grid

Step 4

Then under “Image Grid Behavior, select “Show Only Pinterest Images.”

Show Only Pinterest Images
Show Only Pinterest Images

Step 5

Scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

Image attributes

Image Attributes, such as repin ID (data-pin-id), pin images (data-pin-media), and disable pinning (data-pin-nopin) are used by Pinterest and browser extensions. If you have image pins enabled, these will automatically be added. However, there might be times when you want to use these attributes without image pins.

Follow the steps below to “Enable Image Attributes.”

Step 1

Click into the Novashare plugin settings.

Novashare plugin settings
Novashare plugin settings

Step 2

Click on the “Pinterest” submenu.

Novashare Pinterest
Novashare Pinterest

Step 3

Toggle on “Enable Image Attributes.”

Enable Image Attributes
Enable Image Attributes

Step 4

Scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

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