Antonie Fountain

Ede, Gelderland, Nederland Contactgegevens
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One of the cocoa sector's leading experts in sustainability, ranging from farmer income…

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  • VOICE Network

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  • Good Purchasing Practices

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    The daily reality for the vast majority of cocoa farmers is (extreme) poverty. In addition to changes in governance policies, and in order to provide a business case for improved agricultural practices, companies must change their purchasing practices. This is not dependent on sector-wide collective action but can be implemented by individual companies almost directly.

    Current business practices largely focus on agronomic approaches and will not suffice to reach a living income. Though…

    The daily reality for the vast majority of cocoa farmers is (extreme) poverty. In addition to changes in governance policies, and in order to provide a business case for improved agricultural practices, companies must change their purchasing practices. This is not dependent on sector-wide collective action but can be implemented by individual companies almost directly.

    Current business practices largely focus on agronomic approaches and will not suffice to reach a living income. Though there is a role for governments in dealing with these issues, that is not an excuse for companies to not do what they can. This paper focusses on what companies can do better in their core business; the buying of cocoa.

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  • 2022 Cocoa Barometer

    Barometer Consortium

    The Cocoa Barometer is a biennial publication, with the aim of creating an up-to-date, fair, and clear overview of the state of sustainability of the cocoa sector. The Barometer looks at the sector as a whole, but also couples aggregated and disaggregated company and country data with clear visualizations and fair contextualization of challenges, commitments, and accomplishments. It is published by a consortium of civil society actors from across the globe, and hosted by the VOICE network.

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  • Transparency and Accountability: Towards building trust in the cocoa sector’s sustainability efforts

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    Transparency and accountability are essential to make sustainability efforts both credible and effective. They also provide a level playing field for all supply chain actors, enable improved market access, and help increase farmer income. However, there’s a lot of confusion about what we’re talking about – and often not so much action to be transparent, let alone accountable. Today, together with several key expert organisations in this field (EFI, UCLouvain/Trase, IIASA, the Hamburger Stiftung…

    Transparency and accountability are essential to make sustainability efforts both credible and effective. They also provide a level playing field for all supply chain actors, enable improved market access, and help increase farmer income. However, there’s a lot of confusion about what we’re talking about – and often not so much action to be transparent, let alone accountable. Today, together with several key expert organisations in this field (EFI, UCLouvain/Trase, IIASA, the Hamburger Stiftung für Wirtschaftsethik, and Fairfood) the Cocoa Barometer Consortium is pleased to release deep dive Consultation Paper on this key topic.

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  • Latin America Baseline Cocoa Barometer

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    Latin America is the second largest cocoa growing region in the world, and Ecuador has overtaken all but Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire in cocoa production volumes. However, Latin America cocoa is often overlooked in the broader sustainability conversations. This is why, together with a range of Latin American civil society organisations, we released the first Latin America Baseline Cocoa Barometer. This document outlines the major structures and challenges of cocoa in Latin America as a whole, and…

    Latin America is the second largest cocoa growing region in the world, and Ecuador has overtaken all but Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire in cocoa production volumes. However, Latin America cocoa is often overlooked in the broader sustainability conversations. This is why, together with a range of Latin American civil society organisations, we released the first Latin America Baseline Cocoa Barometer. This document outlines the major structures and challenges of cocoa in Latin America as a whole, and also dives deeper into the specifics of the major producing, processing and consuming nations there.

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  • Living Income Compendium

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    An attempt to bring facts to the conversation around living income as well as debunking stubborn myths (and lazy excuses). The Compendium also offers a framework of how the sector should tackle farmer poverty; there is a real place for Good Agricultural Practices in achieving a living income, but this is only feasible if the enabling environment of Good Governance and Purchasing Practices are in place. In that light, we argue, the cocoa sector has been attempting to solve the issue of farmer…

    An attempt to bring facts to the conversation around living income as well as debunking stubborn myths (and lazy excuses). The Compendium also offers a framework of how the sector should tackle farmer poverty; there is a real place for Good Agricultural Practices in achieving a living income, but this is only feasible if the enabling environment of Good Governance and Purchasing Practices are in place. In that light, we argue, the cocoa sector has been attempting to solve the issue of farmer poverty in exactly the wrong order; after two decades of focussing on agricultural practices, perhaps we need to address the enabling environment first.

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  • 2020 Cocoa Barometer

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    A comprehensive State of Sustainability overview of the global cocoa sector.

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    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    This paper highlights shortcomings in current industry and government approaches to agroforestry in cocoa. It also suggests a way forward to ensure that cocoa agroforestry delivers on its promise of environmental sustainability while contributing to farmers’ livelihoods. Lastly, it proposes basic parameters of integrated agroforestry cocoa standards on both farm and landscape scale and sets forward recommendations for all actors in the supply chain.

    Andere auteurs
    • rosalien jezeer
    • Henk Hoefsloot
    • Elsa Sanial
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  • Necessary Farm Gate Prices for a Living Income

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    A critical analysis of existing living income farm gate price calculations

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  • Certification Position Paper

    VOICE Network

    When the only tool you have is a hammer, a lot of your problems start looking like nails. For a long time, in the cocoa sector, it seemed like the only tool available to achieve sustainability was certification. Over the past two decades, civil society has been one of the main promotional vehicles for the uptake of certified cocoa production and consumption. With an increase in sector efforts, in data and research, and in experience with implementation, the sector now has a wider range of…

    When the only tool you have is a hammer, a lot of your problems start looking like nails. For a long time, in the cocoa sector, it seemed like the only tool available to achieve sustainability was certification. Over the past two decades, civil society has been one of the main promotional vehicles for the uptake of certified cocoa production and consumption. With an increase in sector efforts, in data and research, and in experience with implementation, the sector now has a wider range of interventions at its disposal. With a slew of major developments – such as the release of the new ISO standard, Fairtrade’s revised Minimum Price and Living Income Reference Price, and the work on the new merged Rainforest/UTZ standard – it is time for Civil Society to take stock of where we are.

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  • 2018 Cocoa Barometer

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

  • Transparency & Accountability: A Consultation Paper for the Cocoa Barometer.

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    Many efforts have been made to map parts of the challenges surrounding sustainability i in the cocoa
    sector. Nonetheless, there is very little clarity in the cocoa sector about the scope of the challenges we face, the size of current efforts being undertaken, or about the effectiveness – and impact – of these efforts. To put it bluntly: we don’t really know who is doing what, we don’t really know whether what is being done is actually working, and, therefore, we cannot know how close we are…

    Many efforts have been made to map parts of the challenges surrounding sustainability i in the cocoa
    sector. Nonetheless, there is very little clarity in the cocoa sector about the scope of the challenges we face, the size of current efforts being undertaken, or about the effectiveness – and impact – of these efforts. To put it bluntly: we don’t really know who is doing what, we don’t really know whether what is being done is actually working, and, therefore, we cannot know how close we are to achieving sustainability. For this, transparency and accountability (T&A) are essential.

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  • 2015 Cocoa Barometer

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

  • Defining a Decent Living - a Cocoa Barometer Consultation Paper

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    A first outline of what a Living Income should look like in the cocoa sector

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  • Value Distribution in the Cocoa Sector - a consultation paper

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    A research in the build up of value distribution in the cocoa sector.

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  • Raising Farm Gate Prices: Approaches to Ensure a Living Income for Smallholder Cocoa Farmers

    Cocoa Barometer Consortium

    Over the past years, the cocoa sector has come a long way. Governments, companies and civil society have learned to engage each other in critical and constructive dialogue around diverse topics. Which approaches to reduce child labour work best, non-competitive collaboration on yield increase programmes, streamlining training curriculums and audits for certification; the sector has developed a
    broad and varied vocabulary in its approaches towards a more sustainble cocoa sector. On one topic,…

    Over the past years, the cocoa sector has come a long way. Governments, companies and civil society have learned to engage each other in critical and constructive dialogue around diverse topics. Which approaches to reduce child labour work best, non-competitive collaboration on yield increase programmes, streamlining training curriculums and audits for certification; the sector has developed a
    broad and varied vocabulary in its approaches towards a more sustainble cocoa sector. On one topic, however, we seem to have far too little conversation; farm gate prices. There is no discussion on viable options to raise farm gate prices to the level that allows farmers to escape structural poverty and attain a living income. The goal of this paper is to initiate deeper discussions around cocoa farmers’
    incomes. To do this, the paper outlines the challenges and potential approaches to addressing the problem that have been put forward over the years.

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  • Cocoa Barometer 2012

    VOICE Network, with HIVOS & Solidaridad

    An overview of the state of sustainability of the Cocoa Sector.

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  • Macro Economische Verkenning +

    Platform Duurzame en Solidaire Economie

    Contributor to this alternate Macro Economic Forecast.

    Andere auteurs
    • Dick Biesta
    • Bart de Boer
    • John Huige
    • Jan Juffermans
    • Lou Keune
    • Gerard Krijger
    • Gerrit Stegehuis
    • Martijn Jeroen van der Linden
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