Views for Ninja Forms Pro

v3.1.7 (8th June 2024)
Tweak: Added compatibility with Approve Entries addon for custom statuses.

v3.1.6 (6th June 2024)
Tweak: Changing View Source will now keep your View layout unchanged.

v3.1.5 (17th May 2024)
New: Added option to set column width for table & DataTable View.

v3.1.4 (17th May 2024)
Fix: Fixed a bug with search clearing automatically if sorting is done from table header.

v3.1.3 (18th April 2024)
Fix: Fixed width not working for images in View.

v3.1.2 (1st Mar 2024)
Fix: Merge tags not working in filters.

v3.1.1 (19th Feb 2024)
Fix: PHP Fatal error on license check.
Fix: PHP warning on custom html field.

v3.1 (12th Dec 2023)
Fix: Fixed records not showing in existing views if filter is not set.

v3.0 (6th Dec 2023)
This is a major update, please take backup before updating.

New: New UI/UX for views.
New: Filters can now be grouped using OR conditions.

v2.5.10 (29th Nov 2022)
Fix: Filter by Entry ID should work fine now.

v2.5.9 (24th Nov 2022)
Fix: Fixed sort by Date field not working properly.

v2.5.8 (22nd Nov 2022)
New: Updated UI/UX for field settings modal.
Fix: Admin can now view all entries even if "Display only logged in user entries" option is selected for a view.

v2.5.7 (15th Nov 2022)
Fix: Clear button in search form will reload the page.

v2.5.6 (27th Oct 2022)
New: Multiselect dropdown for listcheckbox and listmultiselect fields in search form.

v2.5.5 (14th Sep 2022)
Fix: Added fontawesome css in site frontend.

v2.5.4 (12th Sep 2022)
New: Added tables headers as sortable from frontend.

v2.5.3 (6th Sep 2022)
New: Added compatibility for Approval Status field and Approve submission field.

v2.5.2 (18th Aug 2022)
Fix: Fixed date field value not displaying in frontend.
Fix: View displaying as empty if "Hide Empty Fields" checkbox is checked for List View.

v2.5.1 (3rd Aug 2022)
Fix: Fixed value not displaying for single checkbox.

v2.5 (7th July 2022)
New: You can now translate text in plugin using any translation plugin.
New: Added option to make uploaded image file clickable
New: Added option for Link text when displaying uploaded file.
Fix: Bugs fixes & code optimizations.

v2.4.1 (11th Jan 2022)
New: Added option to display uploaded files as Image or Links.

v2.4 (5th Jan 2022)
New: Added pre-built themes for table & List layout.
New: Added option to Duplicate Views.
New: UI/UX design improvements

v2.3.1 (4 Dec 2021)
New: Added option in Search Widget to allow users to search by Ninja Forms Date Field.

v2.3 (3 Dec 2021)
New: Added option in Search Widget to allow users to search by Entry Date & Entry Date range.
Fix: Fixed clear button in Search not clearing fields.

v2.2.6 (29 Nov 2021)
New: Added new option in view settings to update "No records found" text.
Fix: Filter by Entry Date should work fine now.

v2.2.5 (26 Nov 2021)
Fix: Time field values not displaying in View.

v2.2.4 (21 Oct 2021)
Fix: View settings hiding in Table View.

v2.2.3 (16 Oct 2021)
New: Rows can be now reordered in Views.
New: Custom values can be set for dropdown, checkbox, radio fields in filter.

v2.2.2 (25 Sep 2021)
Fix: Compatibility with PHP 8.0.

v2.2.1 (13 Sep 2021)
Fix: Filter by single checkbox value should work fine now.

v2.2 (9 Sep 2021)
Fix: radiolist, checkboxlist & multiselect will display labels instead of values in view.
Fix: Hide empty fields setting will work fine now.

v2.1 (26 Aug 2021)
Fix: Fixed Search by All fields not working.

v2.0 (3 Aug 2021)
New: Added Access Permission settings for Views.
New: Moved License settings page to Settings Page
Fix: Sort by Entry ID not working.
Fix: Sort by Entry Date not working

v1.9.8 (24 July 2021)
New: Added Clear Form Button option in Search Widget.
New: Added "contains" option in filter.
New: Filter & Sort tab will display Active/InActive status .
New: Checkbox, Radio & Dropdown fields will have prefilled values when setting filter.
Fix: Cleaned up fields list in filter, sort & search.
Fix: Countries field was not displaying in Search Form.
Fix: Search by entry ID was not working.
Fix: UI/UX improvements.

v1.9.7 (21 July 2021)
Fix: Sequence Number Field not working with pagination.
New: Sort by Entry ID not working correctly.

v1.9.6 (11th May 2021)
New: Added support for repeatable fields.
New: Added Custom HTML Field support inside the view.
New: Email field can now be made clickable.

v1.9.5 (19th April 2021)
New: Added Entries Count Field.
New: Added Entry ID Field.
New: Added Sequence Number Field.

v1.9.4 (10th March 2021)
Fix: Minor UI Fixes.

v1.9.3 (6th March 2021)
Fix: Entries displaying even if user is not logged-in.

v1.9.2 (23rd Feb 2021)
New: Merge Tags in filters!

v1.9.1 (19th Feb 2021)
Fix: Database queries optimized to speed up Views loading.

v1.9 (1st Feb 2021)
New: Added option to display Entry Date in View.
New: Added support for Single Entry View.
New: Single Entry View is now available in Developer license.

v1.8.1 (6th Jan 2021)
New: Added option to add all Form Fields at once.
Fix: Search by Date field should work now.
Fix: Multiple DataTable Views can be displayed on same page.
Fix: When adding Rows you will be asked for row layout selection first.
Fix: Changing to list view won't reset the layout.
Fix: Field popup won't close after adding a new field to view.
Fix: Minor UI fixes

v1.8 (14th Nov 2020)
New- Added class "nf-views-cont" to view container.
New- Support for DataTables responsive & pdf export button settings.

v1.7 (28th Sep 2020)
New - Added support for Edit Entry Addon. Edit Entry Addon is available in Developer license

v1.6 (15th Sep 2020)
Fix - Submission displayed only for users who submitted them

v1.5 (14th Sep 2020)
Fix - Calculations will now display in Html field
New- Added filter "nfviews_widget_html"

v1.4 (24th August 2020)
- Added support for datatable view

v1.3 (24th July 2020)

-Add "All" option in search dropdown fields
-Fixed pagination links.
-Few design tweaks for pagination.

v1.2 (2nd March 2020)

-Fixed textarea not working in Search Field
-Added new filter "nf_views_query_args" to allow updating query params before showing view.
-Few design tweaks

v1.1 (13th Dec 2019)

-Added Search option.
-Added Sort setting conditions.
-Added Filter setting with conditions.
-Fixed many bugs.

v1.0 (31st May 2019)
Initial version

Edit Entry Addon

v2.1.1 (28th Dec 2023)
Fix- Special characters will display correctly in dropdowns.

v2.1 (27th Dec 2023)
Fix- Special characters will display correctly now when editing entries.

v2.0 (6th Dec 2023)
Fix- Fields hidden by conditional logic won't save empty values.

v1.4.7 (9th Oct 2023)
Fix- Fixed error on Date/Time field prefill.

v1.4.6 (15th Sep 2023)
New- Added Setting in Action to trigger Action when editing entries from frontend.

v1.4.5 (29th Mar 2022)
New- Added filter 'nf_views/edit_entry/remove_actions' to filter action processing.

v1.4.4 (26th Nov 2021)
Fix- Time fields not displaying saved data when editing entry.

v1.4.3 (2nd Oct 2021)
Fix- HTML field not displaying in form when editing entry.

v1.4.2 (3rd Aug 2021)
New- Added option to select user role who can edit entries.

v1.4.1 (16th April 2021)
Fix- New Entries were created if there was redirect action used.

v1.4 (12th March 2021)
Fix- Guest User entries were not editable.

v1.3 (10th March 2021)
New- Site Admin can also now edit entries.

v1.2 (6th March 2021)
Fix- Edit Entry Link not displaying.

v1.0 (28th Sep 2020)
- Initial Version

DataTable Addon

v2.0 (6th Dec 2023)
New: Datatables now uses Ajax for loading view data.

v1.5 (3rd Aug 2021)
- Moved License field to Settings field.

v1.4(3rd Jan 2020)
- Fixed sorting not applying on initial page load.
- Multiple DataTable Views can now be displayed on same page.

v1.3(14th nov 2020)
- Added option to make datatables responsive.
- Added option to set pdf page orientation & page size for pdf export.

v1.2(14th Sep 2020)
- Added option to display export buttons in datatables.

v1.1(9th Sep 2020)
- Fixed issue where activating datatables addon automatically applies it to all views.

v1.0(26th Aug 2020)
- Initial Release.

Single Entry Addon

v1.3.8 (31st May 2024)
-Fix: Fixed issue with single entry page displaying for all views if there are multiple views on page.

v1.3.7 (19th Feb 2024)
-New: Added option to open single entry link in new tab.

v1.3.6 (6th Dec 2023)
-Fix: Compatibility with NFViews 3.0.

v1.3.5 (26th Jan 2023)
-Fix: Fatal error on single entry page if custom html widget is added.

v1.3.4 (22nd Nov 2022)
-Fix: Not logged-in won't be able to see single entry if "Display only logged in user entries" is checked in view setting .

v1.3.3 (29th April 2022)
-Fix: Edit Entry link not working on Single Entry Detail Page.

v1.3.2 (11th Jan 2022)
-New: Added option to display uploaded files as Link or Image.

v1.3.1 (26th Nov 2021)
-Fix: Single Entry page not displaying time field values.

v1.3 (19th Nov 2021)
-Fix: Single Entry links not working on homepage.
-Fix: Checkbox List, Radio List will now display labels in Single Entry View.
-Fix: PHP warnings

v1.2 (3rd Aug 2021)
- Moved License field to Settings field.

v1.1 (11th may 2021)
- Added support for Custom HTML field.

v1.0 (1st Feb 2021)
- Initial Version