  • My side blogs are @gayfreyja (god of war), @thunderbirdarts (art only blog), @masinipehikanis (native aesthetic blog) @thunderbirdedits (edits only blog), @iidrils (lotr edits only blog) @yusstanspo (oc insp blog).

    FAQ & other info:

    • I’m not doing cottagecore questions unless you pay me. I hate cottagecore & I am the cottageburner lol
    • I track scammers, specifically the scammer ivysour, who makes fake fundraisers using stolen (and edited, so they can’t be reverse image searched) photos, info, and fake names and paypals. They especially like to do scam fundraisers for animals (usually dogs) and have been doing this since at least 2020 with over 70 (probably closer to 100 or more) scam blogs. I have an entire list with receipts and their other urls that they’ve had, their tactics, their paypals and used names, their stolen photos, and the proof where I’ve called them out. Here’s my big scam list with info on them if you’d like to have a look. If you have any concerns over a potential scam feel free to send an ask or message me so I can investigate!
    • Oh, and if you see any people accusing ME of scamming & saying I “manipulated” people, that’s an angry scammer trying to convince people I’m the scammer so people won’t believe me when I call out any bullshit with proof.
    • No new followers under 16 please. I rarely post ns/fw and the like outside of jokes and art nudity (like old paintings & greek statues) (& even then its pretty rare), but I do swear a lot. Minors block the tag “not safe for staff”

    More info & faq below!

    Keep reading

  • Please help Siraj's family!

    Hello, everyone. I am writing this post on behalf of @siraj2024, who needs our help. Donations are slowing down - only $4,124 out of $82,000 has been raised. His fundraiser is vetted and verified by @nabulsi, you may check it out here along with other vetted Gaza fundraisers (Siraj is #219).

    Please take the time to read Siraj's story, he wrote it down for the world to know what his family and what the people of Gaza are going through:

    "From the Gaza War... the story of the Siraj family, between a beautiful house and a tent like a convection oven

    The Siraj family owns a beautiful house in the northern Gaza area. After the occupation declared war on Gaza, the area in which this family lives was the first area that vehicles entered and destroyed, which led to the house being damaged and large parts of it demolished.

    Exodus series

    Since the first days of the war, this family has suffered from displacement, as they were displaced to 5 places, where they saw all kinds of suffering, from danger to the most dangerous. There is no safe place in Gaza, and the last place was the tents that resemble convection ovens and lack the most basic necessities of life.

    Difficult childhood

    The children of this family carry water and do a lot of hard work, and they feel sadness and pain when they see students of their generation going to take the end-of-year exams, finishing their educational journey, achieving their dreams and living new experiences. On the other hand, a year of their life wasted, without any achievement.

    Deadly drinking

    Water in the tents, water barely reaches them after great suffering, queues that last for hours, and walking hundreds of meters to get water. It is polluted water, but everyone is forced to drink it, otherwise they will die of thirst.

    My friends, this story is a difficult and complex case, and they need your support in order to build their home, educate their children, and meet their needs. Be helpful to them and help as much as you can."

    Please reblog this post and donate what you can. Any donation, no matter how small, will help. If you cannot donate then please share this around. Thank you 🌹🇵🇸🌹

  • Update: this fundraiser has now reached $4,781. Good progreess, but still very far from their goal. Please share this post and donate what you are able to.

  • Update: $5,177 out of $82,000! Let's keep going!

  • A horrifying massacre occurred today in al-Mawasi district of Khan Younis, the Israeli strikes has claimed the lives of more than 70 Palestinians and over 280 injuries. The situation is dire and needs our immediate attention, please help out the Gazans trying to get out for their safety. Share this post and donate what you can!

    Keep reading

  • $7,017 raised out of $82,000 goal! Let's get Siraj to $10,000 soon to ensure his family's safety!

  • First goal of $10,000 has been reached! Amazing work, a big thank you to everyone who shared and donated <3

    Now on to Siraj's second goal for $20,000! Step by step, we will raise the total $82,000 for Siraj's sake ❤️

  • $11,323 raised out of $82,000 goal!

  • $12,071 raised out of $82,000 goal!

  • Average white talking about genocide: "This isn't a black and white situation."

  • Where would we be without Native desk ladies

  • I need financial help again, tee~hee

    I want to thank everyone again for their help in February when I badly damaged my car, needed help on rent and a cc bill but unfortunately I need any help I can get once again.

    I moved out from my previous studio for it's lack of fire safety and its rent and moved in with a coworker on memorial day as their roommate had moved out. Unfortunately said former roommate skimped out on paying the last of her rent, utilities and security deposit so it now became my responsibility which wouldn't much of a problem if had lost my job a few days ago.

    I have already applied for both EBT/SNAP and unemployment in my state but since my job fired me suddenly, I am now left with paying my half of rent and utilities with only a week until it is due (6/21).

    I plan to ask my family if they have any money to spare but there is only so much they can do and my roommate can only pay for so much on her income.

    I understand there's much turmoil going on right now but any amount or sharing would help!


    paypal | cashapp | venmo

    edited 6.15.24 for venmo addition

  • 7.21.24

    hey so everything hasn't been great these past few months. Although I managed to get two jobs and doordash while I have gas, due multiple discrepancies, my roommate and I have come to the conclusion, we are not compatible and this situation is not sustainable.

    in about a month or so, I am going to move back in with my parents (kind of humiliating) and find someone to take care of my cats for the time being but I still need to pay the remainder of the rent. I need 380$ to cover it as I gave 90% of my check to it (500$) already as I only get paid biweekly, even with two jobs.

    Whether you donate or share any help would be appreciated

  • 209$/380$

  • I have until Friday to be in the clear

  • Tomorrow is the day the rent is due, any amount would help

    cashapp venmo

  • Anyways here is the official gofundme set up by sonya masseys surviving family if you have the ability to give her family real tangible support

  • fake geek girl accusations have always been stupid and misogynistic and racist but the absurdity is really Highlighted when it's megan. megan thee stallion. lying about liking anime for men's approval. to impress whom, jeffrey? tyler, is megan thee stallion so worried about attracting you that she's faking her interests in her own songs? her own chart-topping songs? hunter, are you feeling ok? preston? zachary, do you need a cold wash cloth? how many fingers am i holding up austin

  • image
  • tags left by user femme-objet: clearly the hottest woman in the world needs to pretend to enjoy naruto to get nerds' attentionALT
  • mormons undoubtedly in the top 5 worst things the united states has ever invented which is really saying something

  • sorry that sometimes when I stay up too late I start posting abt how much I hate mormonism but the spirit just moves me to do it

  • like the mormon church is just such a perfect microcosm of everything wrong with christianity as it's practiced among the american right wing. everything abt it is so disgusting. one of the most utterly repulsive spectacles of racism, misogyny, and bigotry to ever leave a stain on the earth

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    Bringing this back because there’s been a bit of a push from Mormon influencers to normalize Mormonism, and as an exmormon I’m here to say fuck that

    Do not allow the LDS Church to rebrand itself as some kind of harmless quirky church that just has a few silly rules. It’s a fucking cult that brainwashes its members and actively harms marginalized people. Mormonism deserves every ounce of hate it receives and then some

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    Viktor Filinkov is one of 8 Russian antifascists arrested & tortured by FSB agents in 2017 before being convicted of belonging to a nonexistent terror cell made up by the FSB.

    More info/how to support Viktor.

  • 12345
    &.lilac theme by seyche