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Who Was Tomura Shigaraki, Really? (死柄木弔とはなんだったのか Shigaraki Tomura to wa Nan Datta no ka?) is the four hundred and twenty-seventh chapter of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia.


A television broadcast asks the question, "Who Was Tomura Shigaraki, Really?" An office worker says he was terrifying and it was good he was defeated, college students mention how their friends and house were destroyed by him, an old housewife wonders if they could've stopped him sooner, and a restaurant owner says how everyone thought he was a punk at first, and nobody expected him to turn into such a threat. The program states how the restoration has been moving along at a brisk pace thanks to the support of the volunteers, yet it hasn't reached some parts of the nation, showing more of the widespread extent of the damage. They continue how a great number of citizens had their lives turned upside down by the wave of terrorism incited by the League of Villains, questioning who their leader really was.

At the same time, Izuku is at Central Hospital to see Spinner. The doctor states that he was in the process of becoming a full-fledged Nomu, due to his body being unable to withstand the extra Body Bulk and Scalemail Quirks. However, thanks to the strides in Nomu research, they were barely able to halt the process before it progressed too far. Spinner calls Izuku shameless and a murderer for coming to see him, which Izuku doesn't deny, only that he is there to deliver Tomura's parting words. Spinner angrily remarks he's just being sick, kicking a guy while he's down, as Izuku reveals the message, "Even to the bitter end, Tomura Shigaraki kept fighting to destroy."

Spinner is surprised to hear Tomura told him to say it, with Izuku emphasizing it was to him specifically, not Himiko Toga, Dabi, or Mr. Compress. Spinner then starts to break down, saying that Tomura was his shining hope, with a smile he said he'd destroy everything, after transforming Deika City into a crater, he represented him and his voice. He states when he was oppressed for who he was, and was ready to give up on life, he gave a guy like him a dream to cling to, hoping for a major change, and dreaming he could be somebody. His body begins to bulk up as he gets more enraged, despite his inner thoughts telling him he wasn't going to dwell on it since it was too painful to think back on. The doctor says he can subdue him, but Izuku stops him, even after the giant Spinner grabs ahold of him, shouting that Tomura was his hero.

The broadcast has someone comment on Tomura destroying the world for the heck of it wasn't a worthy cause, just a temper tantrum without a sense of reasoning, another mentions the ongoing investigation revealing his tragic past, which someone else points out that even though figuring out the root cause matters, they shouldn't turn it into a sob story, or else sympathizers will be converted again. Another commenter simply states that he was a piece of crap. Meanwhile, Spinner begins to cry, saying that Tomura was a gamer, that while being a shut-in video games were all he had, and Tomura was a fan of his favorites, and was his very first friend. As he calms down, Izuku tells him he needed to be a hero to all of them, and the League of Villains held a special place in his heart, and he's sure he felt the same way about him as he did, which is why he believes he wanted to let him know.

Spinner begins to think about how he got caught up in the frenzy, and at some point stopped dwelling on the idea that they were past the point of no return, always being too slow on the uptake. He wonders that if he had taken one more step, maybe he could've saved his hero and friend. The broadcast concludes that the next Tomura or All For One is out there, waiting with bated breath, so they will have to keep an eye out for the threat. As Izuku is about to leave, Spinner says he knows they're going to keep fighting, and sooner or later they will forget about Tomura and the League, continuing with their smiles and good times. He declares he's going to write a book, one about Tomura Shigaraki, the Symbol of Fear, and how the League of Villains lived to destroy, a book that'll stick it to the Heroes forever; the past never dies and he'll spin Tomura's tale. Izuku replies that he should make it a comic book, before then stating he won't ever forget. Spinner sighs before giving him a message for his octopus pal, to give life all he's got.

Izuku meets back up with Naomasa and Toshinori, with Naomasa informing him about his request regarding Kai Chisaki. In another prison, Kai is surprised to be visited by the Shie Hassaikai Boss, commenting on the sorry state he is in. He wonders how he was able to get out of his coma, with the Boss stating that they were able to awaken him thanks to the advancements in support items. He tells him to stop calling him Boss because the gang is done, lambasting him for straying from the path of humanity and wounding up like this. He states he was always there reaching out wth a guiding hand to teach him not to head down the wrong path, guessing Hari Kurono never talked back to him. Kai breaks down in tears begging to apologizing, with the Boss saying it's too little too late, since Eri deserves a lifetime of his sorries, but she will go on to forget all about him, but he won't dare forget what he put her through, and he will be taking him to task till the day he goes to hell.

Izuku thanks Naomasa for doing this for him, which he remarks is a much better option than making Eri see him again. Izuku asks what they can do to make it all stop for good, to which Naomasa replies that it's not going to stop before jokingly suggesting that Hawks could drum up an army's worth of Heroes. Toshinori tells him to look sharp, since the new first years are joining, so they can't be doom and gloom around them. Izuku assume they won't be seeing much of them, but is shocked when he arrives at school to see Shoto and Katsuki being bombarded by fangirls, to their annoyance.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Izuku goes to visit Spinner at Central Hospital, revealing Tomura's final message to him.
    • It's revealed Spinner almost became a Nomu, but the research at the Hospital was able to save him.
  • Spinner emotionally reflects upon his own personal feelings regarding Tomura, while a news broadcast plays, focusing on people trying to dissect who he was.
  • Spinner declares that he will write a book about Tomura and the League, detailing their beliefs.
  • It is revealed the Shie Hassaikai Boss was able to awaken from his coma, thanks to use of improved support items.
    • The Boss reunites and chastises Kai in prison.
  • Izuku returns to school where first-year fangirls are chasing after Shoto and Katsuki.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


Author's Comment[]

YouTube only recommends me horror content now. Feels great.

Kohei Horikoshi


  • The unnamed housewife being interviewed is the same person who briefly stopped to speak to Tenko decades earlier before she was disturbed by his appearance.
    • Ironically, she claimed she was going to be late for work to excuse herself from helping Tenko, with it now being revealed she is a housewife.

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