v1.15.0 (22 Jul 2024)
[fix] Use the shipping postcode to find a location when “Ship to a different address” field is checked
[fix] Product from being added to the cart without required addon
[fix] Location Selector block being shown when there is only one location
[fix] Check if the order time selected is greater than the current time and takes into account the lead time for the slot
[fix] Checkout page reloading when selecting Pickup method on the Location Selector popup

v1.14.0 (12 Jun 2024)
[new] Ability to pause Delivery and Pickup orders
[new] Filter by Table service on Live Order View
[fix] Product price not including tax on the product page and the side drawer
[fix] Adding product to the cart taking a longer time
[fix] Unwanted HTML showing on email field when stripe payment gateway is active

v1.13.0 (11 Apr 2024)
[new] Compatibility with WooCommerce Checkout block
[update] Filter out cancelled, refunded and failed orders to determine the remaining slots
[update] Prevent QR code table orders when the store is closed
[fix] QR Code image generation
[fix] “Apply coupon” button layout issue on iOS devices
[fix] Locations getting duplicated
[fix] Delivery title in the custom checkout when the option Shipping destination is set to Force shipping to the customer billing address
[fix] Hide the shipping row when the pickup method is selected on the Checkout pag

v1.12.0 (08 Feb 2024)
[fix] `Enable Custom Checkout` option for Checkout block

v1.11.0 (29 Jan 2024)
[new] WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin integration
[new] WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin integration
[fix] Checkout page reloading when selecting another shipping method from another location
[fix] Orderable custom post types parameters
[fix] Add addons fees to the order line item meta

v1.10.1 (12 Dec 2023)
[fix] Location search results sort in Location Picker
[fix] Use your current location
[fix] Max Orders (slot) field when custom orders table (HPOS) is enabled
[fix] Admin screen compatibility issue with Iconic Delivery Slots

v1.10.0 (20 Sep 2023)
[new] Sort products in the Product Layout
[fix] Location popup selector not showing up on the checkout page even if specified in the Pages field
[fix] Product Info button not showing when the product image is not displayed in the Product Layout
[fix] Duplicated emails sent to the customer about the same order status

v1.9.1 (09 Aug 2023)
[fix] Quick editing of product labels
[fix] Notification to the main location
[fix] Fatal error on the checkout page when selecting ASAP for the date field

v1.9.0 (25 Jul 2023)
[new] Compatibility with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)

v1.8.3 (20 Jul 2023)
[new] Filters orderable_should_select_eta_in_date_field and orderable_should_select_eta_target_date
[fix] Timed products hidden appearing as cross-sell products in the side drawer
[fix] Custom order status email notification to the customer
[fix] Inserting a non-valid postcode and selecting pickup
[fix] Limit the size of the order status slug field
[fix] Shipping options not showing correctly when the zone regions are limited by the state/country

v1.8.2 (27 Jun 2023)
[new] Filter orderable_pro_timing_disable_auto_select_date_time to disable auto selection of first date/time
[fix] Bug where location title doesn’t appear in custom order status
[fix] Location name in Order Details
[fix] WooCommerce PayPal Payments validation for multi-location

v1.8.1 (18 May 2023)
[fix] Fatal error caused on ASAP delivery
[fix] Add to Cart button when the product is out of stock and has addons

v1.8.0 (15 May 2023)
[new] Multi-location functionality
[update] Generate a random table ID if the field is left blank
[update] Compatibility with Flux Checkout
[fix] Parameter typo in orderable_{$post_type}_applicable_groups filter
[fix] Tab filter in the product layouts when the category slug is an invalid selector
[fix] Add French and German language files

v1.7.1 (04 Jan 2023)
[fix] Checkout page reloading when a coupon is applied
[fix] Cache invalidation in product add-ons
[fix] Percentage tip when the value is greater than 999.99
[fix] Infinite loop on the checkout page when Max Orders (Slot) field is set to zero

v1.7.0 (16 Nov 2022)
[new] Product Labels
[fix] Prevent undefined index notice in the checkout fields

v.1.6.1 (19 Oct 2022)
[fix] Issue where default tip won’t work
[fix] Delivery amount beside the total on the checkout page
[fix] Saving the nutritional info when saving the product
[fix] Empty product addons in the order

v.1.6.0 (23 Sep 2022)
[new] Added filters: orderable_orderable_addons_applicable_groups & orderable_timed_prod_condition_applicable_groups
[new] Add Allergens and Nutritional Info to the “Additional Information” section on the product page
[update] Add missing translations
[update] Added filter to modify product addon image size orderable_product_addon_image_size
[fix] Text domain for strings in Custom Checkout
[fix] Check if Title/Label field is empty before saving it in Product Addons
[fix] Delivery address fields hidden when the option “Shipping destination” is set to “Default to customer shipping address”

v1.5.0 (3 Aug 2022)
[new] Orderable Tip shortcode [orderable_tip]
[new] Added new shortcode: [orderable_addons]
[update] Make addon fees work with variable products
[update] Allow templates files to be overridden by theme/child theme
[fix] Order notes missing while table ordering

v1.4.0 (20 Jun 2022)
[new] Allergen info tab
[new] Table Ordering and QR Code Generation
[new] SMS and WhatsApp notification
[fix] Product price on checkout page
[fix] Shipping method fields on mobile
[fix] PHP warning in layout module
[fix] On mobile move shipping method section after address
[fix] Compatibility with Fluid checkout
[fix] Remove WooCommerce styles only if custom checkout is enabled

v1.3.0 (13 Apr 2022)
[new] Add nutritional information to your products
[new] Custom order statuses with notifications
[new] Compatibility with WPC product timer
[new] Ability to limit number of add on choices
[update] Make product layout tabs mobile friendly with scrolling functionality
[update] Update text domain for strings in custom checkout
[update] Make tabs reusable (developer update)
[fix] Fix issue with the Tip module and WooFunnel plugin
[fix] Make validation work on single product page

v1.2.0 (26 Jan 2022)
[update] Move ASAP slot setting to Pro
[update] Remove placeholder settings when Pro is active
[update] Ability to choose which page checkout logo links to
[update] Remove shipping subtotal duplication at checkout
[update] Added inline currency symbol to custom tip field
[update] Allow negative addon fees
[fix] Conflict where payment extensions were not visible at checkout
[fix] Fixed server errors
[fix] Use separate meta key for Timed products and Addons conditions
[fix] Issue with incorrect ASAP Timeslot time on order after checking out
[fix] Issue where the incorrect price is displayed when multiple addons apply to the same product
[fix] Add missing RTL styles for Orderable Pro modules
[fix] Issue where image upload button in addons page won’t work

v1.1.0 (30 Nov 2021)
[update] Update POT file
[fix] Conflict with payment extensions
[fix] Fixed server errors

v1.0.1 (08 Nov 2021)
[fix] Product addons not working correctly

v1.0.0 (08 Nov 2021)
[new] New Pro Module: Custom Checkout – enable a custom and optimized checkout design
[new] New Pro Module: Timed Products – set product visibility based on time conditions
[new] Added ‘text’ field type for Product addons
[new] Added more CSS classes to product layouts
[update] Add “Type to search…” message for conditions dropdown
[fix] Tip text overflowing container

v0.2.1 (27 Sep 2021)
[fix] Fix issue where selected option for radio and dropdown fields cant be changed

v0.2.0 (24 Sep 2021)
[new] ASAP delivery slots
[update] Move Condition component separate from the Addons module
[fix] Error if time slot not set
[fix] Translations not rendering
[fix] showing order bump for out of stock items
[fix] Issue with cutoff date
[fix] Ensure free is activated before running Pro code

v0.1.4 (30 Jul 2021)
[fix] Ensure special characters save for addons
[fix] Refresh order bumps after cart quantity updated

v0.1.3 (5 Jul 2021)
[new] Tipping feature at checkout
[update] Fix text domain in translation strings
[update] Include POT file
[update] Allow store managers to edit product add ons
[update] Add “orderable-tabs__item–has-children” class to tab items with children
[fix] Error when date/time format were in another language
[fix] Addon fees not displaying when decimal values

v0.1.2 (16 Jun 2021)
[fix] Ensure required addons are validated correctly
[update] Add required field asterisk

v0.1.1 (10 Jun 2021)
[fix] Fix category headings

v0.1.0 (10 Jun 2021)
Soft Release