Manuscript Tracking System British Journal of Cancer

Author Instructions

Before you can access this system you will need to login, or register for an account if you are a new user. Click on ‘tracking system home’.

Navigating the System

When you first access our tracking system, you will be taken to your 'Home' page, where different categories of 'tasks' are listed.
If there is a task for you, there will be a red arrow next to a 'Manuscript' link.

If there are no red arrows visible on your 'Home' page, then you have no outstanding tasks to complete.

If you want to start a new task, for example, to submit a new manuscript, click on the Submit Manuscript link.

Submission Process

The manuscript submission process is broken down into 4 primary tasks that each gather detailed information about your manuscript and allow you to upload text and figure/image files. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Files
  2. Manuscript Information
  3. Validate
  4. Submit

‘Files’ allows you to select the file locations (via an open file dialogue). You will be able to 'Browse' for the relevant files on your computer. Please include the figure number in the title line for each figure. On the completion screen, you will be asked to specify the order in which you want the individual files to appear in the merged PDF of your manuscript that we will create for the convenience of our editors and reviewers.

‘Manuscript Information’ asks for author details, the manuscript title, abstract, other associated manuscript information and the types/number of files to be submitted.

‘Validate’ gives you the opportunity to check and verify the manuscript files and manuscript information uploaded. From the files that you submit separately, we create a merged PDF containing your manuscript text, figures and tables, this simplifies the handling of your paper. Before you submit your manuscript, you will be asked to approve this merged PDF file, and a PDF of any other file not included in the merge, (with the exception of large supplementary data files). If necessary, you may update and/or change manuscript files and manuscript information by clicking on the ‘Change’ or ‘Fix’ links respectively.

‘Submit’ is the last step in the manuscript submission process. At this stage the Manuscript Tracking System will perform a final check to ensure that all mandatory fields have been completed. Any incomplete fields will be flagged by a red arrow and highlighted by a red box. Click on the ‘Fix’ link to return to relevant section to complete these fields. Once you are happy that your manuscript is complete and in its final form, click on the ‘Approve Submission’ button to submit your manuscript to BJC. The message ‘Manuscript Approved’ will display on your author desktop to confirm the submission.

NB The submission process is not completed nor can your manuscript be considered by BJC until you have approved the converted files and completed the submission.

Before beginning to submit your manuscript, please make sure that you have read 'For Authors" on our website.

Then, please gather the following information:

For all authors:

  • First name, middle initial and last name
  • Postal address
  • E-mail address
  • Work telephone number
Cover letter file: (note: this will not be accessible to the reviewers) your cover letter should introduce your manuscript to our Editor-in-Chief and relate it to other recent published work in the field. It must make a clear statement that all authors are aware of and agree to the submission and that they have all contributed to the work described sufficiently to be named as authors. It must state that any other person or body with an interest in the manuscript, such as your funder or employer is aware of the submission and agrees to it. Competing financial interests and other conflicts of interest, or association should be declared on behalf of all authors in the covering letter. This information will be requested as part of the submission process.

For suggested and/or excluded reviewers: (if any) - contact information (name, e-mail address and institution). This information can also be included in the cover letter, but will also be requested as part of the submission process.

Manuscript components: (please refer to the detailed instructions in 'For Authors" on our website) Title (and running title) can be cut and pasted from your manuscript)
Abstract in structured format (can be cut and pasted from your manuscript)
Manuscript files in Word (please save these files with a .doc file extension)
Figures as individual files
Tables as individual files
Supplementary material

Submitting figures: (please refer to the detailed instructions in 'For Authors" on our website)
Check that you have complied with the technical instructions given our Guide to preparing artwork)

Submitting tables: (please refer to the detailed instructions in 'For Authors" on our website)
Tables should ideally be presented in Excel, one table per workbook (please save these files with an .xls file extension. Please ensure that you provide a ‘flat’ file, with single values in each cell - no macros or links to other workbooks or worksheets and no calculations or functions.

Please note that our system cannot convert encrypted files. We recommend Unicode or ISO character setting.

When you are uploading files, please allow time for the uploading process to complete: in the case of large text files or complex graphic files, this may take some time, and so we ask for your patience. You can leave the site and return later to approve files.

New submissions become accessible to BJC’s Main Editorial Office in London only after you have approved the converted files and submitted them.

We will check your newly submitted manuscript and if everything is satisfactory, we will assign it to one of our specialist Editors. We do not assign a tracking number to a manuscript until an Editor has agreed to consider it, as the numbers are subject specific. This sometimes takes a few days. There is no need to contact our office to check that manuscripts have been received, so please do not contact us until at least five working days after you submit, unless you have a particular problem or question.

When your manuscript has been assigned to an Editor and given a tracking number, you will receive an acknowledgement email. You can check the status of your manuscript, using that manuscript number, at any time in the review process.

Check Manuscript Status

  1. Accessing the system with your password or link sent to you in the acknowledgement email.
  2. Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
  3. Clicking on the 'Check Status' link at the bottom of the displayed page.

This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the submission/peer review process.

Please click on HOME to continue.

Getting Help

If you need help in submitting your manuscript, please click on the help signs spread throughout the system. A help dialogue will pop up with context-sensitive help. Should you need further assistance please contact the Platform Support Helpdesk