Tag Archives: wnc

Architects Design Their Own Passive Houses

Given access to all the great evironmental elements we have here in Asheville many people and design practitioners utilize passive principles in home design and constructions. Doing this provides a greater connection to the outside while minimizing utilities. Kelly and I both have southern facing hillside homes that benefit from both sun and wind. Check out this nice article from Becky Harris for Houzz for more ideas. Cheers!

MA2MA | Asheville Modern Home Tour | June 1st

Hi Folks! It is almost time for our Modern Home Tour where Modern Atlanta comes to Modern Asheville to see all of our unique and mindfully designed modern properties. This year we have six cool residences on our tour courtesy of their owners and the architects and designers.

Go HERE for details. And don’t forget our Modern Mixer the night before at Atomic Furnishings and Design — details are right here. On behalf of Modern Asheville Real Estate we look forward to seeing you there. Cheers! Troy and Kelly

Sunday Morning Modern

Modern Architecture Raises Property Values | Check out this nice article by one of our business partners, Real Estate Scorecard, on the value of modern design in real estate. See the full article by our friend Marge Casey here. Cheers!

“Mountain modern architecture is considered one of the most sought-after design trends in Asheville neighborhoods for a multitude of reasons. When folks think of the traditional mountain rustic home they envision a space that radiates shelter, warmth and protection from the harsh elements of high country living.  This classic notion of mountain living has evolved with advances of technology that enable homes to be built more energy-efficient and yet still cozy with new artistic designs that are more appealing to home shoppers today, especially in the austere city of Asheville.”

New Mid-Century Style Home with View

article from houzz | “At the end of a dirt road through the woods, an empty lot with Atlantic Ocean views provided the ideal spot for a couple to build their dream home. Avid collectors of vintage Danish furniture, these empty-nesters desired a new midcentury-inspired house to feature their furniture collection and take advantage of the views.” While not in Asheville this home would sit well in any natural setting with a view blurring the lines between inside and outside. For further inspiration take the rest of the tour here. Cheers!

Minimalist Resolution

Good Morning Folks! In the spirit of “Less is More” we read this great little reminder article on minimizing your life for more carefree living. Check out the helpful article from houzz ~ here. We wish you the best start to an amazing 2018. Cheers!

Airbnb State Tour

Is it us or is everyone talking about Airbnb in the area? Architectural Digest recently published this article on the most beautiful examples in every state. The one chosen for North Carolina is, of course, right here in Asheville belonging to our friends Carla and John and has been on our Modern Home Tour in recent years. The home was first featured here while under construction. It was then published in WNC Magazine, here, when completed. Cheers to them and enjoy!

WNC’s First SmartFlower

Kelly and I had a great time hanging out with the Red Tree Builder Team these past two weekends for the AHBA’s home tour. We were, also, fortunate enough to learn more about WNC’s first SmartFlower installation at Red Tree’s latest and coolest construction in North Asheville. The SmartFlower will power approximately 75% of this home for the owners. The plug-in unit is programmed to track the sun during daylight, close up at night and even clean itself. Sweet! Want to know more? Contact Wendall Morris at Creative Innovative Designs pictured here. And thanks to Red Tree Builders for taking the leap with this innovative new product. Cheers!

SOLD | Sondley Estates Lot

getmediaYeah! Yesterday we closed on one of the last remaining lots in Sondley Estates for our buyers. Together with Rusafova-Markulis architects we vetted the land for building their new mountain view contemporary home. We can’t wait to watch the progress. Thanks team. Cheers!

Sunday Morning Modern

mid-century-by-henry-hoover_660x330-660x330A Mid-Century in the Woods | What do we love more than a cool mid-century home? One in the woods that sends us into day dreaming of our own sweet retro pad here in the mountains. As with most of our clients they long for a modernism that uses natural materials and has a strong indoor/outdoor relationship. For inspiration read this article on one of architect Henry Hoover’s most remarkable houses. Built for Kenneth and Polly Germeshausen in 1958, it is representative of the late period in Hoover’s work. Enjoy your Sunday. Cheers!

Modern Monday | Artist Brief

linda-01Linda McCane Gritta | Last week I was able to pause and visit with artist, and Modern Asheville friend, Linda McCane Gritta at her painting studio along the river in Woodfin. It didn’t surprise me to find her along the river as her work is naturally watery and an element she is at home around. Though a Chicago native Linda and her work have that Northern California vibe {I call it Urban Zen} of grounded coolness mixed with the water and shimmering light of the bay area using those complimentary Diebenkorn-ish warms and cools I love.linda-02

Linda graduated from the New York Studio School in 2001 followed by a BFA from Converse College in 2004 and has been producing full steam ever since. Though Linda enjoys her figural work, expressing the figure in relaxed, natural contexts, she loves the gut level adventure of abstraction. The process uses that push-pull of both intuition and intellect, chaos and balance, control and surrender that we see all around us in nature. She likens the “letting go” process to jumping off a skyscraper and having to fashion your own net on the way down being left with moments of inherent experience and instinct as resources.img_6014

Linda currently exhibits her work in both North and South Carolina and New York City. Her work can be found in numerous private and corporate collections. Also, she is represented by Serena & Lily of Sausalito and Libby Silvia ArtStyle in Boston. She recently contributed one of her abstract paintings for the Raise Your Hand WNCap Auction last month. To see more of her colorful work visit her website here. Enjoy!linda-04

TEDX Asheville 2016 | Community and Transformation

screen-shot-2016-09-20-at-3-13-48-pmCommunity and transformation play a very important role in all of our lives – even though we may not always feel it. News headlines and social-media sites focus on the popular and dramatic but are failing to connect us in a real way. There are magnificent things happening all around us through normal people just like us. Our speakers were handpicked for the importance of their stories in the coming transformation of our culture. At TEDxAsheville 2016, we want to make a place to experience community and see how people (not technology) can change everything. For tickets and information go here. Cheers!screen-shot-2016-09-20-at-3-10-04-pm

WNC Modern Home Highlight | Posten Residence

f06a2__posten-residence-04-850x524by McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture | This Fairview home was recognized recently during the AIA Asheville Design Awards that we attended. We were struck by the home’s simplicity and overall utility. Programmatically, here is how the architect’s describe the home. “The residence is situated along the leading of a gently sloping ridge in the home, which minimized the influence to the site but maximized views and solar orientation.The home’s simple L-shape supplies a all-natural division of exterior public and private area, which is basically landscaped to complement the austerity of the architecture. Functionally, this L-shaped program supplies a linear organization of roughly 2,000-square-feet of residing and sleeping spaces, which are linked by an entry foyer to a 2-vehicle garage.f06a2__posten-residence-02-850x567

The objective internally was to supply a sense of openness among rooms and accentuate the perception of the interior volume. The use of butt joint glazing atop walls supplies sound manage and privacy however also makes it possible for light to stream through the whole interior rather than merely in each and every individual area. Simple use of created-in wardrobes, cabinetry, pocket doors, and other space-saving characteristics provided fantastic efficiency and accentuated the internal present day character.8a7b2__posten-residence-06-850x567

Formally, the shed offered a indicates to capture sunlight along the substantial southern wall, generating a much more dramatic presence to the public side, with a a lot more intimate scale for the rear courtyard. Protected by an 8-foot-deep overhang, the southern wall remains totally shaded throughout the summer yet makes it possible for sunlight into the whole depth of rooms in winter to heat the interior polished concrete slab. This naturally seasonal lighting mixed with other sustainable functions this kind of as a geothermal heat pump, hydronic in-floor heating, highly insulated exterior walls and roof, Solarban glazing, and fluorescent lighting have resulted in minimum energy utilization.8a7b2__posten-residence-05-850x567

To attain the sought after modern day theme, the use of resources is restrained, only accentuated in which necessary to generate emphasis. These materials incorporate stucco, fiber cement panels, aluminum storefront and entry doors, metal roofing, and polished stained concrete block.”f06a2__posten-residence-01-850x592 Photos courtesy of Kevin Meechan