Category Archives: Fashion

Constance Pop+Up Opens Today

CST-PopUp2-LaurelAd2My friend, creative retailer and modern home enthusiast, Constance, is opening her pop+up boutique today at 35 Battery Park Ave in downtown. She will have all designer modernwear for women from both east and west coasts with lots of cashmere for the season. Also, she’ll have a sprinkling of bling to make your holidays sparkly and bright. Be sure to stop by and visit her while she is in town. Enjoy! Troy


Simply-Stated Contemporary Design

I finally stopped in to meet Barbara Zaretsky today at her studio in the Cotton Mills.  I have seen her work in shops and magazines and was an instant fan of her simple and sophisticated patterns and color palette.  They lend themselves to a clean modern environment of Asheville which is why many interior designers visit her to consult on projects.

All of BZDesign’s home furnishings and wearable accessories are hand-dyed and block-printed.  The are made with natural fibers, plant dyes and textile paints making each piece subtly unique.  Furthermore, she uses “Peace” silk which is silk created by a humane process allowing the silk moths to emerge from their cocoons and live out their full life cycle.  Because the silk fiber has been broken into many smaller strands by the emerging moth, the harvested silk is spun similar to cotton or linen, instead of being reeled.  The resulting yarn is soft, fluffy and light as a cloud.

At her studio in the River Arts District her silk fabrics are washed, mordanted, dyed and printed.  To achieve the natural earthy palette, she uses concentrated plant extracts from a variety of plants including osage orange, madder root and walnut.

After the fabric is dyed and rinsed, it is folded, clamped and dyed again.  The next layer of surface design is created by hand, block-printing or embroidery.  Each piece is then either hand or machine-sewn into pillows, wall pieces, scarves and dresses.

Overall, the work at BZDesign reflects many of the core values we aspire to in Asheville’s modern lifestyle; simplicity, sustainability and sophistication in design.


union-window1Union of Style

Union, a boutique clothing store, in downtown Asheville is owned by couple, Tiffany and Orlando Hernandez.  Opening this store was a “union” of their professional experience as Tiffany was a buyer for The May Company and Orlando had a background in sales.  When deciding to open Union, they were looking to fill a niche in the boutique market.  They saw the need for a mix of modern, designer casuals similar to what you might find at Barney’s.   

Ben Sherman, Diesel and J. Fold have a universal appeal and the collection was created to bridge generations.  Tiffany says “I love it when a fathers and sons both come in and buy from our store.” The couple strives to bring in new merchandise on a regular basis and to carry a wide range of sizes.  “We are always trying new vendors so the store is always fresh,” says Orlando.  They do most of their purchasing in Las Vegas and New York.   Their collection has grown to include designer jeans, shirts, jackets, belts, hats and jewelry for both men and women.union-interior


Tiffany and Orlando are as involved in their shops, one in downtown and the other in Gerber Village, as they are in the community.  They recently participated in a fashion show to benefit an aids charity along with MAC cosmetics.  On March 25th they will be part of a fashion show at the Garage called “Push Asheville Fashion”.  It is a show to encourage people to buy locally.    (text and photos by Troy Winterrowd)


62 Haywood St., Downtown Asheville

Fashion designer and creative guru, Constance, has opened a second shop located in downtown Asheville – Context.  Once you step through the door it feels like more like a gallery  displaying her ever changing creative whims.  She features a of variety sleek, urban fashions including designer jeans, tops, shoes and dangly baubles.  img_4696She also creates her own fashions in her back studio and gives great personal attention to her clientele who often walk in seeking advice.  Constance is at the heart of the modern fashion community in Asheville.  Soon she will be opening her fashion resale shop in South Asheville.  More to come on that.