Category Archives: crafts

Maker Spotlight | Lexington Glassworks

interiorYesterday, I stopped by Lexington Glassworks having strolled past their open door a few times a week on my way to my “go-to” yoga studio Go Yoga. Having arrived a bit too early I decided to finally step into the space. Wow! I had no idea how established of a venue it was. I could always see that the product was well IMG_4786crafted, but the space itself was equally and thoughtfully crafted, too. From layout to detail they have created a mindful experience around glass blowing making it a blend of retail, education and cool social space. I’ll refrain from saying a whole lot more, but simply encourage you to visit. Their own space and website tells their story better than I so I’ll step back and let them take over. If you haven’t been — GO. They have a beer on tap and a schedule for live music. Cheers!Lex Two

Modern Monday

Introducing East Fork Pottery’s Gas Fired Wares

EW 03East Fork Pottery held their introduction kiln sale this past weekend to debut their hand crafted housewares produced from the new gas fired kiln they recently acquired. The Danish Modern inspired line balances earthiness with cool clean lines evoking a timeless simplicity that transcends fashion for grounded functionality. As with any quality, modern craft the pieces are beautifully rich under the principle of “less is more”. While remaining local they are, at the same time, universal. EW 02

Alex Matisse, founder, and John Vigeland, CFO, are the leaders of the pottery studio supported by apprentices Amanda and Connie. Their studio is several stone throws to the west of Mars Hill nestled in the rustic atmosphere that has inspired generations of local craft folks. You can make appointments for guided tours and to shop directly from their studio. Visit the East Fork Pottery website to find out more and assemble your own shopping list. Cheers!EW 01