


23:39 Changeset [13775] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@9a7d762
20:44 Ticket #7271 (Profile edit page on has a mobile styles issue) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the report! Fixed in [22151-dotorg]: > Profiles: Fix …
14:53 Changeset [13774] by amieiro
Translation. Add the option to show statistics from the start date we want.
05:21 Changeset [13773] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Correct the translation comment of a string. See …
04:20 Changeset [13772] by dufresnesteven
support-forums: Add &nbsp; to breadcrumb so <p> with display:flex will …
03:53 Ticket #7663 (Plugin submission: Change texts referring to the previous submission ...) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13771: […]
03:53 Changeset [13771] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Update strings to reflect new plugin submission …
03:45 Changeset [13770] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Submission: Use American english. See #7065, [13730].
02:18 Ticket #7664 (Plugin Submission: Allow multiple plugin submissions for authors with ...) closed by dd32
fixed: I've implemented this as requested, authors with 1m+ active installs …
02:10 Changeset [13769] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Upload: Allow plugin authors with 1m+ installs to …
01:59 Changeset [13768] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Make translation bar on single page more prominent …
01:23 Ticket #7664 (Plugin Submission: Allow multiple plugin submissions for authors with ...) created by foosantos
After discussing with the Plugin Review team and understanding that …
01:05 Changeset [13767] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Update in-content heading to sentence case. See: …
00:54 Changeset [13766] by dufresnesteven
plugin-directory: Use sentence case for headings. Fixes: …
00:52 Changeset [13765] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Use sentence case in menu links and titles. See: …


18:47 Ticket #7646 (6.6 squad related announce privileges) closed by desrosj
fixed: Actually, looks like that was handled already in [13764]. Sorry for …
17:53 Ticket #7646 (6.6 squad related announce privileges) reopened by desrosj
Could we also have @meher added for #core? She is the Release …
15:24 Changeset [13764] by paulkevan
Slack: grant @meher here permissions for #core. See: …


12:25 Ticket #7663 (Plugin submission: Change texts referring to the previous submission ...) created by frantorres
There are some strings that refer to the previous plugin submission …


05:46 Changeset [13763] by dd32
Translate: Encode the POST payload to avoid & in the …
04:57 Changeset [13762] by dd32
API: Importers: Set appropriate headers for Playground CORS access.
02:54 Changeset [13761] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@75a5b6e


23:32 Changeset [13760] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@80f09f3
19:14 Ticket #7662 (Long Trac queries showing 403 error) created by desrosj
It seems that long queries in Trac are being blocked from displaying. …
04:48 Changeset [13759] by dd32
Theme Directory: API: Remove a layer of caching, as these caches wrap …
04:21 Changeset [13758] by dd32
Theme Directory: Add additional checks to the themes api before …


19:26 Ticket #7660 (Comment Permalinks Don't Load Correctly on Mobile Devices) closed by coffee2code
duplicate: Looks like a duplicate of #3445.
14:39 Ticket #7656 (In Responsive view, drop down arrow button misplaced when user opens ...) closed by ryelle
reported-upstream: Thanks for the report @pranitdugad. The PR @dufresnesteven mentioned …
09:54 Changeset [13757] by akirk
wporg-gp-customizations: Allow GTEs only to create translation events
09:00 Changeset [13756] by amieiro
Translate. Update a check to determine in the user is GTE
03:57 Ticket #7661 (Selective Unsync Pattern) closed by dd32
invalid: Hello @amitbajracharya, It appears that you're making a feature …
03:37 Ticket #7661 (Selective Unsync Pattern) created by amitbajracharya
I have an idea for a new feature called "Selective Unsync …
03:00 Ticket #7660 (Comment Permalinks Don't Load Correctly on Mobile Devices) created by jeffr0
When clicking on a comment's permalink on a mobile device such as an …
02:16 Ticket #7657 (Redirect support/plugin/developer to linked forum) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13755: […]
02:16 Changeset [13755] by dd32
Support Forums: Redirect the obsolete 'Developer' plugin forum to the …
02:01 Changeset [13754] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@9535e1c


23:45 Ticket #7659 (Add Blue Checkmark | Plugin Support Topics) created by generosus
Issue: Currently, plugin support topics are labeled as "Resolved" …
21:55 Ticket #6649 (Content overflow issue in responsive design) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the report! The page has been slightly changed since this …
21:44 Ticket #7094 (Frozen screen on profile page from mobile) closed by coffee2code
21:18 Ticket #7239 (Unable to accept membership request to WP-CLI Contributor group) closed by coffee2code
11:52 Changeset [13753] by amieiro
Translate: Sync "Translation Events" from GitHub
09:02 Changeset [13752] by amieiro
Translate: Filter the CRUD permissions for the events See …
01:25 Changeset [13751] by dufresnesteven
Plugin-directory: Sentence case meta details and remove ':'. See: …
00:45 Changeset [13750] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Fix FAQ anchor links. See: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.