


19:26 Ticket #7660 (Comment Permalinks Don't Load Correctly on Mobile Devices) closed by coffee2code
duplicate: Looks like a duplicate of #3445.
14:39 Ticket #7656 (In Responsive view, drop down arrow button misplaced when user opens ...) closed by ryelle
reported-upstream: Thanks for the report @pranitdugad. The PR @dufresnesteven mentioned …
09:54 Changeset [13757] by akirk
wporg-gp-customizations: Allow GTEs only to create translation events
09:00 Changeset [13756] by amieiro
Translate. Update a check to determine in the user is GTE
03:57 Ticket #7661 (Selective Unsync Pattern) closed by dd32
invalid: Hello @amitbajracharya, It appears that you're making a feature …
03:37 Ticket #7661 (Selective Unsync Pattern) created by amitbajracharya
I have an idea for a new feature called "Selective Unsync …
03:00 Ticket #7660 (Comment Permalinks Don't Load Correctly on Mobile Devices) created by jeffr0
When clicking on a comment's permalink on a mobile device such as an …
02:16 Ticket #7657 (Redirect support/plugin/developer to linked forum) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13755: […]
02:16 Changeset [13755] by dd32
Support Forums: Redirect the obsolete 'Developer' plugin forum to the …
02:01 Changeset [13754] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@9535e1c


23:45 Ticket #7659 (Add Blue Checkmark | Plugin Support Topics) created by generosus
Issue: Currently, plugin support topics are labeled as "Resolved" …
21:55 Ticket #6649 (Content overflow issue in responsive design) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the report! The page has been slightly changed since this …
21:44 Ticket #7094 (Frozen screen on profile page from mobile) closed by coffee2code
21:18 Ticket #7239 (Unable to accept membership request to WP-CLI Contributor group) closed by coffee2code
11:52 Changeset [13753] by amieiro
Translate: Sync "Translation Events" from GitHub
09:02 Changeset [13752] by amieiro
Translate: Filter the CRUD permissions for the events See …
01:25 Changeset [13751] by dufresnesteven
Plugin-directory: Sentence case meta details and remove ':'. See: …
00:45 Changeset [13750] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Fix FAQ anchor links. See: …


23:16 Ticket #7608 (View Cart Design not looks good) closed by Otto42
invalid: The swag store is closed. Closing this ticket as it's now irrelevant.
20:41 Ticket #7658 (Plugin Preview on Playground: Edit plugin notice pointing to enable ...) created by foosantos
After the blueprint is added to the plugin, it would be relevant to …


23:58 Ticket #7657 (Redirect support/plugin/developer to linked forum) created by dufresnesteven
Reported by @sterndata: Once again, we have an abandoned plugin …


15:17 Ticket #7656 (In Responsive view, drop down arrow button misplaced when user opens ...) created by pranitdugad
In Responsive view, drop down arrow button misplaced when user opens …


04:32 Ticket #7655 (In Responsive view, drop down menu collapse on cart icon) created by pranitdugad
In Responsive view, when user opens nav menu ,it collapse on cart icon …
02:17 Ticket #7654 (Sustainability P2 Follow Button) closed by dd32
fixed: Most Make sites use the Deprecated Blog Subscriptions widget, which …


21:32 Ticket #7654 (Sustainability P2 Follow Button) created by courane01
A contributor reached out wishing the follow button were enabled not …
16:20 Ticket #7653 (Sustainability team site displays no og:image) created by courane01
Featured images have been used in posts on the Sustainability team …
10:01 Ticket #7652 (Shareable test-environment for Support Agents on playground) created by daniub
Sometimes when supporting users on WordPress forums, video or steps to …
03:35 Ticket #7651 (Auto posted announcements in Slack when users are awarded badges) created by jordesign
It would be a nice way to acknowledge badge recipients if we had a …
02:53 Changeset [13749] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Weight the english plugin title higher for …
01:06 Changeset [13748] by dd32
Slack: Announce: Fix the parent channels for #accessibility. …
00:48 Changeset [13747] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Use the correct textdomain. Props Presskopp.


23:19 Changeset [13746] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@73caafe
22:28 Changeset [13745] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@8bda703
18:20 Changeset [13744] by ryelle
Page Limiter: Update hook for setting max page & found posts so it …
15:47 Changeset [13743] by Otto42
raise max active install count to 10M
15:35 Changeset [13742] by ryelle Fully hide all other page content when showing pattern …
14:18 Ticket #7650 (Improve text and links about Trac notifications and preferences) created by sabernhardt
Related: #314, #7180 When people comment on Trac tickets, finding how …
13:57 Changeset [13741] by psrpinto
Translate: Sync "Translation Events" from GitHub
13:02 Ticket #699 (Bug Gardeners should have predefs available on ticket pages) closed by sabernhardt
maybelater: I'm closing this due to inactivity, but the ticket can be reopened. …
03:51 Changeset [13740] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Add missing textdomain to a string. Props …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.