


14:35 Ticket #7644 (Add "Plugin Name" from plugin file to API response) created by supersoju
(This may apply to other endpoints, but I'm primarily focusing on …
10:37 Changeset [13732] by akirk
Translate: Add wporg-gp-custom-errors
07:30 Changeset [13731] by dd32
Bad requests: Use the correct query var.
06:37 Ticket #7643 (Follow Button not working properly) created by pranitdugad
If the user once clicks on the follow button it showing the …
06:37 Ticket #7065 (Add additional notice to the Plugin Submission form) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13730: […]
06:37 Changeset [13730] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Submission: Add a FAQ item of 'How can I expedite my …
06:14 Ticket #6878 (Allow plugin slug changes during approval-stage) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13729: […]
06:14 Changeset [13729] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Allow plugin slugs to be renamed during the approval …
05:10 Ticket #7596 (Adding Support Reps: Include an "I have read the support guidelines" ...) closed by dd32
duplicate: I'm going to close this in favour of #7255. My reasoning is …
05:04 Ticket #5496 (Hide author for closed plugins) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13728: […]
05:04 Changeset [13728] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Hide the author byline when a plugin is closed …
04:31 Changeset [13727] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@31b379b
04:24 Ticket #5306 (Make it easy for plugin review team to add plugins to the Block Directory) closed by dd32
fixed: 4 years later, I think it's safe to say this is fixed enough that it's …
04:15 Ticket #5645 (Feature Request: Update on reversion to `trunk/`) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13726: […]
04:15 Changeset [13726] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Import: When importing from SVN, if the plugin …
04:09 Changeset [13725] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Remove debug.
03:44 Changeset [13724] by dd32
Plugin Directory: ZIP: Discard warnings from sort when piped into …
03:40 Changeset [13723] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@e58bf60
03:17 Changeset [13722] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: Tweak the fallback name slightly, to skip …
02:35 Changeset [13721] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Avoid issues when filtering attachment URLs for …
02:09 Changeset [13720] by dd32
Plugins: Add a hotfix for two semi-annoying PHP warnings that invalid …
01:45 Ticket #6586 (Remove multiple complementary landmarks from widgets) closed by alexstine
worksforme: @coffee2code I was trying to figure out what this was about, crazy, …


21:13 Ticket #5107 (Information needs to be added to the docs) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the suggestion! It seems like that documentation was not …
19:28 Ticket #2389 (Move TOC to allow more space for the content) closed by coffee2code
fixed: The DevHub theme has somewhat recently been completely changed. The …
18:50 Ticket #7413 (In handbooks, allow for tables to have sticky columns and rows) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13719: […]
18:50 Changeset [13719] by coffee2code
Breathe: Add styles to allow a table to have a sticky first column. …
15:33 Ticket #7642 (Developer documentation: wrong source is used as a reference) created by markhowellsmead
I recommend that the developer documentation relate to the current …
07:08 Ticket #5971 (Plugin Directory: Custom Block Names not being listed right) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13718: […]
07:08 Changeset [13718] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: When we can't extract a block name, instead …
06:47 Changeset [13717] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: Don't be greedy in the regex. Fixes multiple …
06:41 Ticket #5513 (Registered blocks list on plugins README displaying wrong labels.) closed by dd32
maybelater: > This plugin has moved to …
06:16 Changeset [13716] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: When importing block calls from a javascript …
05:49 Ticket #7640 (Notices due to Jetpack Stats direct inclusion) closed by akirk
fixed: In 13715: […]
05:49 Changeset [13715] by akirk
wporg-gp-customizations: fix wp_enqueue_admin_bar_header_styles …
05:33 Changeset [13714] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: Don't import a block registration call from …
05:27 Changeset [13713] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: Import blocks registered with `new …
05:23 Ticket #6170 (Ignore blocks with variables in the name.) closed by dd32
05:14 Changeset [13712] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Blocks: Don't import PHP register_block_type()
04:40 Ticket #5901 (Plugin 'Development Release' ZIPs not updating with Release ...) closed by dd32
fixed: I think this is fixed.
04:11 Ticket #7251 (Add a Preview in Playground button to the plugin directory) closed by dd32
fixed: I'm going to mark this as fixed, any enhancements / bugs should go …
04:10 Ticket #6419 (In situ edits of readme does not update properly) closed by dd32
worksforme: I'm unable to duplicate this now. There was a change quite some time …
03:33 Ticket #7641 (Allow specifying `Tested up to` without changing the plugin) created by dd32
Many plugins get stuck in an endless loop of making a new release …
03:06 Ticket #5900 (Delete pending release confirmation if the tag is removed) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13711: […]
03:06 Changeset [13711] by dd32
Plugin Direcrory: When Release Confirmation is enabled, and a tag for …
02:34 Changeset [13710] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Cron: Refactor how we hook the colon-based jobs, …
02:01 Ticket #7640 (Notices due to Jetpack Stats direct inclusion) created by dd32
`E_USER_NOTICE: Function …
01:30 Changeset [13709] by dd32
Plugin Directory: SVN: Watch for Tag deletions, such that we can …


23:42 Ticket #7233 ( make the join link more prominent) closed by coffee2code
fixed: The changes have been deployed.
23:41 Ticket #6948 (404 — File not found.) closed by coffee2code
23:39 Ticket #7377 (In Responsive view, Content is going out of layout(not proper layout)) closed by coffee2code
worksforme: Thanks for the report! I can't reproduce this now but I don't see …
23:23 Ticket #7360 (Wrong URL in Get Involved link in the header area) closed by coffee2code
22:45 Ticket #7371 (New Slack channels for Hosting Team) closed by coffee2code
maybelater: Agreed with dd32 here. Seems the #hosting channel (and maybe also …
22:35 Ticket #7221 (After download, link Get Involved to /Contribute) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13708: […]
22:35 Changeset [13708] by coffee2code
Make home theme: Add callout banner for contributor wizard above grid …
21:58 Ticket #7639 (plugin name can break support forum search) closed by Otto42
maybelater: The search is not broken by the characters, the search is as it is …
21:10 Ticket #6646 (Needs to remove unused variable.) closed by coffee2code
maybelater: Sorry, but these changes are extremely minor and inconsequential. They …
21:09 Ticket #6671 ( unused variable removed.) closed by coffee2code
maybelater: Sorry, but these changes are extremely minor and inconsequential. They …
14:29 Ticket #7639 (plugin name can break support forum search) created by willemb2
The 'Support Threads' for plugins and themes have a search box above …
04:57 Changeset [13707] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@598a60f
02:14 Changeset [13706] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@ebfc91c
01:45 Changeset [13705] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@af83214
00:29 Changeset [13704] by dd32
Login: Add missing URL escaping. Props comwrg for the report.


23:01 Changeset [13703] by ryelle
Theme Directory: Ingore paged param when checking whether to set a …
21:02 Ticket #7492 (Button Alignment Issue on Small/Mobile Device) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13702: […]
21:02 Changeset [13702] by coffee2code
Theme Directory: Fix alignment of filter buttons for narrow viewports. …
09:42 Changeset [13701] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@2d62fb8
09:07 Changeset [13700] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@40df224
08:45 Changeset [13699] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@72a68fd
03:55 Changeset [13698] by dd32
Support Forums: Add missing variable, resolving a PHP Notice.


22:01 Ticket #7162 (Can't undo favorite theme on mobile) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13697: […]
22:01 Changeset [13697] by coffee2code
Theme Directory: Ensure favorite button can be interacted with at …
21:51 Ticket #7638 (Make/Meta search input outside bounds of responsive menu) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13696: […]
21:51 Changeset [13696] by coffee2code
Breathe: Improve display of sidebar elements in responsive menu. …
21:37 Ticket #7638 (Make/Meta search input outside bounds of responsive menu) created by coffee2code
The sidebar search widget on Make/Meta is almost completely outside of …
21:08 Changeset [13695] by coffee2code
Style, wp4: Add team dashicon for Make Media Corps team.
20:52 Changeset [13694] by coffee2code
Breathe: Don't underline Handbook Pages widget links. See #7146.
13:38 Ticket #7637 (create documentation page for Rosetta sites) created by estelaris
Teams from Spanish (Spain), French and Japanese languages are working …
02:35 Changeset [13693] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Remove all category value to fix experimental …
02:05 Changeset [13692] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Turn on experimental directory filters for …
00:19 Changeset [13691] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Move categorization tabs to right of search bar. …


15:22 Ticket #7636 (Search box in the header of is not working) created by lamarajan
Hello Meta Team, I am testing And found that …
14:01 Ticket #7635 (Irregular layout of footer menu on codex site.) closed by Otto42
duplicate: Duplicate of #6168.
12:12 Ticket #7635 (Irregular layout of footer menu on codex site.) created by lamarajan
Hello team, I was checking and testing on this page …


12:42 Changeset [13690] by amieiro
Translate: Sync "Translation Events" from GitHub
10:19 Ticket #7634 (My Patterns page pending list not properly show.) created by trushaamin
After logging into, we navigated to the "My Patterns" …
04:20 Ticket #7620 (The issue of blurry images in the WordPress repository within plugins ...) closed by dufresnesteven
fixed: I've tested the fix in production using my developer tools and a VM. …
04:19 Ticket #6617 (Replace plugin page banner markup) closed by dufresnesteven
fixed: In 13689: […]
04:19 Changeset [13689] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Add aspect ratio to plugin banner image. Fixes: …
03:34 Changeset [13688] by dd32
Make: Trac: Sync the list of trac focuses. Props ironprogrammer, …
00:51 Changeset [13687] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Attempt to show the actual number of search …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.