


10:45 Ticket #7625 (Documentation Link Redirect Issue on WordPress Meta Handbook) created by yagniksangani
In the Documentation section of the WordPress Meta Handbook, there's a …
06:56 Ticket #7622 (Interactivity API: New Component proposal) reopened by jonsurrell
Thank you! Can we send changes in /wp-includes/interactivity-api/
03:51 Ticket #7624 (In support forum , Page navigation issue) created by pranitdugad
In support forums , when clicked on last page , for example …
03:39 Changeset [13661] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Update advanced view to use new button styles. …
03:01 Changeset [13660] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@788994f
02:31 Changeset [13659] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Trademarks: Allow existing plugins to use wp-.
00:50 Changeset [13658] by adamwood
wporg-plugins-2024: Fix overflow in plugin cards


23:51 Ticket #7623 (Slack: Display Gutenberg repo merges in #core) closed by dd32
fixed: This can be managed by most Slack members through the /github
23:46 Ticket #7622 (Interactivity API: New Component proposal) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13657: […]
23:46 Changeset [13657] by dd32
Trac: Pipe new tickets about the HTML API & Interactivity API to their …
22:30 Changeset [13656] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@41755ac
16:35 Ticket #7623 (Slack: Display Gutenberg repo merges in #core) created by joemcgill
Following up on …
14:10 Ticket #7622 (Interactivity API: New Component proposal) created by jonsurrell
08:13 Changeset [13655] by dd32
Helpscout: Plugins: Limit the API endpoint to the plugins inbox. See …
07:59 Changeset [13654] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Properly limit block searches to the Block …
07:33 Changeset [13653] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Add missing class import in [13650].
07:20 Changeset [13652] by dd32
Revert [13648].
07:16 Changeset [13651] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Helpscout: Include the info endpoint on download …
07:05 Changeset [13650] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Centralise the Helpscout email table query code. …
06:47 Changeset [13649] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Review API: Expand the API used for reviews. - Make …
06:08 Changeset [13648] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Properly limit block searches to the Block …
05:43 Changeset [13647] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Remove logging that's no longer needed.
03:49 Ticket #7621 (Get "Plugin not found." with a exist plugin with ...) closed by dd32
duplicate: Hello @fantasyworld, The plugin you have linked to is currently …
03:31 Ticket #7621 (Get "Plugin not found." with a exist plugin with ...) created by fantasyworld
The test plugin slug is " 1-blog-cacher " Plugin Directory …
02:29 Changeset [13646] by adamwood
Local Switcher: Revert removing esling config
00:41 Changeset [13645] by dd32
Plugin Directory: API: Overwrite the global $post, to ensure it …


23:23 Changeset [13644] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@dfdc48a
11:56 Ticket #7620 (The issue of blurry images in the WordPress repository within plugins ...) created by alexodiy
In the WordPress repository, plugins are allowed to upload banners …
04:25 Ticket #7619 (The footer layout breaks in SVN view) closed by dd32
duplicate: Duplicate of #6370.
04:22 Ticket #5667 (Plugin Directory: Require more complex confirmation before ...) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13643: […]
04:22 Changeset [13643] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Switch the Close form to require additional …
04:11 Ticket #7619 (The footer layout breaks in SVN view) created by ivankristianto
For the SVN / Development view, the footer layout is broken. For …
02:57 Changeset [13642] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Remove the max-boost limit, and restore …
02:41 Changeset [13641] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Use the current stable release of WordPress …
02:37 Changeset [13640] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Reformat the search logic.
02:36 Ticket #7489 (Improve design of Cookies close & accept Popup) closed by dd32
reported-upstream: The events site is part of WordCamp, I've moved this upstream to …
02:02 Changeset [13639] by adamwood
wporg-learn-2024: Initial commit See …
01:56 Changeset [13638] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Fix language suggest to show translation help …
01:51 Ticket #4621 (Add support for 'Tested up to' header in the main plugin file) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13637: […]
01:51 Changeset [13637] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Support the Tested Up To header in the main plugin …
01:23 Changeset [13636] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Review: Suffix ZIP urls with the API through …
00:38 Ticket #7618 (Indented List Items breaking all parent list items) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13635: […]
00:38 Changeset [13635] by dd32
Support Forums: Don't apply the <li> improper HTML fixes to block …


23:34 Changeset [13634] by dd32
Support Forums: Lower the cache length of plugin/theme details, such …
23:11 Ticket #6153 (In accessibility page, Show Welcome Box issue.) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the report! This was fixed in [13125] (via a ticket that …
23:06 Changeset [13633] by dufresnesteven
plugin-directory: Fix the ability to add/remove reps and committers. …
23:03 Changeset [13632] by adamwood
Locale Switcher: Remove package-lock.json This definition is handled …
22:58 Ticket #6374 (Update Openverse symbol and color) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13631: […]
22:58 Changeset [13631] by coffee2code
Breathe: Use SVG icon for Openverse and Performance team sites. Fixes …
22:55 Changeset [13630] by coffee2code
Make home theme: Better improvement to vertical alignment of team …
21:39 Changeset [13629] by coffee2code
Make home theme: Improve vertical alignment of team icons and names.
13:09 Ticket #7618 (Indented List Items breaking all parent list items) created by jamesosborne
When adding an ordered list to the support forums, and then a sublist …
07:15 Changeset [13628] by dd32
Plugin Directory: API: Store the closed data in the update-check …
07:11 Ticket #4730 (unbalanced HTML in Plugins Home page) closed by dd32
fixed: A lot changed with a new theme for the plugin directory, I've …
07:08 Changeset [13627] by dd32
wporg-plugins-2024: Adjust the star rating in embeds to pomegrade.
07:07 Changeset [13626] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Add an empty alt tag to plugin icons, move the …
07:00 Changeset [13625] by dd32
wporg-plugins-2024: Remove the plugin.php template, which was the …
06:22 Changeset [13624] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Remove background color from default inputs. Add …
06:18 Changeset [13623] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Add a border to inputs, remove it for search bar.
06:02 Changeset [13622] by dufresnesteven
plugin-directory: Update shortcode buttons to use use button classes.
05:54 Ticket #6800 (Horizontal scrolling at 737px or below) closed by dd32
fixed: The plugin directory has a new theme, and this appears to have been …
05:54 Ticket #6409 (Heading alignment issue in Responsive devices) closed by dd32
fixed: The plugin directory has a new theme, and this appears to have been …
05:49 Ticket #6954 (Remove excessive automatic hyphenation) closed by dd32
fixed: This was worked on with the new theme for the plugin directory. …
05:48 Ticket #3373 (Plugin Directory: Single page link styling is all over the place) closed by dd32
fixed: This was worked on with the new theme for the plugin directory. …
05:32 Changeset [13621] by adamwood
Learn: Sync with git WordPress/learn@9e81c21
05:26 Changeset [13620] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Expose the plugin closed status through the …
05:22 Changeset [13619] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Readme Validator: Accept a plugin slug in the readme …
04:58 Ticket #4977 (Add plugin closed message to plugins_api.) closed by dd32
duplicate: It's a newer ticket, but I'm marking this as a duplicate of #7057 due …
04:41 Ticket #1944 (Plugin Commit Check: Verify License Declarations) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13618: […]
04:41 Changeset [13618] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Readme: Validate that the license field contains a …
04:01 Changeset [13617] by dufresnesteven
plugin-directory: Update sidebar buttons to be links. See: …
03:48 Changeset [13616] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Add small margin under title for consistency with …
03:37 Changeset [13615] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Tighten up the plugin card. See: …
01:52 Ticket #5196 (New or enhanced rating system discussions) closed by dd32
duplicate: I'm going to mark this as a duplicate of #1181, as it looks like the …
01:36 Ticket #5082 (Plugins search results is never relevant :() closed by dd32
duplicate: This ticket is primarily a duplicate of #2753, but also #3338. I'm …
01:30 Ticket #7202 (Search issues on closed by dd32
worksforme: Upon reviewing the searches listed in the ticket here, the results are …
01:26 Changeset [13614] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Update homepage text widow. Fixes: …
01:23 Ticket #1496 (Plugin Search: Search by translated plugin name) closed by dd32
fixed: Replying to dd32: > As far as I can tell, the only thing …
01:23 Ticket #7617 (Search for translated text in different locale) created by dd32
As a followup to #1496, this ticket is a followup enhancement for …
00:27 Ticket #7609 (Google Forms Shortcode Not Displaying in Documentation) closed by dd32
fixed: This was updated by @unintended8


21:45 Changeset [13613] by adamwood
wporg-support: Hotfix for width of block editor See …
21:43 Changeset [13612] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Hotfix for width of block editor Fixes …
07:52 Changeset [13611] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Review: Cleanup the filename displayed on the plugin …
07:36 Changeset [13610] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Add a 'pending plugin' API endpoint to fetch …
07:02 Changeset [13609] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Fix an issue where some ZIP uploads would not …
05:56 Changeset [13608] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Prevent caching of parent theme styles Use …
05:51 Ticket #3482 (Slackbot for Design channel) closed by dd32
fixed: I believe this was resolved using Slack workflows at some point. Or at …
05:31 Ticket #6839 (Allow option for anonymous posting by moderators) closed by dd32
05:30 Ticket #7141 (Huge Emojis in Support Forum) closed by dd32
fixed: Marking as resolved; Not aware of any recent reports.
05:27 Ticket #6750 (Support Forums: Archive ALL posts in topic, if topic is archived) closed by dd32
duplicate: Duplicate of #2504.
05:21 Ticket #3006 (Review is not not showing in plugin) closed by dd32
worksforme: A lot has changed in 7+ years, I'm going to close this as it was …
05:02 Ticket #6437 (Plugin Directory: an Uninstall Tab is needed on each plugin page) closed by dd32
maybelater: Personally; I wish the Install tab would be removed, it provides no …
04:56 Ticket #7345 (Add "Compatible up to" plugin header) closed by dd32
wontfix: Coming across this ticket again, I still feel the same, that this …
04:53 Ticket #7321 (Content overflow in small plugin cards) closed by dd32
invalid: Closing; this is no longer valid with the upcoming plugin redesigned theme.
04:48 Ticket #7490 (Add Wistia shortcodes to be able to add Wistia videos to plugin ...) closed by dd32
maybelater: At this point in time, I don't think there's a good enough use-case to …
04:47 Ticket #7533 (feature request: API for Readme Validation) closed by dd32
worksforme: I believe is probably the …
04:44 Ticket #6627 (Support icons/banners by language - 2) closed by dd32
fixed: I don't think there's anything left here, re-open if there's anything …
04:41 Ticket #6921 (Prepare for Plugin Dependencies) closed by dd32
fixed: Marking as fixed; Any requests to expose plugin dependencies on plugin …
04:31 Changeset [13607] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Log any Helpscout update failures related to zip …
04:25 Changeset [13606] by dd32
Plugin Direcory: Review: Only list the ZIP comment in the internal …
03:19 Changeset [13605] by dd32
Translate: Retrieve API via wp_safe_remote_get() rather …
03:15 Changeset [13604] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Remove custom visited link color This is now …
03:07 Changeset [13603] by dd32
WP I18N Teams: Fetch the translation data via wp_http rather than …
01:34 Changeset [13602] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Use normal font weight fo FAQs. Fixes: …
00:46 Ticket #7613 (Support always returning a beta or RC in core API version check) closed by dd32
wontfix: > For example, a request to …
00:42 Ticket #7616 (.xyz domains error in profile edit form) closed by dd32
invalid: It looks like the JS error you're seeing is unrelated, I'm not sure …


19:03 Ticket #7616 (.xyz domains error in profile edit form) created by antpb
Hello! I'm seeing an error when attempting to save any .xyz domain in …
16:58 Ticket #7615 (Background colors on views need distinction) created by sterndata
Topics marked as spam, pending, or archived are colored when viewed in …


14:26 Ticket #7372 (Update credits for 6.3) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 13601: […]
14:26 Changeset [13601] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Update credits for 6.3. This removes the gap in the …


14:43 Ticket #7614 (Add an option to remove the --ignore-domain parameter in wp i18n make-pot) created by mhkuu
Whenever plugins or themes are updated, wp i18n make-pot is run to …
14:17 Ticket #7613 (Support always returning a beta or RC in core API version check) created by johnbillion
Previously: #5412. I think I am correct in saying that a …
08:26 Ticket #7612 (Closed reviews should not have a reply message box) reopened by Otto42
Ahh, I understand the issue. That user should not be seeing that at …
08:22 Ticket #7612 (Closed reviews should not have a reply message box) closed by Otto42
invalid: You are a moderator on the forums. You will see that on all closed …
00:43 Ticket #7612 (Closed reviews should not have a reply message box) created by jcastaneda
This was reported by a participant of the forums here: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.