


22:42 Ticket #7572 (No plugin/theme-specific support forum search form in new theme) closed by adamwood
fixed: In 13501: […]
22:42 Changeset [13501] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Fix topic actions Revert hiding the search this …
20:05 Ticket #7575 (Reduce font size for forum quote block) created by sterndata
The font size is way to large in the quote block for forum messages. …
16:10 Ticket #7574 (Sign releases (PGP, GPG)) created by maltfield
Currently it is not possible to verify the authenticity or …
14:41 Ticket #7573 (Please restore left border to new support theme) created by sterndata
The old theme had important visual clues to distinguish messages by …
12:22 Ticket #7572 (No plugin/theme-specific support forum search form in new theme) created by isemplice
On the new theme there is NOT the "SEARCH" field on the SUPPORT …
11:09 Ticket #7571 (Design issue : search suggestion have more space) created by pitamdey
URL : When we search for …
09:02 Ticket #7570 (Gravatar WordPress website verification not working) closed by Otto42
invalid: Gravatar is run by, it's not part of
08:33 Ticket #7570 (Gravatar WordPress website verification not working) created by ramonvanraaij
Gravatar WordPress website verification seems to have a bug, it gives …
03:46 Ticket #7560 (Plugin listing page - plugin 'tested up to' word wrap issue.) closed by dd32
fixed: I've sanitised the historical data for the tested up to, requires, …
03:33 Ticket #7569 (Add official "Team Reps" list in code / automate team rep access) created by dd32
Often we end up with tickets like #7562 asking for a team rep to be …
03:30 Ticket #7562 (Access to team meetings CPT) closed by dd32
fixed: You can edit the meetings here: …
03:22 Changeset [13500] by adamwood
wporg-plugins-2024: Update ratings colors Change ratings stars and …
03:00 Changeset [13499] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Revert overriding ratings star colors See …
00:45 Changeset [13498] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Style create topic form notice Update the …
00:30 Changeset [13497] by adamwood
Supoort Forums Plugin: Update styles for spam topics Matches colors …
00:19 Ticket #7564 (Forum pages do not show moderated content correctly) closed by adamwood
fixed: In 13496: […]
00:19 Changeset [13496] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Enable publish status colors on lists Adds back …
00:16 Changeset [13495] by adamwood
Support Forums Plugin: Update moderator styles Set archived and …


22:37 Ticket #6384 (Image captions in are not working properly) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13494: […]
22:36 Changeset [13494] by coffee2code
Breathe: Add styles for figcaption elements to differentiate them …
22:14 Ticket #7567 (Broken Link in Contribute handbook page) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the report! The link URL has been corrected in the handbook …
21:47 Ticket #7478 (Add option to deactivate glossary on pages) closed by coffee2code
invalid: Actually, I didn't realize this is released as an actual plugin and …
20:58 Changeset [13493] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Update screenshot
20:52 Ticket #7404 (editor post area for request PTE is not visible in mobile device) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13492: […]
20:51 Changeset [13492] by coffee2code
Breathe: Prevent hiding of post form for Make/Polyglots at smaller …
20:45 Ticket #7568 (The Likes widget is not vertically aligned with Reply and Follow buttons) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 13491: […]
20:45 Changeset [13491] by coffee2code
Breathe: Vertically align Likes widget with Reply and Follow buttons. …
20:41 Ticket #7568 (The Likes widget is not vertically aligned with Reply and Follow buttons) created by coffee2code
The Jetpack Likes widget does not vertically align with the …
19:36 Ticket #7567 (Broken Link in Contribute handbook page) created by pratiklondhe
hi, the XAMPP link is giving not found on this page : …
19:21 Ticket #7566 (Notify Plugin or Theme developer of support requests) created by Marc4
I think it would be interesting if the plugin/theme developer would …
18:12 Changeset [13490] by coffee2code
Breathe: Prevent dropdown action menu from overlapping its toggle on …
16:41 Ticket #7565 (Can’t upload photo) created by ramonvanraaij
For some reason, I’m unable to upload the attached photo. I thought it …
15:33 Changeset [13489] by vnsavage
Do not look for ratings on the navigation query as it will always fail
15:22 Changeset [13488] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Update credits for 6.5.2.
14:57 Ticket #7564 (Forum pages do not show moderated content correctly) created by sterndata
On the "all topics" page (or other views) where ?view=all is appended, …
11:55 Ticket #7563 (Create repo @WordPress/contributor-handbook) created by leogopal
The Community Team on Github has sub-teams for larger …
11:37 Changeset [13487] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Update credits for 6.5.2.
09:42 Changeset [13486] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Update credits for 6.5.2.
09:10 Ticket #7562 (Access to team meetings CPT) created by Crixu
I would like to request access to as a …
04:04 Changeset [13485] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Fix headings hierarchy Updates the sidebar …
03:31 Ticket #4007 (Support Forums: Improve the look and usability of Forums page) closed by adamwood
fixed: The new theme has been activated with this Forums homepage layout.
02:17 Changeset [13484] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Style important notices
01:50 Changeset [13483] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Style warning notices
01:29 Changeset [13482] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Style template notices Match mu-plugins notice …
00:49 Changeset [13481] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Fix topic contrast issues See …


22:41 Changeset [13480] by coffee2code
Breathe: Prevent overlap of handbook name and dropdown action toggle.
22:28 Changeset [13479] by coffee2code
wporg-support-2024: Prevent ratings chart counts from wrapping at …
19:16 Ticket #7561 (Plugin Review Tool - Best Practices - check if your plugin will pass ...) created by flexseth
== Problem statement While looking at the documentation I noticed …
18:16 Changeset [13478] by ryelle
wporg-support-2024: Fix 404 page styles. Fixes …
14:37 Changeset [13477] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Update credits for 6.5.1.
08:58 Ticket #7560 (Plugin listing page - plugin 'tested up to' word wrap issue.) created by mujuonly
06:31 Changeset [13476] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Style forms Update styles for bbPress forms and …
03:29 Ticket #5653 (Plugin Directory: Track reasons for Rejection) closed by dd32
fixed: I'm going to mark this as fixed, and the text followup can occur via …
01:54 Ticket #7559 (Inconsistent warning message when there are ignored header tags) closed by dd32
fixed: In 13475: […]
01:54 Changeset [13475] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Readme Validator: Fix an off-by-one in the readme …
00:45 Ticket #7559 (Inconsistent warning message when there are ignored header tags) created by ironprogrammer
For Classic Editor, …
00:44 Ticket #7557 (Developer Resources home page link layouts broken in Safari) closed by adamwood
fixed: Fixed in …
00:36 Changeset [13474] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Fix search field style Fixes …


16:18 Ticket #7558 (Swahili /support and /team) created by JavierCasares
Hello. A few days ago at the WordPress Switzerland Community Day we …
06:15 Changeset [13473] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Reduce vertical spacing in sidebar
04:21 Ticket #7550 (Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / links in content should ...) closed by dufresnesteven
fixed: In 13472: […]
04:21 Changeset [13472] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Make entry-content links underlined by default. …
03:50 Changeset [13471] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Reduce width of resoltuon selector
03:40 Changeset [13470] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Restyle buttons Style buttons and associated …
02:41 Ticket #7469 (Update plugin list item design in plugin directory.) closed by dufresnesteven
02:33 Ticket #7543 (New Theme Lacks Different Badge Colors for Moderators vs. Plugin/Theme ...) closed by dufresnesteven
fixed: I'll close this seeing that the main issue has been resolved. Open a …
02:29 Changeset [13469] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Fix "See all" alignment on homepage for mobile.
00:44 Changeset [13468] by adamwood
Plugin BBPress Term Subscription: Update button style Use block …


21:35 Changeset [13467] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Fix forums homepage copy Props @rmartinezduque


21:23 Changeset [13466] by ryelle
wporg-plugins-2024: Remove legacy CSS. This removes the CSS that was …
08:23 Ticket #7557 (Developer Resources home page link layouts broken in Safari) created by Anlino
On the [Developer Resources home page], …
07:53 Changeset [13465] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Trademarks: Assume a plugins trademark exceptions …
05:45 Changeset [13464] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Update review button size.
05:34 Changeset [13463] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Various small css fixed for consistency.
04:55 Changeset [13462] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Expand the trademark checks to match multiple …
04:19 Changeset [13461] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Update review rating styles Change star colors to …
03:44 Changeset [13460] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Extract the trademark logic from the upload handler, …
03:07 Changeset [13459] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Fix alignment of user replies
02:38 Changeset [13458] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Update table font sizes Closes …
02:37 Changeset [13457] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Update plugin card to not user a tag as wrapper. …
01:21 Changeset [13456] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Update build process and remove webpack to fix …


23:13 Changeset [13455] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Update sidebar layout Move tags up and styles as …
15:46 Ticket #7556 (Run PCP function to test plugin in plugin submission process) created by barrykooij
When a user submits a new plugin to the directory, we want to run a …
10:29 Ticket #7555 (Plugins: Please split long rejection letters into one paragraph per string) created by tobifjellner
The translation project contains several text for rejection letters. …
09:44 Ticket #7554 (CLPTEs can't bulk reject their waiting suggestions) created by fxbenard
CLPTEs can't override already approved community translations. At …
03:52 Ticket #7551 (Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / favorite link animation) closed by dufresnesteven
fixed: In 13454: […]
03:52 Changeset [13454] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Remove the heart animation and improve focal …
03:36 Ticket #7552 (Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / focus state on FAQ accordion) closed by dufresnesteven
fixed: In 13453: […]
03:36 Changeset [13453] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Add hover, focus states to faq buttons. Fixes: …
03:27 Ticket #7549 (Website Redesign / Plugin Directory / A11y / plugin tabs insufficient ...) closed by dufresnesteven
fixed: In 13452: […]
03:27 Changeset [13452] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Fix tabs on mobile and increase contrast. Fixes: …
02:56 Changeset [13451] by dufresnesteven
wporg-plugins-2024: Manually set category current item for browse/tag …
02:50 Changeset [13450] by adamwood
wporg-support-2024: Update topic layout Use color palette for badge …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.