


23:58 Ticket #5372 (Form is not made for typos) closed by coreymckrill
maybelater: Moved to GitHub:
23:56 Ticket #5371 (Too much empty space after description) closed by coreymckrill
maybelater: Moved it GitHub:
23:53 Changeset [10157] by dd32
Trac: Bump scripts version after [10156].
23:51 Changeset [10156] by dd32
Trac: Add the Learn bug tracker (GitHub).
23:40 Ticket #5370 (Page showing completely corrupted) closed by coreymckrill
fixed: There was an errant <div> in the content. Should be fixed now.
23:04 Changeset [10155] by coreymckrill Learn: Fix fatal
22:53 Changeset [10154] by coreymckrill Learn: Sync with GitHub …
22:02 Ticket #5374 (Block trac ticket submissions with inappropriate language) created by tellyworth
Occasionally a trac ticket gets submitted with.. heated language. …
21:03 Ticket #5373 (Breadcrumbs not always shown) created by casiepa is …
20:59 Ticket #5372 (Form is not made for typos) created by casiepa
If a typo error is found, there is a link to the form …
20:55 Ticket #5371 (Too much empty space after description) created by casiepa
On smartphone the lessons present pretty okay, but on tablet or …
20:48 Ticket #5370 (Page showing completely corrupted) created by casiepa
19:56 Ticket #5364 (Revoke announce on slack) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 10153: […]
19:56 Changeset [10153] by coffee2code
Slack: Revoke announce privilege to dingo_d for #themereview. Props …
17:06 Ticket #5369 (Have themes added to the latest page staggered more evenly by date/time) created by wplevels
New themes added to the latest page seem to come in chunks based on …
15:00 Changeset [10152] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Update credits for 5.5.
14:19 Changeset [10151] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Update credits for 5.5.
11:56 Ticket #5368 (top 200 pluginlist does not show "waiting" proposals for dev) created by psmits1567
If you open the list of top 200 plugins, then on the right side tha …
11:02 Ticket #5367 (Link from profile back to 5-future) created by casiepa
On there is a link …
10:40 Changeset [10150] by dd32 Learn: Sync with GitHub. …
07:41 Ticket #5172 (Dashicons: Add missing ones and the upcoming ones for WP 5.5) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 10149: […]
07:41 Changeset [10149] by coffee2code
Developer: Add dashicons introduced in WP 5.5. * Adds 2 new sections: …
06:18 Changeset [10148] by dd32 Learn: Sync with GitHub …
01:23 Changeset [10147] by coreymckrill Learn: Sync with GitHub …


21:43 Changeset [10146] by coreymckrill Learn: Sync with GitHub …
21:12 Ticket #5365 (Invalid regex on the developer theme.) closed by Otto42
fixed: In 10145: […]
21:12 Changeset [10145] by Otto42
Fix a regular expression that newer PHP versions don't like, by …
20:43 Ticket #5366 (Investigate wp-admin timeouts during publish and edit actions) created by Clorith
When using the backend to publish or edit a topic or reply, the …
19:18 Changeset [10144] by SergeyBiryukov Main Theme: Update Roadmap and History pages with …
17:27 Changeset [10143] by SergeyBiryukov
Credits API: Add WordPress 5.5 credits.
14:03 Ticket #5365 (Invalid regex on the developer theme.) created by xknown
The regex used in …
01:10 Changeset [10142] by coreymckrill Learn: Sync with GitHub …


16:56 Changeset [10141] by coreymckrill
About > Privacy > Cookies: Fix typo
12:44 Ticket #5364 (Revoke announce on slack) created by dingo_d
Since I'm no longer a team rep, I'm removing all essential access for …
07:58 Changeset [10140] by dd32
Markdown Importer: PHP 7.4 compatibility: Remove static from a …
07:54 Changeset [10139] by dd32
Two Factor: PHP 7.4 compatibility. This ensures that the class is …
07:53 Changeset [10138] by dd32
Plugin Directory: PHP 7.4 compability. Props xknown. See …
07:52 Changeset [10137] by dd32
Plugin Directory: patch the Markdown library we're using for PHP 7.4 …
07:51 Changeset [10136] by dd32
Plugin Directory: patch the Markdown library we're using for PHP 7.4 …
07:47 Ticket #5363 (Upgrade Markdown library) created by dd32
We're currently using [
07:39 Changeset [10135] by dd32 Remove deprecated PHP4-style class constructors. …
06:03 Ticket #5362 (Add delist option to theme directory) created by dd32
The plugin directory has three main states, Published, Closed, and …
04:10 Ticket #5361 (Gutenberg Props - WordPress 5.5) created by whyisjake
Previously: * #5101 (WordPress 5.4) * #4763 (WordPress 5.3) * #4442
03:29 Ticket #5360 (Prevent broken /support/ links) closed by dd32
fixed: Redirects in place: […] Forums redirects have a double redirect, …
02:32 Changeset [10134] by dd32
Theme Directory: Link the Version in wp-admin to the Trac ticket …


21:43 Changeset [10133] by coreymckrill Learn 2020 theme: sync with GitHub * …
21:42 Changeset [10132] by coreymckrill Learn plugin: sync with Github * …


19:48 Changeset [10131] by coreymckrill Pub Themes: Add wporg-learn-2020 This is an updated theme to …
19:35 Changeset [10130] by coreymckrill
Plugins: Add wporg-learn This plugin will add functionality to …
01:41 Changeset [10129] by dd32
Handbooks: Avoid a PHP fatal when watching handbook pages. …


20:09 Changeset [10128] by ryelle
Plugin Directory: Fix textdomain on block namespace check See #5303
10:45 Ticket #5360 (Prevent broken /support/ links) created by jonoaldersonwp
Many Rosetta sites link to a local /support/ URL (typically in the …


18:16 Ticket #4655 (Reports: Relevant Meetup and WordCamp links in listings) closed by sippis
maybelater: Ticket moved to Github issue tracker. …
18:10 Ticket #4590 (Call for sponsors default form content) closed by sippis
maybelater: Moved this ticket to Github issue tracker. …
17:52 Ticket #4703 (WordCamp Organizer Badge is not working with Block Editor) closed by coreymckrill
worksforme: This was tested during the ticket scrub today and it appears to be …
17:21 Ticket #4570 (WordCamps: Add duration to sessions) closed by coreymckrill
fixed: This has now been fixed.
17:15 Ticket #4567 (WordCamp news templates should use canonical URL tags) closed by jonoaldersonwp
fixed: Looks like this has been resolved upstream. Woo!
14:53 Ticket #5359 (Misc 404s / broken links should be 301'd and/or corrected) created by jonoaldersonwp
In each of the following cases, a 301 redirect should be configured …
09:14 Changeset [10127] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Fix typo. Props tobifjellner. See #5351.
08:37 Changeset [10126] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Rename the classes added in [10121] and [10122]. …
08:35 Changeset [10125] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Rename the classes added in [10121] and [10122]. …
08:31 Ticket #5354 (Plugin Directory: Don't send rejection emails to blocked users) closed by dd32
fixed: In 10124: […]
08:31 Changeset [10124] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Convert Plugin Approved/Rejected emails over to the …
07:58 Ticket #5355 (Plugin Directory: Clarify what we mean by author/plugin URIs in header) closed by dd32
fixed: In 10123: […]
07:58 Changeset [10123] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Clarify the author-uri matches plugin-uri error …
07:56 Changeset [10122] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Migrate the Plugin Transferred notification email to …
07:45 Ticket #5351 (Plugin Security - Notify plugin committers when a new committer is added) closed by dd32
fixed: In 10121: […]
07:44 Changeset [10121] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Add a notification email to committers when a new …


19:38 Ticket #5358 (Warn on plugin upload if text domain and plugin slug don't match) created by SergeyBiryukov
Per the …
17:24 Ticket #5357 (Plugin Directory Admin: Flag accounts who submit a lot of plugins ...) created by Ipstenu
People who submit a high volume of plugins right after making their …
16:57 Ticket #5356 (Plugin Directory: Reformat Author Card) created by Ipstenu
Now that we're tracking more information, we need to rejigger the page …
16:43 Ticket #5355 (Plugin Directory: Clarify what we mean by author/plugin URIs in header) created by Ipstenu
Enough people get confused by this, so I want to simplify the …
16:39 Ticket #5354 (Plugin Directory: Don't send rejection emails to blocked users) created by Ipstenu
In order to reduce ongoing abuse and harassment by misbehaving …
12:10 Ticket #5353 (Increase base font-size on make blogs) created by williampatton
The font sizing and color on the make blog is considered hard to read …
08:27 Ticket #5352 (Plugin Security - Add email confirmation prior to releases being processed) created by dd32
With auto-updates in WordPress 5.5 becoming as simple as a few mouse …
08:02 Ticket #5351 (Plugin Security - Notify plugin committers when a new committer is added) created by dd32
To ensure that plugin authors are aware of what's happening with the …
04:42 Changeset [10120] by dd32
Gutenberg Theme: Update image assets. Props nrqsnchz. See …
04:25 Changeset [10119] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Store translated block titles for searching. …
03:37 Changeset [10118] by tellyworth
Plugin directory: check block plugins for multiple namespaces. See #5303.
01:49 Changeset [10117] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Transform Block Directory block searches …
01:36 Changeset [10116] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Load ElasticSearch on direct rest api …
01:29 Changeset [10115] by dd32
Plugin Directory: API: Ensure searches use the correct locale when …
01:01 Changeset [10114] by dd32
Plugin Directory: Search: Index translated content for plugins that …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.