


22:27 Ticket #3897 (Make link state colors more different) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: One concern here is that we no longer have ?replies=X appended to …
21:12 Changeset [7850] by coffee2code
Gutenberg: Bump CSS version for cache bust.
21:09 Ticket #3924 (Hover issue in the Handbook pages (possibly a regression)) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 7849: […]
21:09 Changeset [7849] by coffee2code
Gutenberg: Fix handbook 'Chapters' menu current item background color …
21:05 Changeset [7848] by ocean90
Trac: Remove tracking via Quantserve (Quantcast) in all Trac footer …
20:53 Ticket #3925 (HelpHub link error) closed by Clorith
fixed: The link has been updated to the correct one, thank you for the heads up!
20:30 Changeset [7847] by ocean90
Trac: Remove tracking via Quantserve (Quantcast). See ​#3655.
19:48 Ticket #3925 (HelpHub link error) created by Rahmohn
In Make WordPress Documentation page …
19:18 Ticket #3924 (Hover issue in the Handbook pages (possibly a regression)) created by Rahmohn
In the Handbook pages, there is a conflict between these styles below. …
18:48 Changeset [7846] by coffee2code
Support Theme: Make string translatable.
18:00 Ticket #3923 (Prevent plugin developers from removing their own commit access, if ...) created by Ipstenu
If a plugin only has one person with commit access, we should NOT …
16:28 Ticket #3922 ("How to create a WordPress business website" landing page on created by joelobo
Hi, We at the WordPress marketing team have created a new extensive …
14:43 Ticket #3921 (Add Two New Theme Tags on Theme Directory) created by kafleg
As per the …
01:05 Ticket #3485 (HelpHub: Support theme update and associated plugin) closed by coffee2code
fixed: This has been deployed (yesterday, with the related CSS cache bust …
00:34 Changeset [7845] by coffee2code
Support Theme: Bump CSS version for cache bust.
00:30 Ticket #3920 (Wrap single-quoted HTML in parameter descriptions within 'code' tags.) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 7844: […]
00:30 Changeset [7844] by coffee2code
Developer: Wrap single-quoted HTML in parameter descriptions within …
00:28 Ticket #3920 (Wrap single-quoted HTML in parameter descriptions within 'code' tags.) created by coffee2code
It's not easy to enforce documentation syntax formatting requirements …


19:21 Changeset [7843] by ocean90
Translate: Use correct variable for locale slug. See #3748.
19:20 Changeset [7842] by coreymckrill
WordCamp: Remove KDC plugin from list of watched plugins This plugin …
15:18 Ticket #3911 (WordCamp Application Status page: Not all applications are shown) closed by vedjain
fixed: In 7841: […]
15:18 Changeset [7841] by vedjain
WordCamp: Use `_status_change_log_%' to filter WordCamp Applications. …
14:24 Changeset [7840] by vedjain
WordCamp: Remove deprecated plugin KDC Indian payment gateway
05:46 Ticket #3919 (Broken translation link on old plugins) created by knutsp
See When …
00:11 Ticket #3918 (Introduce a HelpHub Manager role with the ability to provision editors) created by Clorith
This ticket includes a patch​ which introduces the new HelpHub Manager …


16:31 Ticket #3917 (Only 1 theme under Featured Theme on closed by Otto42
maybelater: This is a known issue that happens rarely. It's a bug in the caching …
14:07 Changeset [7839] by vedjain
WordCamp: Disable slack error handler Looks like WordCamp production …
14:04 Ticket #3917 (Only 1 theme under Featured Theme on created by sebastienserre
Hello as discussed here …
12:21 Changeset [7838] by vedjain
WordCamp: Temporary enable all errors notifications This is a …


15:33 Ticket #3916 (Code Reference search URL is changed to link to Home) created by joyously
When I post a reply to a topic in the Support Forums with a search URL …


14:28 Ticket #3650 (Ignore slack mentions of old tickets) reopened by knutsp
Three digits:
10:24 Changeset [7837] by ocean90
Breathe: Add theme support for responsive embedded content.


21:45 Ticket #3753 (dashicons.css and dashicons.min.css both are loaded in profile page) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the report! Fixed in [14554-dotorg].
21:44 Ticket #3893 (Edit Profile Anchor Point Enhancement on closed by coffee2code
fixed: Thanks for the report! This has been fixed in [14553-dotorg] by …
21:39 Ticket #3157 (Link to Forum Profile in the Global Profile) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Fixed in [14552-dotorg].
21:38 Ticket #3855 (Centering Meetup Organizer's badge) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Fixed in [14546-dotorg]. A left: 1px style was being applied to the …
17:30 Changeset [7836] by coffee2code
Support Theme: Limit HelpHub-specific styles to HelpHub sections. …
14:46 Ticket #3915 (Make text fields resizable in the application pages of central) created by francina
I have been spending a bit of time in, in the …


10:12 Changeset [7835] by netweb
Support Forum: Updated bbPress templates and styles * This commit …
00:12 Ticket #3914 (Automatically send confirmation email for WordCamp talk submissions to ...) created by wiredpinecone
As a failsafe in case anything goes wrong with a website, internet …


22:51 Changeset [7834] by coffee2code
Trac: Add missing apostrophe.
20:51 Changeset [7833] by ocean90
Translate: Add wporg-translate export command to export translation …
19:58 Ticket #3913 (Event needs extra fields) created by casiepa
The WPTV moderators are synchronizing the videos from …
18:15 Changeset [7832] by coreymckrill
WordCamp: Bump Gutenberg plugin external to 4.2.0 tag
13:25 Ticket #3912 (Make inserting links in user notes more user friendly) created by keesiemeijer
To make inserting links in user notes more user friendly the link …
08:46 Ticket #3088 (Encoding issues for plugin names on closed by SergeyBiryukov
worksforme: Looks good to me as well, feel free to reopen if there's still an issue.
02:45 Changeset [7831] by dd32
API: Github Sync: Remove two-factor per request and disable API …
00:06 Ticket #3910 (Add Classic Editor to the Featured Plugins list) closed by dd32
fixed: has been marked as Featured.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.