


17:35 Ticket #629 (SSL for Mailing list access) created by jenmylo
Tried to go to to …
14:54 Ticket #628 (Media query for banner image is currently webkit only) closed by Otto42
fixed: I added the rules for Opera and the min-resolutions. That should cover …
13:55 Ticket #628 (Media query for banner image is currently webkit only) created by scottsweb
When viewing a plugin which has uploaded a retina version of the …
11:15 Ticket #627 (When parsing WordPress with non standard paths the inline code doesn't work) created by atimmer
If you parse WordPress from a non standard path (like in a subfolder …
07:04 Ticket #1 (Add callout boxes to handbooks) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 879: […]
07:04 Changeset [879] by coffee2code
Handbook plugin: add shortcodes for callout boxes: * Adds shortcodes …
06:24 Changeset [878] by coffee2code P2 theme: bump CSS version
06:20 Ticket #581 (Make handbook title a link) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 877: […]
06:20 Changeset [877] by coffee2code
Handbook plugin: link handbook name header to handbook home page. …
05:55 Changeset [876] by coffee2code
Code Reference: bump CSS version
05:53 Changeset [875] by coffee2code
Code Reference: ensure there is content string before checking first …
05:49 Changeset [874] by coffee2code
Code Reference: explicitly exclude hooks when determining whether to …
05:48 Ticket #600 (Autolink usernames on credits pages) closed by coffee2code
fixed: In 873: […]
05:48 Changeset [873] by coffee2code
Code Reference: auto-link @username references on credits pages. Fixes …
05:45 Changeset [872] by coffee2code
Code Reference: remove handbook name header


18:44 Changeset [871] by iandunn
Participation Notifier: Add support for attendee check-ins.
17:07 Changeset [870] by iandunn
Profiles Activity Handler: Add support for WordCamp attendee check-ins.
16:02 Ticket #626 (Capture tab events in the Notes submission box on Code Reference pages) created by DrewAPicture
Currently, using the tab key will tab you out of the submission box …


16:24 Ticket #625 (Mixed content warnings for closed by Otto42
fixed: The ssl modifier plugin for ideas somehow made it onto the sandboxes, …
14:30 Ticket #624 (Feed for popular plugins is broken) closed by Otto42
fixed: One of the modifications for the feed for SSL was hooking in at the …
10:27 Ticket #625 (Mixed content warnings for created by ocean90
[…] Related: #WP15917
10:19 Ticket #624 (Feed for popular plugins is broken) created by ocean90
This feed is broken:
00:02 Ticket #623 (Fix SSL for and created by sendhil
Right now visiting either of these sites under https throws up a …


20:28 Ticket #622 (Stop blank support forum comments) created by kidsguide
Please stop blank support forum comments. When you go to post a …
18:37 Ticket #621 (Create new role for handbook editors) created by samuelsidler
We should create a role specifically for people who edit the handbooks …
11:31 Ticket #344 (Theme previews don't work in SSL) closed by Otto42
fixed: Okay, I forced the URL to cachebust and fixed the preview URL and it …
07:34 Ticket #344 (Theme previews don't work in SSL) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
I've cleared the cache, but can still reproduce the issue in Firefox …


20:20 Ticket #620 ( activity should appear on profiles) created by siobhan
Now that is truly taking shape, it would be …
20:10 Ticket #344 (Theme previews don't work in SSL) closed by Otto42
fixed: Seems to be working for me on Firefox 32.0.2, Windows 8. I updated the …
18:42 Changeset [869] by coffee2code
Code Reference: bump CSS version
18:30 Changeset [868] by coffee2code
Code Reference: rename 'Examples' to 'User Contributed Notes' in an …
18:25 Changeset [867] by coffee2code
Code Reference: simplify handbook header
14:41 Ticket #619 (Add Content-MD5 headers to downloads) created by nacin
Ths was not easy to do in nginx. x-accel-redirect drops the …


20:20 Ticket #618 (Introduce quick-reference shortcodes for use in Explanations and ...) created by DrewAPicture
Despite the non-love for shortcodes on, I propose that we …
17:52 Ticket #617 (Inaccessible Profile Icons Have No Text Alternative) closed by Otto42
duplicate: Duplicate of #420.
17:45 Ticket #617 (Inaccessible Profile Icons Have No Text Alternative) created by mrwweb
The profile icons (Plugin Developer, Theme Developer, WordPress …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.