
Custom Query

Results (101 - 200 of 616)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1221 Broken anchor in Theme Developer Handbook defect (bug) normal Developer Hub
#1222 Default locale for translators enhancement normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1227 Trac: Add needs-screenshots to workflow keyboards enhancement normal Trac
#1244 Inconsistent style.css references in Theme Directory strings defect (bug) normal Theme Directory
#1249 Add WPTV badge to dotorg user profiles defect (bug) normal Profiles
#1264 Localised plugin directory titles defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#1273 Handbook chapters list doesn't collapse on small screens defect (bug) normal Handbooks
#1286 An option to add new users to Rosetta sites without sending an invitation enhancement normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#1295 Link from speaker-site doesn't work enhancement normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#1343 Ability to put support topics on a quasy-resolved "awaiting reply" status enhancement normal Support Forums
#1345 Handbook page revisions are broken ocean90 defect (bug) normal Handbooks
#1348 Plugin Translation Editors and duplicate statuses for the same string translation defect (bug) normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1354 Translation teams page shows the wrong contributors defect (bug) normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1374 Plugin Translation Editors are shown as if they are validator of core defect (bug) normal API
#1380 Lost text without warning when click link in Trac without JavaScript enabled defect (bug) normal Trac
#1399 Waiting strings are not automatically updated defect (bug) normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1404 Change how works for Plugin and Theme developers defect (bug) normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1410 Zip Builder: generate uniform zip across all build machines enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1420 Toggle Comments doesnt work defect (bug) normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#1425 Meta badge not added after receiving props defect (bug) normal Profiles
#1463 Add 'ticket' to reserved terms for Trac mentions defect (bug) normal Trac
#1485 Enable horizontal scroll for mobile devices on polyglots/teams page defect (bug) normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#1489 Fixing i18n functions in theme defect (bug) normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#1555 Untranslated plurals are ignored in percentage complete calculations for translation projects defect (bug) normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1583 Oembed Endpoint enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1588 Update Plugin Repo Sidebar Links defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#1604 Plugin Stats: Wrong data defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#1633 theme card improvement enhancement normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1643 New PTE request from plugins authors enhancement normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#1663 Phantom fuzzy strings in contributors table ocean90 defect (bug) normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1677 TOP 100 plugins/themes translation progress view enhancement normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1736 Webservice/endpoint to fetch user profile plugins enhancement normal Profiles
#1737 Webservice/endpoint to fetch user profile badges defect (bug) normal Profiles
#1765 GlotPress import: Avoid overwriting current translations enhancement normal Translate Site & Plugins
#1772 Active versions: Total not reaching 100% and % sign missing defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#1832 back-tick preformatted text in readme.txt not retaining line-breaks in beta plugin directory defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#1833 Improve readability FAQ titles and answers enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1835 Plugin Directory: single plugin view -- add indicator when reviews got a response enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1837 Code blocks are reduced to one line defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#1838 Improving plugin search enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1844 Approval Email Updated enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#1854 Dates in translated plugin changelog are not displayed correctly defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#1858 Tickets page should have a big "New ticket" button. enhancement normal Trac
#1871 Broken navigation on bbPress 2.x profile defect (bug) normal International Forums
#1879 Rosetta: Local Team Page Template enhancement normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#1881 permalink 404 defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#1886 Topic page layout broken on smaller screens defect (bug) normal International Forums
#1895 Cloud tags overlap the wrapped DIV and could overlap content text defect (bug) normal International Forums
#1930 Give General Translation Editors access to manually release translations defect (bug) normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#1937 Support Forum's answer still considered as spam after status change defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#1969 Locale team sites show "Login to Reply" although I'm logged in defect (bug) normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#2009 There is a small bug in User Profile ( site ) task (blessed) normal Profiles
#2041 Plugin Review 'link' to support is showing URL instead of linking. defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2046 Subscribe/unsubscribe actions not functioning defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2067 "Topics Started" shows only active topics defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2077 Forum RSS feeds aren't linked in the header defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2079 Cannot mark a topic resolved when posting a comment defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2092 Many Google search results for wordpress questions are bringing up dead forum posts (404 Page not found) defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2098 Incorrect meeting date on Upcoming WordPress Meetings defect (bug) normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#2105 Feature Request: Introduce Search for plugin specific issues enhancement normal Support Forums
#2108 Create a routine for update the language packages for WordCamps sites defect (bug) normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#2135 Support Forums: old link format doesn't work anymore defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2157 Plugin Directory: "Edit Plugin" link is displayed for non-admins defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2163 Support Theme forum page shows the wrong 'last activity' date/post in the sidebar defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2168 Forum notification emails don't say which plugin they relate to defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2172 Support Theme: 3 up forums list needs consistent CSS units defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2178 Stars to not show in reviews defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2186 Support Theme: Login link missing from new theme defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2220 Trigger a notification for file uploads to Trac enhancement normal Trac
#2230 Missing translation functions for sponsor-payment under "wordcamp-payments" plugin for defect (bug) normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#2233 Missing translation functions for payment-request/input-country.php under "wordcamp payments" plugin defect (bug) normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#2234 Missing translation functions for payment-request/metabox-vendor.php under "wordcamp payments" plugin defect (bug) normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#2235 Missing translation functions for payment-request/metabox-general.php under "wordcamp payments" plugin defect (bug) normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#2237 Missing translation functions for payment-request/metabox-payment.php under "wordcamp payments" plugin defect (bug) normal WordCamp Site & Plugins
#2240 Translation stats is not displayed for PTEs defect (bug) normal Translate Site & Plugins
#2271 Plugin name not visible in email of postings enhancement normal Support Forums
#2287 Plugin Directory: "Other Notes" custom sections are not displayed defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2310 Support Theme: Banners cover usernames in spam/pending view defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2324 Poor search result in new plugin directory compared to old directory defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2328 Read More / Read Less button - usability issues defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2352 Support Theme: Add Link to anchor to the new topic form enhancement normal Support Forums
#2360 Support Theme: Create filter for unresolved topics in plugin/theme forums enhancement normal Support Forums
#2382 RFE: Plugin review emails should say which plugin it was for defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2404 Introduce obsolete/archived status for plugins enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#2426 Ability to reply to a support thread and change resolved status at same time defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2458 "Download WordPress" might be confused for search submit button defect (bug) normal General
#2483 Trac: Different Gravatars for the same user. obenland defect (bug) normal Trac
#2511 Enable the Jetpack "Subscribe via Email" widget to Rosetta blog enhancement normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#2512 Make it clear you can change a plugin review enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#2520 Support Forums: Plugin/theme contributors should be able to close a sticky topic enhancement normal Support Forums
#2541 Rosetta: in the PTE management page, projects should link to projects on translate enhancement normal International Sites (Rosetta)
#2561 Support Theme: Add "My Account" section to user profiles defect (bug) normal Support Forums
#2602 Do not apply hovercards on tickets within link tags defect (bug) normal Make (Get Involved) / P2
#2649 Popular plugins pages 100 and above return 404 defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2657 Plugin Submissions are temporarily disabled. task (blessed) normal Plugin Directory
#2662 Rating schema missing from plugin directory defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2663 Plugin Directory Admin: Automated Audit Logs for Status Changes enhancement normal Plugin Directory
#2682 Add button "Report to moderator" for posts in forums enhancement normal Support Forums
#2718 Plugin repository does not recognize me as plugin author any more, or allow me to resolve tickets defect (bug) normal Plugin Directory
#2728 Profiles: Add WP locale to notification settings once a user is assigned as a GTE enhancement normal Profiles
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.