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Cris Luengo's user avatar
Cris Luengo's user avatar
Cris Luengo
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
148 votes

Take the 2021 Developer Survey

64 votes

Make it clearer that the "Answer Your Question" button is not for adding more information to the question

32 votes

Is Stack Overflow a good place for self learners?

31 votes

Overhauling our community's closure reasons and guidance

25 votes

Burninated [linear]ly

24 votes

Data science time! December 2018 and answer voting

22 votes

Introducing a new close reason specifically for non-English questions

17 votes

What level of experience do most answerers have?

16 votes

Why do MATLAB questions on Stack Overflow not tend to appear in the top of Google search results?

12 votes

Take the 2023 Developer Survey

6 votes

Is [graph] an appropriate Stack Overflow tag?

6 votes

Let's close down these [opencv*] tags

6 votes

Tags [mathdotnet] and [mathnet] seem to be redundant

4 votes

How should I send help links to new users?

4 votes

Where to ask questions related to image processing but have code?

3 votes

Am I the only one seeing the '90s retro theme, with the unicorns and sparkles?

2 votes

Merge tags 'numeric' 'numerical' 'numerical-methods' and 'numerical-analysis'

1 vote

Clean up [modulus] and [modulo]