Just a Bunch of Silly Pictures of Me and my Dog, on the Occasion of Her Adoption Day


Exactly 11 years ago, I brought Maggie home for the first time. A few days later, I took this picture.

This was the first in a long line of silly pictures of Maggie and me.

Eventually, I realized how much she hated being picked up, and I found new ways to make her hate being photographed.

The past eleven years have had many ups and downs, but the constant source of happiness, stability, and love is this pup.


I took this one on the scariest day of our lives together; the morning I dropped her off for her cancer surgery.


And took this one once she was home.

We’ve both got a little more gray in our beards these days, but we’re going to keep taking silly pictures every chance we get.

Maggie D, you’re the best. Happy adoption day, little bear.

The Birthday Pup

When I adopted Maggie back in 2006, I’d been desperately wanting a dog for years. But I was moving a lot, and most of the places I lived wouldn’t allow dogs. So when my friend Charlie said he was moving and needed a new home for his dog, I didn’t ask many questions. When I got her, I knew she was a year old and had been born in January. So, at some point, I decided that her birthday was January 15th. Over the years, I have to admit, I haven’t always remembered. But this year is big, because it’s Maggie’s 10th birthday. And she’s had a tough year, with me traveling a lot in advance of our move, my new dog Kramer joining the pack, then getting adjusted to a new place. So this year, when I remembered her birthday was coming up, I may have overdone it when shopping for her.

Here’s to you, Maggie. You’re a better dog than I ever dreamed of having, and I can’t imagine what the last 9 years would’ve been like without you.