Simon D. Warren/Corbis/VCG

Advancing your Scientific Presentations

For researchers in the natural sciences who want to improve the quality of their peer-to-peer scientific presentations with both virtual and face-to-face audiences

10 experts who excel at presenting their work, including renowned presentation designers, and trainers and experts in narrative tools

10 hours of learning

15-minute lessons

4-module course with course certificate

About this course

'Advancing Your Scientific Presentations' teaches you how to create more memorable and engaging presentations to your scientific peers. In the course, you will discover how you can develop your research story - the foundation of your presentation - using narrative tools, how to build a slide deck that supports and enhances your presentation, and how to prepare to deliver your presentation on the day.

What you'll learn

  • To identify techniques that can help to overcome the challenges that researchers commonly face when creating and delivering oral presentations
  • To build compelling research stories to use as the foundation for your presentations
  • To create professional slide decks that effectively communicate your research findings to your audience
  • To apply strategies to help you deliver your presentation effectively on the day, in both virtual and face-to-face environments

The course

Free Sample
Overcoming your research presentation challenges

5 lessons 2h

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Free Sample
Developing the story behind your talk

7 lessons 2h 30m

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Free Sample
Building an engaging slide deck

7 lessons 2h 30m

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Free Sample
Preparing and navigating your talk

7 lessons 3h

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Free Sample
Advancing Your Scientific Presentations: Free Sample

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4 lessons 1h

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Developed with expert academics and professionals

This course benefits from the insights of experts with a wide range of experience, including:

  • Delivering compelling presentations to audiences of scientific peers
  • Using narrative techniques when communicating research
  • Designing slide decks to support and enhance presentations
  • Training researchers how to deliver scientific presentations in a clear and engaging manner

Meet the expert panel that have helped shape and refine the content of the course:

Michael Alley

Teaching Professor of Engineering Communications, Penn State

Shohini Ghose

Professor of Physics and Computer Science, Wilfrid Laurier University

Nolan Haims

Principal, Nolan Haims Creative

Magdalena Skipper

Editor in Chief, Nature
and Chief Editorial Advisor, Nature Portfolio

Michael White

Senior Editor, Nature

Advice from experienced researchers

The course has additional insights through video interviews from:

Beatrice Chiew

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Newcastle, Australia

Jean-luc Doumont

Founding Partner, Principiae

Michael Dahlstrom

LAS Dean's Professor and Director, Greenlee School of Journalism, Iowa State University

Richard Goring

Director, Bright Carbon

Samuel Ramsey

Entomologist, USDA-ARS Bee Research Laboratory

Feedback from course users

I was reluctant to see my research results as a "story" to be told to others. But now I understand it's what makes my results stick.

Postdoctoral student, United States

I found it really helpful to have a clear process that I could apply to develop my talk, from the core message to the design details of the slides.

Research scientist, India

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Simon D. Warren/Corbis/VCG