How to Apply by PressTigers is an efficient job application tool that controls application submission mechanism. By using this add-on, one can set resume as required/optional. Additionally one can receive an applicant’s resume directly to one’s mailbox or according to given instructions.

Using this plugin one can configure the application procedure for global jobs as well as individually against each job. One can configure the submission through instructions or remove/make optional resume upload.

Note: Global application configurations are only applied on new job creations or when individual jobs are not configured.

  • Show/Hide resume attachment feature
  • Set resume as required/optional
  • Apply for a job through given instructions/notes or job application form
  • HTML editor for apply instructions
  • Configure the application procedure for global jobs as well as individually against each job.
  • Compatible with Simple Job Board Mobile App.



  • Dev Note Added hooks to enhance add-on features.


  • Fix Fixed the textual issue of “Apply through given instructions/notes” on job detail page.
  • Fix Updated depreciated functions.


  • Feature Added new UI in the Settings tab.
  • Note Made it compatible with Simple Job Board V 2.9.0.


  • Feature Replace the job instruction textarea with text editor.
  • Fix Resolved the extra spacing issue of job instruction text editor.


  • Fix Resolved the compatibility issue with SJB 2.7.0.


  • Fix Resolved the anchor tag rendering issue on frontend.


  • Fix Resolved the broken links issue for HTML editor.


  • Note Made it compatible with SJB new release 2.4.0.


  • Feature First Release
How to Apply Configurations from Job Board Settings
How to Apply Configurations for individual jobs
Apply instructions for job post

How to install & utilize the add-on?

  1. After purchase, you will get a link to download in email as well as in your account at the PressTigers marketplace
  2. Click on the link and download the plugin
  3. Upload the plugin either through “Add New Plugin” or by uncompressing the Archive and copy in ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory
  4. Activate the plugin add-on through the Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  5. It automatically adds “How to Apply” meta box on job detail page and also Settings for it

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