
The Extend Attachment File Types add-on is an easy and lightweight add-on from PressTigers that extends the portfolio of Simple Job Board to accept more files with different extensions by allowing you to add custom file types instead of only using predefined ones.

Once you’ve uploaded the add-on, you’ll be able to add new extensions, update added extensions as well as delete extensions through the settings of the Simple Job Board.

  • Compatible with Simple Job Board Mobile App.
  • Simple to use.
  • Add new extensions and assign them color.
  • Update any extension name and color.
  • Delete extensions.
  • Enable/Disable extensions.



  • Tweak On edit changed the button text to “Update Extension”.
  • Tweak Set the felids and buttons to default on add/update.
  • Tweak Update extension when name is same but color is changed.
  • Fix Fixed the issue where on edit the extension is unchecked after saving.
  • Fix Fixed the issue where color picker color not set properly on edit.
  • Fix Fixed the UI issue on mobile devices.


  • Fix Fixed the issue where file icon is not visible.
  • Fix Fixed corrupted POT file.


  • Feature First Release

Add New Extension


Edit/Delete Extension


How to install & utilize the add-on?

  1. After purchase, you will get a link to download in email as well as in your account at the PressTigers marketplace.
  2. Click on the link and download the plugin.
  3. Upload the plugin either through “Add New Plugin” or by uncompressing the Archive and copy in ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin add-on through the Plugins’ menu in WordPress admin panel.
  5. It automatically adds another tab on Settings page with title “Upload File Extensions” where you can manage the extensions.

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