Application Statuses Banner Image

The Custom Application Statuses add-on is an easy and lightweight add-on that gives you the liberty to define custom job application statuses.

Once you’ve uploaded the add-on, you’ll have the option to add new statuses, and furthermore alter the SJB default application statuses.

New Features

  • Enabled the ability to send email notifications to applicants on the application status update.
  • A custom Email Template can be added against each application status.
  • Compatible with Simple Job Board Mobile App.
  • Define custom application statuses.
  • Ability to modify the existing application statuses.
  • Color options to change the status text, background, and border color.


  • Fix Resolved the job submission issue.
  • Fix Fixes the issue where email is not sent on status change.



  • Feature Send email notifications to users on a status update.
  • Feature Add a Custom Email Template against each status.
  • Tweak Made the applicant status column sortable.


  • Fix Fixed the issue where notice error occurred due to undefined variables.


  • Feature First Release
Add Custom Application Status Email
Add Custom Application Status Email
Add Custom Application Status Email Template
Add Custom Application Status Email Template
Edit job application status
Edit job application status

How to install & utilize the add-on?

  1. After purchase, you will get a link to download in email as well as in your account at the PressTigers marketplace
  2. Click on the link and download the plugin
  3. Upload the plugin either through “Add New Plugin” or by uncompressing the Archive and copy in ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory
  4. Activate the plugin add-on through the Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  5. It will automatically add “Application Statuses” to Job board menu.

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