Training Team Meeting Recap – 21st March 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 15 attendees @lada7042 @piyopiyofox @voboghure @sierratr @pooja9712 @freewebmentor @west7 @devmuhib (async) @onealtr (async) @digitalchild (async) @cnormandigital (async) @zoonini (async) @backpocketACE (async) @bsanevans (async) @sumitsingh (async)

Welcome, all the new contributors who joined the Training Team’s Slack channel in the last week: @yashsoni2810 @sebastianm @omigisi @camillecunningham

For those who are new here, the WordPress Training Team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through educational content hosted on

If you haven’t seen them yet, then I recommend checking out our onboarding program, and our Guide Program


Meeting Note Takers

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes in this handbook page.

Looking for feedback

Discussion: possible collaboration to transform learning pathways to Skill Trees — Please leave your thoughts in the comments on this post by Friday 22 March, 2024.

Looking for volunteers

We’re looking for volunteers to map out a Contributor pathway.

@bsanevans suggest creating a document like @west7 did when building out the other learning pathways.

The document above is a final product after any folks contributed their input, so don’t feel like you have to get all that in one go :blush: But once there’s a draft, we can share that with the team for feedback. And once we’ve got feedback, we can then move it into GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. and create issues for each level.

Other News

  • Interesting discussion with Josepha today in the marketing Slack channel around this post Making a WordPress Media Corps
    • I asked the question about promoting the Learning Pathways
    • Discussion on using wptv and YouTube for videos
  • WordPress 6.5 RC3 released March 19, 2024
    • Always good to keep updated on which release they are on and how things are progressing

Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

  • See Guidelines for reviewing content when reviewing content.
    • We currently have 16 issues requiring review. (Reviewing content is a great first project. !!!)

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

  • See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
    • We have 31 issues requiring vetting.

Good first issues for developers

  • See Developing Learn WordPress for instructions on contributing to the Learn WordPress code.
    • We have 15 issues that are open to be worked on.

If you are more of a developer this is a great place to start!

Validated feedback awaiting fix

If you don’t know where to start or have questions about any of the above, feel free to send a DM @lada7042

Contribution Acknowledgement

  • Badges awarded:
    • @zoonini Kathryn Presner- Training Contributor.

Project Updates

  • The team is currently gathering a list of requirements for Testing translation plugins for #2231 and we invite folks to share their input directly on the GitHub issue.
    • Several team members have been testing.
    • WPML does not have a free version. We will need to decide if this means we don’t test this pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party, or if we try and contact the developers and ask for a copy.
    • @cynthianorman has been testing Polylang, and you can find her testing results in the relevant GitHub issue

:calendar:  Just a reminder that the dev-squad has moved to bi-weekly meetings so they will meet next week.

Faculty Updates

@lada7042 asked the faculty members, what they were working on and how was that going? If they accomplished anything since the last meeting? If they have any blockers and if any other faculty or training team member help them in some way?

@sierratr replied that he is working on a website migrationMigration Moving the code, database and media files for a website site from one server to another. Most typically done when changing hosting companies. lesson with @west7 which should be done by this week. While @west7 replied that he was with 3 lessons for the user learning pathways since the last meeting. He also recorded a new tutorial for the 6.5 release and will be running an online workshop next week on the same title “Exploring WordPress 6.5”

@cnormandigital replied that she is creating the Int Theme LP(Learning Pathway) lesson on Custom Templates and has all of the beginner theme LP(Learning Pathway) lessons ready for Sensei.

@zoonini replied that she is preparing the “Untangling Templates” online workshop, which she’ll be running for the first time next week. Also, she put out a call for more guides.

@bsanevans replied that he is gonna clear the team’s HelpScout inbox and had a conversation with a #wptv team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. regarding how training processes badge applications. Also, he has been preparing a talk for the Open Source Summit on mentorship in the WordPress community, and specifically Training’s Guide Program.

@devmuhib replied that he helped several folks publish their translation and guided two mentees of the Guide Program to contribute to the training team. Also he participated in 4 HelpScout tickets.

Open Discussions

  • If you attended WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Asia 2024 and would like to share your story please add to @west7 post WordCamp Asia 2024 Contributor Day Recap
  • @zoonini is looking for volunteers for Training team Guides See discussion

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 22th February 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 14 attendees: @piyopiyofox, @sierratr, @west7, @lada7042, @devmuhib, @huzaifaalmesbah, @amitpatelmd, @melbos, @psykro, @margheweb, @onealtr, @cnormandigital, @quitevisible, and @bsanevans

We’ve had some new people join the channel recently: 

@Quentin, @Zoran Stojkovic, @Agil Julio, @francisco, @Morais Junior, and @justingreerbbi

Welcome! Please post in the #training channel or reach out to a team member to help you with contributing. Resources to check out our onboarding program, and our Guide Program.


Meeting Note Takers

Looking for feedback

Discussion: Bringing accessibility-first approaches into content development — this is a new discussion started with the team, and we need member’s feedback.

I also want to tie in a conversation @Courtney shared in #meta recently which ties into accessibilityAccessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( work as well (note that this thread will take you out of the meeting)

Looking for volunteers

WordCamp Asia 2024 Contributor Day — we are currently looking for a host on site for the online portion. If you will be attending WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Asia and could assist with hosting the online portion of Contributor dayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus., please let us know!

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

Dev-squad GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. triage meetings happen in #meta-learn every Thursday at 07:00 UTC — if you have developer experience or are interested in helping manage that work please tune in later today!

Feb 14 attendees: @jonathan and @devmuhib

There were no new PRs or bugs to triage this week, so the team moved into triaging Content Feedback issues.

They also updated the Dev-squad triage handbook page to include details on validating Content Feedback issues for future meetings.

Other News

Ooop, this should have been in Looking for Feedback, my apologies! This conversation is ongoing until February 25th. Please share your thoughts on how we can measure impact on Learn WordPress.

Come and Contribute

If you’re ready to jump in and start contributing to the team we have a bunch of things you can work on:

Content ready for review

 Feedback awaiting validation

 Topics awaiting vetting

 Good first issues for developers

  • See Developing Learn WordPress for instructions on contributing to the Learn WordPress code.
  • There are currently 15 issues requiring developer assistance 

I do want to be clear that any training team member can assist with the above. You do not need to be a Faculty Member to contribute to this work.

 Validated feedback awaiting fix

 If you don’t know where to start or have questions about any of the above, feel free to ask in this thread or send a DM.

Contribution Acknowledgement

This is a new section we’d like to make a regular part of the meeting to acknowledge and celebrate the great work folks our doing in the team!

props to @Jonathan for the huge amount of work shared re: developer learning pathway this week.

Project Updates

Faculty Updates

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?
  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?
  • Do you have any blockers?
  • Can other Faculty or Training Team members help you in some way?

Open Discussions

Want to bring up a tweet by Amber Hinds that we should add for future discussion. A lot of talk about accessibility.
The home page of Learn WordPress has 9 insufficient color contrast errors; 2 links with ambiguous anchor text; 2 links that open in a new tab without warning.

Thank you for bringing this to the meeting, Laura! I want to tag in @francisco and @Nick Diego — our contacts helping us with the Learn WordPress redesign for their insight into this.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 8th February 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 18 attendees: @piyopiyofox, @sierratr, @lada7042, @west7, @eboxnet, @bsanevans, @onealtr, @devmuhib, @amitpatelmd (async), @zunaid321 (async), @sumitsingh (async), @jdy68 (async), @huzaifaalmesbah (async), @cnormandigital (async), @backpocketace (async), @digitalchild (async), @askdesign (async), @quitevisible (async), @margheweb (async), @ironnysh (async).

We’ve had some new people join the channel recently.

@diannagunn , @shan003, @sashingo, @Paul Westerlund, @Marco

Welcome! Please post in the #training channel or reach out to a team member to help you with contributing. Resources to check out our onboarding program, and our Guide Program.


Meeting Note Takers

We’re looking for volunteers to take notes each week through the rest of February. Would anyone like to volunteer for the team? Please post in the #training channel.

Looking for feedback

Discussion: Translation Plugin on Learn – discussion is going on regarding the adoption of a translation pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party to aid contributors in their ongoing translation work until the Phase 4 Multilingual release on native WordPress.

What data do we want to know about folks using Learn WordPress?@bsanevans put together a brainstorming post for us to discuss what data would be relevant for us to surface to better serve our Learners, team, and community.

Looking for volunteers

Looking for a faculty to help run the Guide Program? — With the new Guide Program Management handbook page in hand, and we’re looking for Faculty to take on the administration of the program. Comment in this thread if you’re interested in helping.

Meeting Note Takers — we are looking for two more folks to volunteer to post notes for this month’s final two meetings.

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

Feb 1 attendees: @psykro@digitalchild@devmuhib@melbos 

Triaged one new bug:

Feedback – Quizzes not appearing on the front end of a lesson #2196

Reviewed other open PRs to see if they could be moved along:

Remove the github-markdown class from lesson content #304 – There was some discussion on this item, which you can read in the comments on that issue. I’d like to invite the training team to add their input on the suggested change.

If you’re interested in participating, come visit the #meta-learn Slack channel at 7:00 UTC. You’ll find the time shown in your local timezone on the Training Team’s meeting calendar.

Other News

Discussion: Training’s contribution to the 6.5 release (and beyond) — this discussion has concluded with the following action items the team will focus on this year:

  • Focus on hosting release-related Online Workshops around the time of releases.
  • Submit release-related feedback about content as new Feedback issues in GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. When doing so, link to original issues where possible to keep a trail of changes that happen on a piece of content.

During February @westnz and @jonathan will be testing out learning pathway content creator office hours. This is an opportunity for anyone working on learning pathway content, or anyone interested in working on learning pathway content, to meet, discuss what content they are working on, ask questions, or find content to work on for the learning pathways.

There will be two office hour sessions:

  • Tuesday, 13 Feb @ 21:00 UTC hosted by @westnz
  • Thursday 29 Feb @ 14:00 UTC hosted by @jonathan

If you are currently working on any learning pathway lessons, or are interested in creating lessons for learning pathways, please feel free to join these sessions.

Zoom meeting URLs for these office hours will be shared in the #training Slack channel closer to the time.

Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

Good first issues for developers

Validated feedback awaiting fix

Project Updates

Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress

Contribution Acknowledgement

This is a new section we’d like to make a regular part of the meeting to acknowledge and celebrate the great work folks our doing in the team!

Badges awarded: @darshitrajyaguru97, @pooja9712, @narolainfotech, @margheweb


In this section we’ve asked fellow Training Team members if they’d like to nominate someone to share props with. I understand we have the #props channel, but keeping it in house is also pretty awesome.

I’d like to start off by giving props to @devmuhib. I’ve seen you everywhere in the team lately, unafraid to give a helping hand, respond to P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at discussions, support others, and be a friendly presence. – @piyopiyofox

@devmuhib wants to give props to @shailu25 for reviewing multiple Gujrati translations and @zunaid321 for reviewing multiple Bengali translations.

@psykro also sends his props to @digitalchild for successfully hosting dev squad for the first time last week, helping to draft the dev squad guidelines, and always being an enthusiastic dev-squad contributor. He also wants to acknowledge @cnormandigital and @ironnysh for their contributions to the learning pathways so far, and for the work they have committed to doing. 

I’d like to recognize @digitalchild for consistently working on form submissions that come into the team’s email account. Thank you! – @bsanevans

Faculty Updates

The Faculty Survey Results – Q1 2024 were released and a lot of these updates are largely in response to the feedback shared. Thank you to @faculty for sharing your candid feedback on how we can improve this program.

  • 1:1 chats with team reps — @bsanevans@piyopiyofox and @lada7042 are open at any time for 1:1 chats with Faculty Members. Please feel free to reach out to us if you’d like some time to discuss what’s on your mind.
  • Faculty Program Online Workshop — @piyopiyofox will be hosting two Make WordPress Training Team Faculty Program Information Sessions at the end of this month on February 21st at 00:00 UTC and 08:00 UTC

Open Discussions

@lada7042 connected with GatherPress channel and will help coordinate the training team testing the plugin.

@piyopiyofox had a question which could be resolved by GatherPress – do we need a shared team calendar (Like a publicly visible Google Calendar)? We have a lot of onboarding sessions coming up for the team — like the ones with @bsanevans@west7@psykro and myself, and I wonder if it would be easier for teammates to join these if they could see what’s going on all at one place?

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.


#meeting-recap, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 1st February 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 16 attendees: @bsanevans, @sierratr, @courtneypk, @lada7042, @piyopiyofox, @west7, @ardianimaya, @huzaifaalmesbah, @digitalchild (async), @devmuhib (async), @amitpatelmd (async), @cnormandigital (async), @quitevisible (async), @mebo (async), @eboxnet (async), @askdesign (async).

We’ve had some new people join the channel recently.
@saqib59@linuxplus@proloybhaduri@thiarara@hasanfardous,@jmuiruri@magork@missywilliamsdigital, @narolainfotech.

Welcome! Please post in the #training channel or reach out to a team member to help you with contributing. Resources to check out our onboarding program, and our Guide Program.


Meeting Note Takers

  • February 8 – @zunaid321
  • February 15 – need volunteer
  • February 22 – need volunteer

We’re looking for volunteers to take notes each week through the rest of February. Would anyone like to volunteer for the team? Please post in the #training channel

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

  • Who would like to facilitate an Online Workshop this year? Come and apply to facilitate. Or if you have any questions about Online Workshops, feel free to reach out to a Faculty member.
  • Call for Mentors and Mentees for the project-wide Mentorship program – Closes on February 7th 2024.
  • Faculty reviewers requested to look at and audit the Handbook pages. Feedback received so far can we viewed and updated in the GitHub project.
  • Looking for Contributor Spotlight authors – Share your availability in thread
  • Looking for any faculty members interested in running the Guide Program – Share your interest in thread

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

Attendees:  @digitalchild@psykro@devmuhib, @mebo

  • @digitalchild hosted his first Dev Squad Triage session last week.
  • Reviewed PR – #2172 (Add script to count unique learners in Sensei)
  • No issues waiting to be triaged
  • Closed #832 [Related Course: Create a Custom BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Theme #1] How Classic and Block Themes Are Developed – Lesson Plan
  • Closed After fixing – #850 [Course Exercise] Creating Template Parts: Headers and Footers

If you’re interested in participating, come visit the #meta-learn Slack channel at 7:00 UTC. You’ll find the time shown in your local timezone on the Training Team’s meeting calendar.

Other News

Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

Good first issues for developers

Validated feedback awaiting fix

Project Updates

Learning Pathways – Share progress regarding the project in thread

2024 goal planning sessions – Team Reps will be publishing an outline of the team’s goals soon.

  • Once the goals are published, we’ll be looking for folks to lead the different projects through the year. Keep your eyes out for the post coming soon.

Faculty Updates

Faculty members were asked to review and answer the following questions

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?
  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?
  • Do you have any blockers?
  • Can other Faculty or Training Team members help you in some way?

Open Discussions

  • Item submitted by @devmuhib was discussed – @bsanevans asked if anyone have comments about how best to move this forward?
  • @courtneypk shared an update with everyone. Starting next week, she will be shifting her focus back to the #community-team and just be less present in Training Team spaces. Folks thanked her for her contributions so far and wished her a great year ahead.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 25th January 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 14 attendees: @courtneypk, @cnormandigital, @bsanevans, @lada7042, @sierratr, @askdesign (async), @devmuhib (async), @webtechpooja (async), @psykro (async), @jhimross (async), @quitevisible (async), @margheweb (async), @ironnysh (async), @melbos (async)

We’ve had some new people join the channel recently.
@mohdumar1654, @zahidbenu, @cparkinson, @gajendrasingh, @priyanshii5@aanchals09,  @sunilkumarthz,  @umairashraf1986, @monusing, @rcreators, @blvtomoya, @blvtomoya, @anumit, @feedmymedia, @mzaidi604, @manukk, @keerthikavya

Welcome! Please post in the #training channel or reach out to a team member to help you with contributing. Resources to check out our onboarding program, and our Guide Program.


Meeting Note Takers

February 1 – @aanchals09
February 8 – need volunteer
February 15 – need volunteer
February 22- need volunteer

  • We’re looking for volunteers to take notes each week through the rest of November. Would anyone like to volunteer for the team? Please post in the #training channel

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

  • Call for Hosts!! Who would like to facilitate an Online Workshop this year? Reach out to a team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts..
  • Call for Mentors and Mentees for the project-wide Mentorship program – until February 7
  • Request for Faculty reviewers to look at and audit the HandbookGitHub link for faculty 

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

Attendees: @psykro@digitalchild@devmuhib009, and @hellosatya

Next week, @digitalchild is keen to host the dev squad session, and @psykro committed to getting the draft dev squad guidelines ready for that.

If you’re interested in participating, come visit the #meta-learn Slack channel at 7:00 UTC. You’ll find the time shown in your local timezone on the Training Team’s meeting calendar.

Other News

Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

  1. Discussion in the thread about the review process. @sierratr question- After completing the third review if you are a faculty member can you move the issue to Preparing to Publish? Comments: @bsanevans– “If you are a Faculty member go right ahead” @psykro – ” I would welcome anyone who moves an item into the preparing to publish.”
  2. @sierratr question- How do we handle reviews that are submitted with the review checklist? Comments: @bsanevans – Suggested pinging the person to encourage the reviewer to use the checklist and re-submit.

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

Good first issues for developers

Validated feedback awaiting fix

Project Updates

  • Learning pathways
    We have some first draft redesign edits and thumbnails up for review, and will connect with Design   re: next steps next week:
  • 2024 goal planning sessions. Just another friendly reminder to add your comments. What are some goals for the training team?

Faculty Updates

Asked faculty to check in and answer the following questions.

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?
  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?
  • Do you have any blockers?
  • Can other Faculty or Training Team members help you in some way?

Open Discussions

  • @devmuhib question- Someone has translated several pieces of content, all of which seem to be directly copied and pasted from Google Translate. I have personally reviewed this content and can confirm that the translations are not good in quality and, at times, not readable. Despite multiple requests to modify the content and maintain a certain standard, the issues persist, and the content remains unreadable. What is the appropriate course of action for such translations? @bsanevans had a few suggestions
    • Raise some specific items in the translation
    • If in the same timezone, work on a translation together.

If there are any other suggestions please add to this thread. Translation Discussion

  • @jonathanbossenger brought up- our use of InstaWP to be discussed by the team.
    • @psykro and @bsanevans have added comments on the issue in GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner.
  • @bsanevans brought up- Faculty members are added to the Learn Content Triage team on GitHub. This gives them access to triage issues, change statuses, and most importantly, check-off boxes automatically added by automation. (More info about this group in this handbook page.)
    • What do folks think about extending this permission to vetted content creators, too? 
      • @bsanevans gave more context in the thread.
      • We could offer this access to folks who, for example, meet all these criteria:
      • Is a vetted Tutorial presenter or Online Workshop facilitator
      • Has created 3 or more pieces of content
      • Has requested to be added to the GitHub triage group
      • So, it wouldn’t be something we give automatically, but something we could provide upon request, once there’s a track record of contribution.

@courtneypk, @gusaus, @psykro, @lada7042 supported this idea.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#contributor-days, #learn-wordpress, #meeting-recap, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – January 11, 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 22 attendees:  @bsanevans@webtechpooja, @gwallace87, @sierratr, @piyopiyofox, @lada7042, @sancastiza, @courtneypk, @eboxnet, @digitalchild  (async), @amitpatelmd (async), @jhimross (async), @robinpal (async), @vanpariyar (async), @hellosatya (async), @onealtr (async), @devmuhib(async), @quitevisible(async), @psykro (async), @sumitsingh (async), @sakibsnaz (async)

We’ve had some new people join the channel recently. @kawsaralameven@karson9, @corinaburri, @arkenon@dev0ghost@wpdata, @up1512001, @shadabali,  @bridgetwes, @ohthatspaul, @akojif, @lefadev22@josiahw93, @flexseth, @mgoncarova — Welcome! 


Meeting Note Takers

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes in this handbook page.

Looking for feedback

Each year, the Training Team takes some time at the beginning of the year to brainstorm goals for the year. We’ll be hosting two sessions next week, so feel free to join either… or both :star2: Sessions will be recorded for folks to watch later and anyone can add feedback in the session threads in Slack

  • Help the team brainstorm contribution ideas for the team to work on at WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Asia 2024.

WordCamp Asia is almost here, and Training will be hosting a contributor table at the event. Thank you to our table leads @west7 and @digitalchild for volunteering

The Training Team continues to update and clarify the requirements of applying for a team badge. Jonathan has started a conversation for us to clarify the requirements for code contributions. Please leave your feedback on the post by January 26th 

Looking for volunteers

Each week, the team hosts a dev-squad triage session, where they triage website development GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issues. In that process, the squad mark issues they think would be great for first-time contributors to start on. 

One of the content types Training publishes on Learn WordPress is – Online Workshops. As we start the new year, we’d like to invite anyone in the team to apply to host or co-host a workshop this year.

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

Off for the holidays- check for the next meeting

If you’re interested in participating, come visit the #meta-learn Slack channel at 7:00 UTC. You’ll find the time shown in your local timezone on the Training Team’s meeting calendar.

Other News

Next week’s team meeting will be conducted over a video call and will focus on brainstorming 2024 goals. The call link will be published in the Training channel 5 minutes before the meeting starts. If you’d like to attend with audio only, or just join in on the Slack threads, that would be great, too

Open requests for review

Currently, we have 15 pieces of content in the review stage. That’s exciting! You can find the list of content here:

Project Updates

 Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress is one of the biggest priorities of the Training Team right now. Here’s an update on how that project is going.

  • We have some first-draft redesign edits and thumbnails up for review, and will connect with Design re: the next steps next week:

Open Discussions

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#contributor-days, #dev-squad-triage-session, #developers, #learn-wordpress, #meeting-recap

Training Team Meeting Recap – 19th December 2023

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 22 attendees:  @sumitsingh,  @webtechpooja, @piyopiyofox,  @digitalchild@robinpal@devmuhib @ranjanrakesh,  @sakibsnaz,  @psykro,  @bsanevans,  @ardianimaya@benjirahmed @sancastiza@onealtr, @lada7042@amitpatelmd@sierratr(async), @courtneypk(async), @quitevisible@melbos, @west7 (async),Cynthia Norman

We’ve had some new people join the channel recently. @yotako@dilip2615@rubinwpvolunteer@cksau, @dilip2615@romanthemrb, @alihassan283, @benjamin_zekavica, @lewisushindi, @iahmed-1, @monir1999, @vicobot, @ardhrubo, @toukirwpdev , @mdibrahimk48, @kkai316 — welcome! 


Meeting Note Takers

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes in this handbook page.

Two weeks with no meetings

  • January 9 – Need volunteer
  • January 16 – Need volunteer
  • January 23 – @NF Tushar

Looking for volunteers

 Training Team 2023 Year-End Review
We have a couple more goals that we are hoping to bring to the finish line before end of year.

  • Plan promotions with the Marketing Team
  • Establish monthly recurring onboarding Online Workshops in different timezones for training team roles
  • Figure out a method to manage localized content translation
  • Audit Handbook — thank you to Abha and Sumit for your assistance here!

Regarding the Handbook Audit, we’re looking for a full review of the handbook, noting what information is out of date, what information is missing etc.

If you have feedback, please submit the feedback to the team using the Feedback GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issue template:

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

The team triaged 1 pull request and 3 bugs
PRs triaged:

Issues triaged

The dev-squad triage session will happen again this Thursday from 7:00 UTC. You can check the time in your own time zone from the team’s meeting calendar: . This will run in #meta-learn

Other News

Training Team 2023 Year-End Review

In this post we mentioned how we did on our goals and the impact of our various pieces of work. If you see anything missing in this post, please add them in the comments.

Contributor Spotlight: Laura Adamonis
Congratulation @Laura A for the contributor spotlight she is our new Team RepTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. as well 

Update on Matrix Migration: Pausing the Transition– As recently announced in the State of the WordState of the Word This is the annual report given by Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress at WordCamp US. It looks at what we’ve done, what we’re doing, and the future of WordPress. – Matrix is on hold now, but please continue testing. (edited) 

State of the Word 2023 Recap – On December 11, WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg traveled to beautiful Madrid, Spain, to deliver his annual State of the Word keynote. It was the first time this event took place outside the United States.

Overflow Questions from State of the Word 2023 in Madrid, Spain – there were so many questions asked in the State of the Word Q&A round. and Matt spent his time answering all the questions. Although all were not answered during that time, so he created a post and answer all the asked questions there in this post.

Kudos to the other team members who worked hard behind the scenes to make this event a grand success. 

Toward a More Interconnected Web
In this episode, WordPress Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy articulates the vision for a collaborative ecosystem where knowledge sharing and contributions to open-source tools lead to a more interconnected and empowered web.

Handbook pages updated

WordCamp Nepal is on January 12- 13. I will be leading the Training Table at Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. on January 12. If you are around and attending the contributor day. Please join us at the Training team table.

@webtechpooja , I’m hosting my last meeting as a Team Rep. I am honored to have served as a team rep for the past 2 years and I’ll be continuing my contribution to the team as a faculty member.

The December Monthly Update and January Learn Newsletters will be posted on January 8th, 2024.

Meetings adjustment for 2024

Global meetings will take place on Thursday at 00:00 UTC. The first meeting of the new year is on Jan 11. As per the availability of our new team Reps, a common time concluded.

  • Reminder about coffee hour

from the past few months we have not had any coffee hour, so I would like to ask do folks still want to do this?

Call for WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Asia Contributor Day table leads volunteers

WordCamp Asia is on March 7–9, 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan. The first day of the event will be the contributor day. So I would like to invite folks who will be there and have a keen interest in the Training team. Please do join us there.

We are also looking for volunteers who can help the Training team as a lead if you want to be a team lead, please reply in this thread and you can also reach out to our Team Reps directly.
cc @Destiny@Laura A@Ben Evans

Badges Awarded – Contributor badges awarded to:

Congratulations to both of you! 

Open requests for review

See our Guidelines for reviewing content to review the following content.

  1. Lesson Plan
    1. Theme.json – Lesson Plan
  2. Tutorial
    1. What is the difference between the Page Editor and Site Editor
    2. How to Create a Post or Page with the WordPress Block Editor – Tutorial
    3. Lesson: Using the Media Library
  3. Courses (Sensei) – Lessons
    1. WordPress and web servers
    2. The WordPress file system
    3. The WordPress database
    4. Permalinks, rewriting urls on Apache and Nginx
    5. Admin page request
    6. Front-end page request
    7. How WordPress Works

Faculty Check-in

I’s time for a Faculty check-in! @faculty please answer any that apply:

 What have you been working on and how has it been going? 

��Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting? 

 Do you have any blockers? 

 Can other Faculty or Training Team members help you in some way? 

Let me pause there for a minute… Were there any questions so far?

alright, seems there are no questions so far, so moving ahead.

Project Updates

 Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress

Update and next steps on the Guidelines for creating, reviewing, and publishing lessons handbook pages.

  • Thanks to everyone who shared their feedback on the guidelines
  • Jonathan would like to publish the first version of these guidelines to the Training Team Handbook by Friday, 22 December 2023
  • There may still be some open discussions in Google Docs. Jonathan would like to suggest that we publish what we have by Friday and pick up any open discussions in 2024 to revise the handbook pages accordingly.

is there any other update you would like to mention here @Jonathan

Now we move to our final thing of agenda

Open Discussions

Let’s celebrate achievements from the year

  • Share your achievements/journey/stories/Plans or Goals for next year
  • How do you contribute to the Training Team or any other Make WordPress teams?

We would love to hear about your achievements. Please feel to share any other thing you would like to share or discuss.

 @Ben Evans – I only started contributing to the Training Team in June 2022. This year was really exciting for me as I contributed as a team rep, allowing me to work alongside so many people It was exciting to get to know so many WordPress enthusiasts, both through Slack, at Online Workshops, and even at Meetups and WordCamps. So, thanks to everyone who I was able to interact with this year’s

digitalchild – I can’t remember when I joined. After Ben that’s all I got heh

@Ben Evans – Training was able to refine onboarding, meeting formats, values, goals, contribution documentation, and direction for Learn… just so much! I look forward to what the team accomplishes next year

@webtechpooja – I made my first contribution to the Training team back in 2019, and then got more involved in the team at the time of the An online implementation of WordPress code that lets you immediately access a new WordPress environment to publish your content. is a private company owned by Automattic that hosts the largest multisite in the world. This is arguably the best place to start blogging if you have never touched WordPress before. website launch in 2020. After this, I never looked back and made continuous contributions here. For the past 2 years, I have served as a team rep, and for this, I am really honored. I learned many things from my fellow team members. the teamwork, collaboration, and work in different time zones async is truly amazing.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training, #training-team

Training Team Meeting Recap – 21st November 2023

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 16 attendees:  @devmuhib,  @sumitsingh,  @webtechpooja, @psykro,  @amitpatelmd,  @piyopiyofox,  @digitalchild,  @bsanevans,  @properlypurple,  @piyushmultidots,  @huzaifaalmeabah,  @jhimross(async),  @lada7042(async),  @sierratr(async),  @courtneypk(async),  @quitevisible(async),  @west7(async)

We’ve had several new people join the channel recently. Let’s get introduced to 3 new people here: @yasinsarkar @jesusnunolt @mhasanmeet


Meeting Note Takers

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes in this handbook page.

  • November 21 – @Sumit Singh
  • November 28 – Need Volunteer
  • December 5 – Need Volunteer
  • December 12 – Need Volunteer

Looking for feedback

  • If you find any outdated content/screenshot, any spelling mistake, or any other thing that needs to be updated in the handbook, please create a GithubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. issue here by choosing – Content feedback  template or you can ask for help in this slack channel as well.
  • Proposal: Hosting Learn videos on YouTube – if you have any thoughts here, please share them in the comments on the post.
  • Matrix set up and testing esp. for accessibilityAccessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( – Last week we were discussing setting up a matrix, if you have any thoughts please See Slack thread (Please note this Slack thread will take you away from this meeting flow.)

Looking for volunteers

  • Audit Training team handbook – we are looking for volunteers who can help us in auditing our Training team handbook. If you are interested, please start auditing and if not sure how to do this please show your interest in this thread or reach out to our faculty members and team reps for any further queries.
    • @devmuhib interested in auditing our Training team handbook
  • Call for Guides in Guide Program – The Guide Program is seeking experienced contributors to help guide new Training Team members in their contribution journey. If you are an experienced Training Team contributor and would like to be a Guide for new contributors, please complete the application form!

 Learning Pathway Content Creators

We need help creating lessons for the Designer, User, and Developer pathways. which have been defined in this document. Please comment on this thread or reach out to @westnz if you’re able to assist.

Our goal is to complete these three pathways by July 2024. cc/ @faculty-content-creators

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

The following PRs were triaged:

We also discussed options to improve the dev-squad triage sessions, which resulted in this post: What’s next for dev-squad.
We would like to invite anyone interested in joining the team and helping to improve the process to comment on that post and join the next session this Thursday at 07:00 UTC in the #meta-learn channel.

Other News

What’s next for Dev-Squad?

  • Getting the handbook pages updated is the highest priority
  • Getting 1 extra host for the meetings (would love up to 5)

 Badge awarded – Nazrul Islam Nayan@Sancastiza@Priyanshii@Hajime megane Ogushi@Shail Mehta

Team reps AFK

  • Destiny: Dec 25th — Jan 2nd 2024
  • Pooja – Nov 27 – Nov 29
  • Ben: Dec 23rd – Jan 5th 2024

Open requests for review

See our Guidelines for reviewing content to review the following content.

Project Updates

  • Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress — see latest updateFrom last week's update – We should have revamped Mira images soon to show how the information architecture will be changing, and we will also be engaging development and design folks for the next steps.
  •  GitHub project
    • A lot of the planning work is done, and we’re now ready to start switching things around. These are the action items that remain:
    • Implement new GitHub labels
    • Implement and document GitHub automations
    • Update Handbook pages for current structure and announce with the team in a P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at post
    • If you have availability over the next two weeks and would like to help, please comment here and Ben will share more details.

Open Discussions

The test team is changing the weekly meeting time. If you are interested in attending the Test team meeting but the current time is stopping you, please choose a suitable time and leave it in the comment below link.

State of the Word 2023 – Madrid, Spain
When: December 11, 2023, 15:00 UTC (Start of live stream)
Where: Palacio Neptuno, Madrid, Spain
Streaming: Watch the live stream on the WordPress YouTube channel.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training

Training Team Meeting Recap – 14th November 2023

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

For those newly joining us, the WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning, as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments via

We have a few ways for you to get involved:

Introductions and Welcome

There were 18 attendees: @piyopiyofox, @jhimross, @digitalchild, @faisalahammad, @psykro, @bsanevans, @sakibsnaz, @yuli-yang, @sancastiza, @sumitsingh, @lada7042(async), @quitevisible(async), @devmuhib(async), @weblink(async), @west7(async), @courtneypk(async), @benjirahmed(async), @huzaifaalmesbah(async), @sierratr(async)

We’ve had one new person join the channel recently. Let’s get introduced: @faisalahammad

@piyopiyofox asked: What is your interest in Learn WordPress and the Training Team? Also, what do you enjoy outside of WordPress? @faisalahammad is a content creator and he thinks he can be a part of WordPress community to share my knowledge with other learners. @bsanevans encouraged him to contribute in the Training Team where he can make the content listed in our Learning Pathways content outline.

If you’re not sure how to get started with us yet, I recommend checking out our onboarding link above or our newly introduced Guide Program.

The Guide Program will connect newcomers such as yourselves with seasoned contributors who provide guidance, answer questions, and help you navigate the contribution process with confidence.


Meeting Note Takers

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes in this handbook page.

  • November 14th – @devmuhib
  • November 21st – @sumitsingh
  • November 28th – need volunteer
  • December 5th – need volunteer

Looking for feedback

Team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. nomination closed on November 14th. Current team reps will next contact nominees and work on creating a poll for voting on our newest Team Reps.

Looking for volunteers

  • Looking for Learning Pathway Content Creators.

Training team needs help creating lessons for the Designer, User, and Developer pathways, which have been defined in this document. Please comment on this thread or reach out to @west7 if you’re able to assist.

The goal is to complete these three pathways by July 2024.

Other News

The course cohort instructor, @psykro, is specifically looking for feedback to the questions noted in this post!

@psykro received props from @piyopiyofox for creating the program and for the first cohort to completion? But he thanked all the cohort applicants for taking part, as well as his “teaching assistant” @bsanevans for his help and insights during the cohort.

  • 6.4 is out and was the first release where we had the Training Team as part of the release squad.

@piyopiyofox requested feedback from @courane01, @courtneypk on how the process went for them and what they’d like to see happen for future releases? @courtneypk – thinks It would be good for us to write something up to share for future releases.

Open requests for review

See our Guidelines for reviewing content to review the following content.

Can we do an AI review?

Translation and reviews can be run through some sort of AI system like ChatGPT. We can ask reviewers to perform. Additionally, we can also ask it to give content update recommendations for the content creator.

@digitalchild wants to experiment with how to make this easier and everyone appreciated that.

Localized content not getting reviewed in a timely manner– an AI review ahead of a native speaker review could be a good first step toward making progress.

Project Updates

Open Discussions

The idea is to create a page in the handbook that lists opensource, or free, video editing tools content creators can use when making content for Learn. We could also create Tutorials, or host Online Workshops, showcasing how to use those tools.

@digitalchild will make a form to send out to all creators. He’ll collect a spreadsheet of all the tools, to then categories and publish.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training

Training Team Meeting Recap – 31th October 2023

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

For those newly joining us, the WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning, as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments via

We have a few ways for you to get involved:

Introductions and Welcome

There were 11 attendees: @nayanchamp7, @benjirahmed, @webtechpooja, @huzaifaalmesbah, @devmuhib, @vanpariyar, @Lada7042(async), @sierratr(async), @onealtr(async), @west7(async), @quitevisible(async)

We’ve had several new people join the channel recently. Let’s get introduced to 7 new people here: @shoto100, @thepauly, @masperber, @larassattidn, @hellosatya, @benushersmith, @vimalroy08

If you’re not sure how to get started with us yet, I recommend checking out our onboarding link above or our newly introduced Guide Program.

The Guide Program will connect newcomers such as yourselves with seasoned contributors who provide guidance, answer questions, and help you navigate the contribution process with confidence.


Meeting Note Takers

Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes in this handbook page.

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

With just a few more weeks until WordPress 6.4 is released, we have a few tasks we need your help with:

  • Looking for a Contributor Hour host to help assign and answer questions about these issues – @courane01, @courtneypk
  • Please note that the most helpful way to validate these issues is to note what specifically needs to change in the current content

If you are interested in helping creating/updating 6.4 related issues, please reach out to us.

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

There was no dev-squad triage last week.

Other News

Nomination for 2024 Training Team Reps

Anyone can nominate a Training team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts.! Self-nominations are welcome, too. To nominate someone or yourself, please comment on this post. If you would like to nominate someone in private, please reach out to @webtechpooja, @bsanevans, @piyopiyofox

Team rep – Destiny AFK Oct 30 week, If any question you have, please feel free to reach out to Pooja or Benjamin.

Open requests for review

See our Guidelines for reviewing content to review the following content.


Translated Content

If you know any language that is mentioned above, please help us in publishing those content.

Project Updates

No project update this week.

Open Discussions

That is all we had on our agenda today. Looks like there are not many things to discuss today. Thanks for joining.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#meeting-recap, #training