WordCamp US 2023 Contributor Day Recap

WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. US (WCUS) 2023 Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of https://make.wordpress.org/ There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. https://2017.us.wordcamp.org/contributor-day/ https://make.wordpress.org/support/handbook/getting-started/getting-started-at-a-contributor-day/. was held this year on Thursday, August 24th. Typically all Make Teams share one room on Contributor Day, but this year the Training Team shared a large room with Docs Team contributors. This new setup allowed for us to have more space to engage with current and new contributors, spread out as we needed, and ensure that there was no confusion about which table was which.

You can see our Contributor Plans in this WordCamp US 2023 Contributor Day post.

This year we had a total of 30 in person contributors and 14 online contributors, giving us a total of 44 contributors to the Training Team on Contributor Day!

Can we give a round of applause to all of our friends who showed up to give back to WordPress through the Training Team that day?:

In person: @margheweb @ardianimaya @weblink @8thpalm @eightface @brezocordero @lada7042 @piyopiyofox @courtneypk @bsanevans @awendtwpe @kimberlyrosetaylor @jominney @jannykang @rokasomnisend @ks @mrrohitbhardwaj @jmillington17 @sarikankkonen @aurimakela @pekkakortelainen @yuli-yang @carlisdm @nayeonk @tantienhime @backpocketace @courane01 @burtrw

Online: @sierratr @dakwant @jhimross @onealtr @huzaifaalmesbah @psykro @harapalsinh @monzuralam @arasae @webcommsat

Don’t see your name up here? Message @Destiny in the Make SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. so that we can get that updated– we so appreciate your time and want to commemorate your hard work!

Our accomplishments

  • Onboarded 15+ people to the Training Team (See our getting started guide here)
  • Translated some high priority content into four new languages:
    • Finnish
    • German
    • Korean
    • Spanish
    • A contributor is also now actively seeking fellow Chinese Traditional community members to contribute to this cause
  • Work also continued on tutorial subtitles in the following languages:
    • German
    • Indonesian
    • Spanish
  • Taught a cohort of five folks how to create video tutorials for Learn WordPress
  • Began work on the following tutorials
  • Worked on the Learning Pathways project in a couple ways:
  • Received 1 new Online Workshop (OW) facilitator application for Chinese OWs.
  • We also cross-collaborated with the Docs team regarding how to better work together and backlinkBacklink Incoming links to a web page. Search engines view backlinks as a reputation builder. The more quality (as determined by the search engine) incoming backlinks a site has usually helps a site to rank better in search engine results. materials to each other
  • Submitted the Training Team Accessibility Checklist for review

The Training Team uses GitHub to manage their ongoing content creation work. Issues created and touched during WCUS23 Contributor Day have been labeled with wcus23 contributor day label.

See labeled issues here

Don’t see what you did here? Let @Destiny know on the Make WordPress Slack!

What’s next?

Continue your path to earning a Contributor Badge

To the folks who joined us for the first time, and even some familiar faces, we encourage you to continue to engage with the team in Slack and within your local WordPress communities. I’d also like to take a moment to share with or remind you that we have Team Profile Badges which you can earn for your contributions.

Keep up the great work to earn your contributor badge! 🙂

Share Feedback about Contributor Day

We’d love to be able to improve and share in anything that went well for our Contributor Days, so please take a moment to fill out this Contributor Day Attendee Feedback Form when you get the chance!


Thank you again to to our in-person co-leads @lada7042 and @piyopiyofox for helping organize Contributor day, and to our online co-leads @courtneypk and @amitpatelmd for helping to keep our global team connected and present as well.
