Fifteen Merged PRs for WP-CLI Hack Day 2024

The third ever WP-CLIWP-CLI WP-CLI is the Command Line Interface for WordPress, used to do administrative and development tasks in a programmatic way. The project page is Hack Day is now complete!

It was really nice to connect with folks both on Zoom and in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at With how much async collaboration we have in the project, it’s quite refreshing to discuss bugs and implementations in real-time. I think we had a Zoom room open for over seven hours.

Many thanks to everyone that participated! 🙏 @abhi3315, @brianhenryie, @danielbachhuber, Deepak Kumar, isla w, @johnbillion, @kau-boy, @mkrndmane, @meszarosrob, @petitphp, @rabmalin, @schlessera, @swissspidy, Takshil Kunadia, @tfirdaus, @thelovekesh

We had 15 pull requests that were merged during the event:

  1. Update docker runner to resolve docker path using /usr/bin/env
  2. Add Signup fetcher
  3. Fix broken Gutenberg test
  4. Warn when supplying multiple themes with theme install --activate
  5. Add wp-versions-data-fetcher workflow
  6. Improve warning message for install and activate multiple themes
  7. Fix breaking multi-line CSV values on reading
  8. Ensure that the POT file use the same license as the theme
  9. Fix inherit path in nested directory
  10. Update failing tests after new transient in WP core
  11. Add tested_up_to field
  12. Correct plugin main file in bootstrap in scaffolded test
  13. Include any non default hook information in CompositeCommand
  14. Add support for GitHub release installation
  15. Enable --format=<format> for db search

In addition to those, we had an additional 6 pull requests with substantial progress during the event that aren’t yet merged:

See you at the next WP-CLI Hack Day!