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    My Moodboards ❀❀❀ Send in a request  ❀❀❀  AO3

    Hello lovely readers. My name is Emma and I’m a multifandom nerd with a love for fanfic. I’m open to requests, although it may be awhile before inspiration hits. Feel free to send one in though, or just come say hello!

    My blog and my stories are all intended for readers 18 and older - no exceptions. I currently write for various Pedro Pascal characters and Moon Knight. I’ve also written a bit for Stranger Things and House of the Dragon. You can find them under the cut!

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  • hey genuine question why do people put that fucking water filter over screenshots. just post them. fuck you.

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    no. get submerged

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  • How do I register to vote if I’m going to college in a different state than my home state?

    Did you know that you can still register to vote even if you are living in a different state than where your ID is registered? About 1 in 5 university students attend an out-of-state college, which is a very large amount of potential voters. Here is information for college students on getting registered to vote:

    • Register for an absentee ballot - this is a mail in ballot that would allow your vote to count in the state you are originally from. This is a good option for temporary residents of their college state, but permanent residents in their home state
    • Every state has different residentry requirements, Depending on your state, you may be considered a resident by living there for college, which would allow to register in that state
    • You can only register/vote in one state

    Click here for general voter registeration

    Click here for information on absentee ballots

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    Every single on of those registrations was a single person deciding to register. When you think you're just "lil ol me" and your voice doesn't matter that much: Remember this.

    Your actions have impact, your voice and your vote matter.

    Get Registered and VOTE

    Find out where/when/how at:


  • Waiting to hear back from my bosses about the formal request I submitted for more WFH days (and ideally, going fully remote) for mental health/migraine reasons and it feels like laying on a desk with my guts open 😮‍💨

  • you don’t like country/folk/americana? you don’t like the soulful lamenting and colorful storytelling of poor workers and immigrants of the past? banjo banjo🪕?

  • In summer, the Hitokotonushi Shrine in Ibaraki sets up on oasis for bees where they can safely collect water

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    30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (February 24, 2024)

  • hold on hold on wait a minute

    do you bring your phone into the shower?





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    oh this suddenly isnt a safe space anymore

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    "how do u not get it wet" its simple. dont let the water touch it freaky style

  • im going to be honest if ur scrolling ur phone while in the shower u have depression

  • “why are you wearing a cloak at the bowling alley” it’s my bowling cloak you fucking casual

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  • I must sleep. Sleep is the mind-healer. Sleep is the big-life that brings total ability to fucking do anything. I will face my bed. I will permit the blankie to pass over me and snores to pass through me. And when sleep has gone past I will turn the outer eye to greet the new morning. When the sleep has gone there will be everything. Energy and will to live will remain.

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    The side smirk + looking into my soul + wink ... I can't even.

    Keep reading

  • Tradwives are out. Tradspinsters are in. I'm feminist, ambiguously queer, and will literally spin you a yarn you shan't soon forget. Wool, in any color you like, made with natural dyes from the garden

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    my favorite shots of din djarin per episode: chapter 8 - "redemption"

  • My deeply queer need to be a large wolf and lay onto top of someone in order to just be close to them, but also me so much wolf that they are overwhelmed with wolf.

  • "get wolfed idiot"

  • Love is when you are a very big wolf and you lay on the people you care about while wagging your tail gentle like.

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    Here we see some idiot getting wolfed in action.

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    &. lilac theme by seyche