15 thoughts on “CONTACT

  1. Saw the Atomic Living TEDx talk. Spellbound. I’m studying at Dartmouth and am a part of the IEEE Student Club that organizes similar motivating and interesting talks for students. If you have the time, I’d love to discuss the possibility of having you over for a talk. Let me know. I’m available here or at raghav.mathur.th@dartmouth.edu

  2. I am so happy my ex boyfriend ran into you at sxsw and introduced me to your world and work; he received this same business card. He also said your essence reminded him of me, whatever that means coming from a bro. ~shrugs~ Thank you for all your efforts in the music industry, feminism, politics, philosophy etc. I am in the process of doing my own podcast about the saame thing however this was before I knew about your existence. Keep doing you, girl

  3. I salute your spirit really amazing..!!! it is awesome feeling that you are representing my country over there..

  4. Congrats on the marathon!

    A special thanks for braving Mother Nature to bring to light the oppression and shame faced by millions of women the world over. Being shunned for something that occurs monthly, for around 45 years of one’s life is unimaginable to first world women/girls.

    The article in People magazine was posted on Facebook and it really angers and saddens me that women, sisters, are so selfish and ignorant as to make it about their delicate sensibilities and call it a “health hazard”. 98% of the women posting have missed the entire point. The lack of empathy is palpable.

    Thank you. You’ve inadvertently outed a lot of selfish, ignorant women. The rest of us will continue to try and educate them.

  5. Lindsey, I agree with what you said about the comments on FB and I too am angered and sad that so many women made such hateful and ignorant comments. I could only read a few because of how mad I was getting. It embarrasses me that women especially in the US are so ignorant to think that every woman in the world has access to tampons or pads. This is why in the US that women’s rights/equality is no longer moving forward and it hasn’t just stalled/stopped we are actually moving backwards. When did being a feminist become such a bad word/thing in this Country? It really saddens me when I have a 13 year old daughter and she even asks questions about how women are treated no just in the US but all over the world.
    Kiran, I am proud of you for bringing awareness and commend all that you are doing!
    In the US I feel as though no one gives a crap unless they are directly affected and the way people in this country act so entitled disgusts me.
    I too will continue and try and educate people, I was active duty in the US Air Force and retired about a year ago after 20 years of service and I am not back in school full-time as a History Major with minor in Political Science, I did earn 2 degrees while on active duty in Public Health and Human Resource Management but I realized I didn’t want to work in either of those fields and I wanted to do something that I loved and feel very passionately about. I intend to either continue and finish a PHD in History or Law School. I want to make a difference for women and not just in the US. I could fill many pages with what I dealt with during my time in the Air Force concerning how women are treated.

  6. What you did on that marathon was amazing. I’ve seen hundreds of ignorant comments online (shockingly mainly from women) saying it’s disgusting, it’s pointless, just “plug it up”.

    Good god, people can be so dumb. I don’t understand how the majority can miss the point so massively. Have they never been caught short without a tampon (ON WHICH WE PAY *TAX* AS A *LUXURY ITEM*), and can’t imagine living a life where you’re always without feminine products and ashamed of having a functioning female body?

  7. Hi, I just wanted to congratulate you for all your work. I have shared your web in our fb page https://www.facebook.com/menstruacion
    You are all invited to come and watch Monthlies online, a great educational resource and wonderful tool to learn about menstruation. You can watch the film online or download it.
    Thank you Karin for your great work.
    Nati, from The Moon Inside You Team

  8. I love that women are standing up and refusing to be ashamed or embarrased by their bodies anymore. I wanted to share with you a product that I found and used exclusively for many years (until I had a hysterectomy. (In the early 1900s when pads and tampons began to be marketed, there was another product, the menstrual cup, that was safer, and more effective, but it was not marketed because one a woman bought one, it lasted 5 years or more. Not much money to be made there. For those women who have no access to (un)sanitary products, I would love to see awareness raised about these products. No more filling landfills, and cutting down forests for menstrual products. And one box of these cups would provide for the needs of those women without access to products for years!

    1. Ms. Ghandi quotes on her blog “I ran with blood dripping down my legs for sisters who don’t have access to tampons”. If that’s the case, I hope we soon see Ms. Ghandi actually doing something about that. glpslwriter, I couldn’t agree with you more. This would be a safe, inexpensive method to help these “sisters”.

  9. Hi! Love your tampon story. Have you heard of Days for Girls (DaysforGirls.org)? We are teams
    around the world that sew washable, reusable feminine hygiene products. We then distribute them to women and girls in impoverished nations. I just returned from Haiti myself. Thanks for raising awareness!!!

  10. Hi Kiran! It’s 3:57am in London and I really should go to bed but I just saw your TED talk and thought “what I really wanna do is get in touch with this lady”.. so my first experience of (consciously) living atomically is this message to you! I’m a 22 year old artist and music producer (HUGE MIA fan) and your whole vibe and theory seriously struck a chord with me. I think you’re absolutely right, making those decisions that resonate with me immediately always seems to put me in the most magical and absurdly brilliant situations, much better than laundry. I have the same thing of trying to bring together my dissonant passions (making music and illustrating children’s books) – I’ve never really tried to marry them consciously before, i’ll definitely try it now. Also, your marathon run is so cool and so needed to happen – I saw it trending on my facebook and was like HERO SHE IS A HERO. I hope we can hook up in person one day, you look like so much fun, thanks for wrenching my mind open. GAZELLE X


  11. Hi Kiran! It’s 3:57am in London and I really should go to bed but I just saw your TED talk and thought “what I really wanna do is get in touch with this lady”.. so my first experience of (consciously) living atomically is this message to you! I’m a 22 year old artist and music producer (HUGE MIA fan) and your whole vibe and theory seriously struck a chord with me. I think you’re absolutely right, making those decisions that resonate with me immediately always seems to put me in the most magical and absurdly brilliant situations, much better than laundry. Also, your marathon run is so cool and so needed to happen – I saw it trending on my facebook and was like HERO SHE IS A HERO. I hope we can hook up in person one day, you look like so much fun, thanks for wrenching my mind open. GAZELLE X


  12. I love ur way of handling ur period problem like a true star m very happy to see dat der r womens in dis world who live der life der own way I hope womens in India too learn how to live a life in dignity & m just talking about the women’s dat I know & not about everyone else

  13. It’s you! Swoon! Do you remember me? How have you been? I have to explore your webpage.

    John Thomas Johnson
    Full-time, unpaid, Tsarist

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