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The Loss a Great Man: Nelson Mandela

The news has arrived. It is true that the world has lost a great hero, Nelson Mandela. A couple years ago I wrote an extensive tribute and reference article on Nelson Mandela when rumors of his death flooded the web. He lived long past the rumors, but today, the rumors come to an end. Whether […]

Blog Exercises: Honor the Moment

In “Okay, Everybody, Group Hug!” the author of True Stitches, Heather, honored the moment of a publishing triumph. This is my 300th post. An accomplishment of sorts, I guess, although it took me years and years to get here. But along the way I have connected with so many wonderful people, which is the greatest […]

Lorelle is Naked

Oh, no. Don’t look, Ethel! Yes, Lorelle is naked. Well, at least Lorelle on WordPress is naked. Today, April 5th, is CSS Naked Day, a day bloggers and website owners can honor web page design and designers around the world by turning off your stylesheet for the day. UPDATE: Over 1600 sites are listed as […]