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Firewalling and Hack Proofing Your WordPress Blog

Blog Security is one of the top security blogs out there keeping an eye on all things blog security and WordPress. They’ve just released two great articles WordPress fans need to check out. First is news of a video and blog post by Guvnr called “10 Tips to Make WordPress Hack Proof. The effort involved […]

WordPress News: WordPress Resolutions, Tattoos, LiveJournal, Converters, Security, Plugins, and More

I just published WordPress News: Buddy Press Almost Ready, WordCamp Las Vegas Success, Plugin Author Tips, WordPress Tattoo on the Blog Herald covering: WordPress news about Matt Mullenweg’s New Year’s Resolutions set a plan for WordPress in 2009. BuddyPress nearing release from beta. WordCamp Las Vegas was a resounding success. This weekend is WordCamp Jakarta. […]

Web Hacks, Worms, Infections, and Viruses: Is Your Blog Prepared?

I just released “Downadup Worm Infection: Cyber Attacks on the Rise in 2009” on the Blog Herald, the first in a short series on security issues facing bloggers and web users in 2009. The Downadup Work has infected more than 3 million sites worldwide and is spreading. Most of these sites are in Asia, but […]

Blog Herald WordPress News: WordPress Scholarship, 800,000 WordPress 2.7 Downloads, XML-RPC Problem, and Top Plugin Authors

I just published WordPress News: Weblog Tools Collection Scholarship Fund, WordPress at the Supreme Court, Top Plugin Authors, XML-RPC Trouble, and More, this week’s Blog Herald WordPress News report. WordPress 2.7 downloads now passing 800,000. WordPress goes to the Supreme Court. Weblog Tools Collection announces college scholarship fund for WordPress students. WordPress 2.7 problems with […]

WordPress 2.7 Release News and Links

Below is an updated list of articles I’ve found about WordPress 2.7 features and issues to prepare you for the exciting upcoming version of WordPress due out any moment. But first, this announcement. WordPress 2.6.5 Released: A security release of WordPress has come out and you are highly recommended to upgrade now, rather than wait […]

Warning: Fake WordPress Malicious Site

Take care when searching for WordPress that you do not end up on a fake WordPress site. looks like the WordPress site but isn’t. This is just the first of what could be a run on fake sites that take advantage of your careless misspelling and spoofs the official WordPress site. Pay close attention […]

What Are Those Unknown Characters in My Blog Comments?

Little squares, boxes, lines, and funky symbols are often found in blog comments. A friend new to blogging called me about these wanting to know if her blog had been hacked or her computer had a virus. “It looks like alien writing from Star Trek!” Those strange symbols and characters in your blog comments are […]

WordPress Blogs and More Hacked by Google Redirects

Hackers are just determined. There are no new security flaws reported recently in WordPress, but that hasn’t stopped imaginative and determined hackers. The recent security issues concern hackers who work with Google and other search engine results and redirects traffic from your blog or website. The searchers clicks on the link and is redirected to […]

WordPress Security Prevention, Reactions, and Scares

Matt Mullenweg spoke out recently on the recent bogus “SecurityFocus SQL Injection” fear spreading across the web. There is a huge perception today that WordPress is a security risk. This is not true. As Matt discussed, fears of SQL server vulnerabilities and other security issues have gotten out of control, for WordPress as well as […]

Alert: Possibly Related Posts Feature on Blogs has activated a feature without warning that has many up in arms of protest, making it one of the least welcoming additions to Since the beginning of, one of the most requested features has been the ability to showcase related posts from our own blogs. has activated this ability, but the […]

Weekly Digest: Writing About Writing, Working on Books, Lots of Speaking Gigs, and Blog Struggles is a Success

I’ve been working non-stop on my upcoming big article series on blog writing and personal blogging. I’ll be posting some requests for your assistance on these issues soon. I’m also working on two books, as well as the ebook version of Blogging Tips, so stay tuned for more announcements on that. My schedule is starting […]

Weekly Digest: Blogging on Blogging, Speaking at SOBCon and WordCamp Dallas, and More on Blogging

This week has been a busy one as I prepare for two intensive blogging article series coming up in the next couple of months. I doing a lot of research and I’ll give you a hint. One is about personal blogging and the other is about blog writing. Stay tuned for more hints. 😀 I’m […]

Weekly Digest: End of Year Rush, Lorraine is Bad, Awards, and Kicking Blogging But – As Usual

I had last week’s Weekly Digest of “Lorelle World” ready to go, but life stepped in with a lot of snow and too many distractions. My apologies. So this week, you get three-for-one. 😀 I decided to have a little fun these past few weeks with the types of articles I published here and on […]

Weekly Digest: Back on the Farm, Improving Your Blog Series, WordPress Podcast Reporter, and More

While the world is rushing around doing holiday activities, I’m in panic mode to finish up some major projects and working very long hours – in between feeding animals and doing farm work. Had a lovely adventure with one of the mini-donkeys, Rocko, who got lose and I found him wandering around in front of […]

Weekly Digest: Floods, Harp Guitars, WordPress 2.4 News, and Improving Your Blog Tips

I’ve been back for a week and already have been snowed, hailed, rained, frozen, and flooded. The electricity held but the Internet was down most of four days, so I got a lot of behind the scenes work done, as well as unpacking. I’m playing catch up as fast and furious as I can amidst […]