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Blog Exercises: What If You Knew You Could Not Fail

I helped a writer set up her first blog today, encouraging her to share her stories as part of the process moving towards becoming a published author. We talked about how a site will help her, not just with marketing, promotion, and community building, but also by rethinking how she writes, what she writes, and […]

One Minute with Lorelle: Planning Your Blog

In this first of a new series of articles, I’m starting “A Minute with Lorelle.” These one minute videos and articles will take you through the process of planning, writing, styling, customizing, and setting up your WordPress blog one minute at a time. Whether you are new to blogging or ready to make some changes […]

The Art of the Fan-Based Blog: Create a Game Plan

By DB Ferguson of the No Fact Zone Are you ready to plunge into your own fandom blog? Then it’s time you started thinking more like a webmaster than a fan. A fan is all agog with the thrills and spills of their star, but hosting a fandom blog means making a plan and sticking […]