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Blog Exercises: Dissecting Post Categories

In a recent article, Noah Weiss shared his struggle to figure out categories and tags on his personal site. I know many of you following these Blog Exercises have also struggled to figure out your categories, so I thought Noah’s site would be a perfect example, He has gratefully given me permission to rip his […]

Blog Exercise: Category Brainstorming

In the first of my new Blog Exercises, you will begin work on clarifying the purpose and mission of your site. Take a minimum of 25 minutes to list all the words and phrases that describe what you blog about. If you are new to blogging, list all of the words describing what you wish […]

One Minute with Lorelle: Planning Your Blog

In this first of a new series of articles, I’m starting “A Minute with Lorelle.” These one minute videos and articles will take you through the process of planning, writing, styling, customizing, and setting up your WordPress blog one minute at a time. Whether you are new to blogging or ready to make some changes […]