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Donncha and Lorelle at WordCamp 2007
Lorelle presenting at WordCamp San Francisco.
Glenda Watson Hyatt and Lorelle VanFossen 2009 Vancouver, BC
Kym of WordCast - love-for-lorelle
img_49341 - WordCamp Las Vegas - photography by Lorelle VanFossen
Erno Hannick and Lorelle VanFossen in Vegas - CES 2009 photograph by Lorelle VanFossen

By donating generously to Lorelle on WordPress you are doing more than just saying thank you for many years of ad-free helpful advice to WordPress users and bloggers around the world. You help keep the Lorelle engine running.

Even before 2003 when WordPress was born, Lorelle VanFossen helped people have their say on the web and share their passion with the world virtually. In 1993, her site Taking Your Camera on the Road offered articles, tips, tutorials, news, and stories about how to travel full-time on the road with your camera (and without), learning to explore the world in an RV, plane, train, automobile, or foot. She and her husband traveled the world offering free and low-cost workshops and seminars on life on the road and photography, as well as connecting and communicating via the web.

In 2003, she converted that site to WordPress and became intimately involved in the creation and development of WordPress, working for thousands of hours on the WordPress Support Forums and WordPress Codex, with many of the tutorials and documentation created and edited by Lorelle now incorporated into the WordPress Handbooks, Learn WordPress, Support, and the contextual help files in the core of WordPress.

Annually, Lorelle publishes thousands of articles, tutorials, news, and tips on WordPress, web writing, blogging, and social media on this site and others freely with no compensation, helping thousands of people around the world. She also teaches the first dedicated WordPress college course at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington, to over a hundred students each year, teaching and training future web design and developers with a strong fundamental basis in WordPress, web standards, and international web laws.

She teaches community workshops, classes, and presents keynotes around the world without compensation, and your donation helps to keep her efforts going and permit her to continue to keep her educational and training fees low and affordable.

You have two ways to donate to Lorelle and say thank you for her continuing efforts introducing the world to the wonders of WordPress and web publishing.

You may select an item from her Wish List or donate generously via PayPal.

Thank you again for your continued encouragement and support. It is much welcomed.