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Category Archives: WordPress Tips

Lorelle offers a variety of WordPress Tips from beginner and novice levels to intermediate. Many WordPress Tips are exclusive to sites, but most apply to all versions of WordPress. For more information on WordPress help, tutorials, and advice, check out her WordPress Plugins and WordPress Themes. Lorelle also reports on WordPress News, WordPress Events, and WordCamps around the world.

WordPress School: Screen Capture Images

In this mini-series of tutorials helping you learn how to create and use graphic images in your WordPress site, we’ve covered header art images, adding text overlays to images, and made a call-to-action graphic with a link wrapped around it, all common uses of images with WordPress sites. I’ve also introduced you to the free […]

WordPress School: Call-to-Action Graphic Images

In this mini-series of lessons on creating images for your WordPress site, we’ve covered the basics, experimented with two ways of creating header art from scratch and with text overlaying a photograph, and learned how to put text on images for quotes and other purposes. Today’s image lesson in this series is about creating a […]

WordPress School: Text on Images

In this mini-series of lessons on creating images for your WordPress site, we’ve covered the basics and experimented with two ways of creating header art from scratch and with text overlaying a photograph. This tutorial covers creating a quote graphic, words over an image used to showcase a quote or to display an image with […]

WordPress School: Header Art Images

In the first article in this mini-series on learning how to create images for WordPress header art, call-to-action images, and add text to images for your site’s design elements, I covered the basic tools and materials you will need for these tutorials. In this tutorial, you will learn simple basics for header art, specifically how […]

WordPress School: Image Lessons

I’m often asked by students in the college degree programs of web development and web design how much familiarity and expertise do they need with images. “Do I need to learn PhotoShop and Illustrator?” The truth? You need to know more about images and graphic design than you would ever imagine. Web design and development […]

WordPress School: Google Maps

We’ve experimented with image and video embeds in your test site in Lorelle’s WordPress School. We’ve also worked a with WordPress shortcodes in the contact form on the Contact Page, and you’ve gotten a little HTML awareness within your site’s content. Today’s assignment is another form of embed. Today, we are going to embed a […]

WordPress School: Blavatars

About a month ago in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course you added a Gravatar image to your test site. A Gravatar image and profile is linked to your email address and displays on any WordPress (and many other services) site in the world when you use that email address to comment. Another visual […]

WordPress School: Category Names

In Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course you are to create a test site on or wherever you choose to experiment. It is your WordPress personal sandbox. This doesn’t mean you can do anything you want in the sandbox. The goal of the test site it to emulate a real site, influencing the decisions […]

WordPress School: Post Slug

In the tutorial on creating links in your WordPress content, I mentioned that I’d love to do an entire college course dedicated solely to the power of the hyperlink – it is that fascinating and influential in all things web. So far we’ve talked about links that connect related content on your site together, citation […]

WordPress School: Header Art

It is time to begin to customize the design elements of your test site in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course. We begin with the header art in the Twenty-Eleven WordPress Theme. When you set up your WordPress test site for this course, you were instructed to set the WordPress Theme to Twenty-Eleven as it […]

WordPress School: The Article Series

To help me teach you WordPress from the inside out in this free online course, we’ve been focused on creating a five-part article series to learn the various WordPress content features and functionality. Each article offers you the opportunity to dive into how WordPress works right out of the box, focusing on the content and […]

WordPress School: Intrasite Links

On the test site for Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course you started a five part article series, each one exploring different content features and functions of WordPress. So far, you’ve explored lists, headings, preparing images to upload to WordPress, the visual and text editors, embedding video, creating a gallery, blockquotes and citations, and the […]

WordPress School: All the HTML You Need to Know

In my WordPress community class the other night, we had 15 minutes left when I told the class I was about to teach them how to speak HTML before class ended – well, enough HTML to publish in WordPress. They didn’t believe it. Believe it. It took about 6 minutes. I hope to do the […]

WordPress School: Sharing WordPress Links

In Lorelle’s WordPress School many participants are active in our WordPress School Google+ Community and eager to share links to their work on their test site for others in the group to review their work and help them or support and encourage them. Or just to brag and show off, which we enjoy as well. […]