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WordPress School: Publish a Post

Badge - Learn WordPress with Lorelle VanFossen at WordPress School.In Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course, it is time to start digging into the post content of your test site. In other words, it is time to start loosening the reigns of your imagination.

We are going to start with an article series, a series of posts linked together once completed. It begins with your first post.

Before you begin this assignment you should have:

  1. Your test site setup or installed and ready to go
  2. Categories from your site plan and category brainstorm assignments
  3. Your profile set to identify yourself and your About You bio set in My Profile
  4. The WordPress Publishing Checklist printed and by your side through the process

How to Publish a Post in WordPress

To create a post in WordPress:

  1. Go to Posts > Add New or any of the other access points in the interface to add a new post.
  2. Following the instructions in the WordPress Publishing Checklist, add the title, post content, categories, and tags.
  3. To modify the content, use the toolbar buttons. To see more toolbar options, click the last button on the bar called the Toolbar Toggle button. Please note that in these WordPress School Lessons you are to:
    • Not change fonts by size, style, or color
    • Use the drop down box on the second row of the Toolbar to set the headings and other common styles.
  4. Save draft and preview the post.
  5. Make changes as needed, save draft, and preview again.
  6. When the post is ready for publishing, click publish.

Please honor the request to not force styles and fonts onto your posts and Pages during this WordPress School project. When we get to the lessons on WordPress Themes, these forced styles persist, thus not displaying how your site’s content would really look in the new Theme. It also adds work, additional work you don’t need to do or remember every time you publish. We will cover how to use such forced styles later in the course.


Lorelle's WordPress School Assignment Badge.Your assignment begins today with writing the first of a five part article series in WordPress. There is much to learn, so we’re going to take this slowly, step-by-step.

The article series will consist of a minimum of five posts by the time we complete the exercise. To help you prepare, the articles are:

  1. Introduction: Why should we learn about this
  2. Tutorial: How to do this
  3. Gallery: Photographs of doing this
  4. Citations: What others have to say about doing this
  5. Resources: More information on how to do this

Do not do all of these now. There are lessons to be learned in each article that we will cover. Do these one at a time.

Today and over the weekend, you are to work on the first two posts and publish the first one when you are ready on your test site. As you work on these two posts, you may collect and prepare material for the others in the series.

Instructions on Choosing a Post Topic: In line with the goal of creating a test site that ties into your passion and interests, choose a topic you could teach, one you could talk about for months without pause, a topic you could demonstrate and show someone how to do it, and do it better.

Number 1Write the Introduction Post: The introduction post answers the question of why we should learn this thing, the subject of your article series. Introduce us to the subject and tell us why this matters to you, and why you are the one to teach us.

The introduction post should include the following:

  • Properly formed HTML links to external sites that serve as references or resources to back what you are talking about if necessary.
  • A minimum of two sections titled with HTML headings.

If you would like to include images, that is fine. Experiment. Images are required in the second post.

When ready, publish the post. If you would like to share the first post with other participants, you may do so in our WordPress School Google+ Community in a reply under this assignment post.

Number 2.The second post in the article series is a tutorial on the subject. Teach us how to use it, do it, or make it.

This does not need to be published. We will be working on this in the next assignment, but you may start the article.

The tutorial article must include:

  1. A minimum of 3 images teaching us how to
  2. A minimum of one HTML list (bullet or number)
  3. Headings
  4. Links to references or resources in properly formed HTML

Ready to publish?

This is a tutorial from Lorelle’s WordPress School. For more information, and to join this free, year-long, online WordPress School, see:

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One Comment

  1. reelhotstuff
    Posted July 6, 2015 at 9:28 pm | Permalink

    I’m very much a laid-back planner, especially when it comes to the holidays. I try to plan ahead for the important things, and make sure everyone in the family has a good time. One of my favorite thing to do is design my own Christmas cards, print them and send them out, that takes time and planning to know who to send it to. Of course, the food too. I agree with sticking to classic recipes, don’t change something good!

16 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] « WordPress School: Publish a Post […]

  2. […] your first post in the article series and add a list. It may be an ordered or unordered list. Simply edit the post and add the list, and […]

  3. […] week in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course you were to create your first post on your test site, the first in an article series to help you learn about how to publish posts in WordPress and start […]

  4. […] this point in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course you should have written and published your first post and working on the second post, the tutorial, in an article series featuring a minimum of five […]

  5. […] Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course we are going to take a break from the article series and work on your next Page in WordPress. Save the second post in the article series as draft. […]

  6. […] will be continuing work on your article series, adding the images to your second post in the […]

  7. […] on with the article series on your test site where you will add images and video to the second post in the series, and a […]

  8. […] on with the article series on your test site where you will add images and video to the second post in the series, and a […]

  9. […] the first article in the five-part article series you were to write an introduction article to your series. In the […]

  10. […] your article series on your test site, if you haven’t already, add links in the first and second post in the […]

  11. […] is time to work on the third post in your article series on your test site. This post is your gallery […]

  12. […] the fourth article in the article series, the quote and citation […]

  13. […] about copyright but how to properly cite and quote from other sources. The fourth article in your article series on your test site is all about learning how to cite material from other […]

  14. […] the test site for Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course you started a five part article series, each one exploring different content features and functions of WordPress. So far, you’ve […]

  15. […] one is the introductory article to your article series. It is designed to introduce the article series to your reader in the form […]

  16. […] we’ve completed the basic content of the Article Series posts on your test site, we will come back to it to edit and add more WordPress features as we did with the article series […]