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Blog Exercises: Marketing Yourself as an Artist

Blog Exercises on Lorelle on WordPress.A friend forwarded “99 Ways to Market Your Art” from Copyblogger. While it is targeted towards artists, it applies universally to bloggers – no matter what you are blogging about.

You’re an artist — a writer, musician, illustrator, or dancer. Maybe you’re into doll sculpting, keepsake jewelry making, fashion photography, plain air painting, or composing ambient electronica.

You’re pretty brave when it comes to creating, but the mere thought of marketing your work might make you break into a cold sweat.

Would you rather be shot out of a cannon than toot your own horn? Is balancing on a tightrope more attractive to you than asking people to shell out money for your masterpieces?

If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

You are not alone.

The tips are brilliant, what you come to expect from Copyblogger contributors, and your blog exercise today.

Blog Exercise Task from Lorelle on WordPress.Your blog exercise is to read through the article and chart your course to improve the marketing of your site.

You are a blogger, and that makes you an artist. Truly. No all artists work with paint, clay, or camera. You work with words, often images. Your creative machine is in your head, pouring through your fingers on the keyboard, sharing your insights, your perspective, your dreams, your talents, and your skills with the world around you. You are an artist.

Like most artists, you need help marketing your art. Use the above article to explore all the ways you can take your art to the next level.

Be brave. It’s time to toot your own horn.

I would love to have you blog your new path inspired from this article, but I will settle for comments below.

There are 99 things on that list, and 70+ apply directly to you, I’m sure. Go through it and write down a plan of action – a marketing plan – for yourself and your site.

To quote from the article, be a valiant warrior – fighting for yourself.

Remember to include a hat tip link back to this post to create a trackback, or leave a properly formed link in the comments so participants can check out your blog exercise task.

You can find more Blog Exercises on . This is a year-long challenge to help you flex your blogging muscles.

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Copyright Lorelle VanFossen.

One Comment

  1. Posted November 9, 2013 at 12:37 pm | Permalink

    Dear Lorelle,

    The list is long (99 ways) but some points are repetitive and are common sense. Many points had been covered by you anyway. Some points in the post are valuable, such as “Choose top-notch crew chiefs”. I am pleased that I have found a mentor in you and I have become more conscious of my writing and I owe my credit to you.

    I do like the Shatter all the current record section: Do the impossible, be a valiant warrior, be hungry, be discriminating.

    I am not comfortable with the word ‘marketing’. Could you find a different word that may make me feel more comfortable? I think that my main job is to write, and if I write well, people will/should find it. Perhaps I’m too innocent? Not pro-active? However, having learnt so many valuable tips from you, I have improved on my presentation, from page to post to sidebar, from consistency to site purposes and goals. I think these improvements have helped my marketing.

    In some cultures, tooting your own horn is not a good idea, and all the praises and celebration may reap failures (oh no!). Modesty is called for in these cultures.

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  1. Thodari

    Blog Exercises: Marketing Yourself as an Artist « Lorelle on WordPress