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Blog Exercises: July Summary

Blog Exercises on Lorelle on WordPress.July is over. Seven months of Blog Exercises and you would think I’d be sick of these. Yet, I’ve got hundreds more. I fear my ability to fit it into one year. I might just have to keep going.

The response has been amazing. I’ve looked at hundreds and hundreds of websites and given feedback to so many as we’ve worked through these blog exercises together. Amazing.

I’m learning new things from you every day as well. Your willingness to jump off the cliff and go for it. Your openness and desire to improve. It’s impressive.

In July I started handing out more prompt writing assignments, moving back into content generation on your site.

I also had to take a few of you to task to remind you not to play stupid with your privacy and security and to clean up your site (and old habits) to blog cleaner and better.

I also published “The Giant Blog Exercise Check List Part 1” listing all of the blog exercises divided up by topic rather than chronological order, though I included that as well.

There is no order to these exercises, though they do tend to build upon each other. You may start at any time. Just jump in. They are designed for advanced and intermediate, experienced bloggers as well as beginners, all needing to tone their blogging muscles.

Here is the list for July:

I’m curious. Going through all of these exercises in series, have you given thought to doing your own year-long article series and project? It’s daunting but achievable. I’m living proof.

If you were to blog on a subject five days a week for a year, what would be your topic?

You can find more Blog Exercises on . This is a year-long challenge to help you flex your blogging muscles.

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Copyright Lorelle VanFossen.

One Comment

  1. Posted July 31, 2013 at 8:07 am | Permalink

    I’m very intrigued to find out Lorelle’s obsession with the philosophy of blogging ‘cleaner and better.’ Is it some kind of, shall I say, OCD (take it as a neutral term please) ? I’d love to ‘dig deeper’ (as you do) to find out what really triggers you with your streamlined version of an ideal blogging world, which is also very clinical.

    I look forward to more of your wonderfully stimulating exercises as I enjoy exploring the thoughts behind them as well as writing.

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