Posted inEditor's Pick

The Art of the Pump

A closer look at PredictIt and political betting markets, where users trade shares on potential results of political events. Interestingly, this world of political gambling might be the last space in American politics where the truth actually matters. Since January 2021, Iabvek—in real life, a Catholic conservative from Arizona—has made, by his own account (one […]

Posted inEditor's Pick

The Elephant in the Room

“A majority of Americans say they have a positive view of unions. When they vote for Republicans, as lots of union members do, they’re not voting that way because they want to disempower unions. They believe they’re voting to disempower the ‘freeloaders’ — a category that’s obviously inseparable, in the American context, from race. This […]

Posted inEditor's Pick

The New Reconstruction

“There has never been an anti-racist majority in American history; there may be one today in the racially and socioeconomically diverse coalition of voters radicalized by the abrupt transition from the hope of the Obama era to the cruelty of the Trump age. All political coalitions are eventually torn apart by their contradictions, but America […]