Frequently Asked Questions

When is the deadline for completed applications for a PhD at the LMS?

How do I apply for a PhD position at the LMS?

I am an overseas student, am I eligible for a full MRC Studentship?

How much financial support would I need as an overseas student to study for a PhD at the LMS?

How much is the MRC Studentship stipend?

I am only interested in one of the PhD projects available; can I just apply for that?

Who can provide my two academic references?

If called for interview, will the LMS pay my travel expenses?

When and where will the interviews take place?

I have not heard whether I have been invited to the Recruitment Day for interview.

After the PhD Recruitment Day, when will I know whether I have been successful?

If successful, when would I start my PhD?

What support is available to LMS PhD Students?

My question still hasn't been answered. Who should I contact?