[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2013-05-30

   - Reviewed shortname renaming plan with plh
   - RESOLVED: Publish a new WD of css-masking
   - RESOLVED: Minimal expectation is that animations are ignored in
               non-interactive media, but implementations are allowed
               snapshot them somehow instead
   - RESOLVED: 'not', 'only', 'and', 'or' are invalid media types
   - RESOLVED: background images are positioned to the scrollable area for
   - Deferred issue on defining exact color of 3D border styles to L4
   - Wrt repetition in media queries, belongs to set of problems to
     solve with macros.
   - RESOLVED: Allow at-rules inside declaration blocks per
   - Discussed a few other syntax issues; deferred to F2F
   - dbaron requests comments on outline properties:

====== Full minutes below ======

   Glenn Adams
   Rossen Atanassov
   Tab Atkins
   David Baron
   Tantek �elik
   Elika Etemad
   Simon Fraser
   Sylvain Galineau
   Daniel Glazman
   Rebecca Hauck
   Brad Kemper
   Philippe Le H�garet
   Alexis Menard
   Edward O'Connor
   Anton Prowse
   Matt Rakow
   Simon Sapin
   Dirk Schulze
   Alan Stearns
   Leif Arne Storset
   Nick Van den Bleeken
   Steve Zilles

Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0710.html
Regrets: Bert, jerenkrantz, sylvaing
Scribe: Anton


   glazou: extra items?
   krit: new WD css-masking?
   glazou: ??

   plh: Renaming of css-variables?  What's the story?  Is the expectation
       to rename everything in the draft?
   glazou: it's dash-1 because it's the first level of the module
   glazou: the number doesn't indicate a "level of CSS".  It's the level
           of a spec.
   fantasai: We want to switch from naming using level of CSS, to a system
             using "level of module".
   fantasai: css3-flexbox should have been css1-flexbox
   dbaron: transforms has renamed to CSS Transforms Level 1
   dbaron: just the shortname doesn't match yet
   <dbaron> fonts should be level 3 because there were font properties in
            levels 1 and 2
   <dbaron> transforms being level 3 is a mistake
   fantasai: we decided to move the number to /after/ the module name, to
             avoid readers' confusion about whether it's the level of CSS
             that's indicated or the level of the module
   fantasai: We set up dev.w3.org first, to test it out
   fantasai: probably at some point we'll hand over a rewrite config to
             the webmasters for /TR shortnames
   fantasai: We will shift the dated URLs as we go along.

CSS Masking

   <darktears> Zakim: ??P82 is me
   <krit> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/raw-file/tip/masking/index.html
   krit: Would like to publish updated WD
   TabAtkins: I'm fine with that.
   fantasai: I'd like issue of "having a shorthand to turn everything off"
             to be noted in the spec, but I'm otherwise fine
   fantasai: in order to turn of masking, you currently need to know all
             three systems of masking.  (The shorthand 'mask' can only be
             used to turn of one set of things.)
   fantasai: I'd like to investigate the idea of having a more general
             simple switch
   fantasai: I'd like to have mask:none turn off all of the masking
             everywhere, so that it's easy to turn off masking no matter
             how many different masking features we add to the spec.
   fantasai: I think that was one of my comments that I sent to the list.
   fantasai: I'd like to have a note about the issue in the spec
   RESOLVED: Publish a new WD of css-masking

Animations and non-interactive media

   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/thread.html#msg650
   dbaron: Spec doesn't say what should happen to animations when they print
   dbaron: 1) Consensus towards: when printing, pretend the animation
              wasn't there
   dbaron: but there were some concerns about that
   dbaron: 2) Some people wanted an option for "print exactly what I see
              on my screen right now"
   dbaron: and then there was some third options.
   dbaron: I just committed a change to Gecko, for ignoring animations
           when printing

   TabAtkins: I understand the comments about wanting "screen capture",
              but in the general case we should ignore the animations.
              It'll work for most cases.  Might be bad on certain
              badly-designed pages.  Not sure
   TabAtkins: Question on mailing list about paused animations is interesting.
   krit: Cannot sync animations.  Not easy to determine what to print
   TabAtkins: If author can control a global pause, problem goes away
   krit: But there is no global pause
   <Tab and krit discuss>
   * molly reminds folks that play/pause for motion is an issue in WCAG.
           Also, if no printed animations, we need a note for content creators
          to ensure any important information still makes it to the page.
   <tantek> There may are also a11y guidelines/impacts on animations, being
            able to pause, slow or rewind them. There may be some WAI
            guidelines on printing animations - probably worth checking.
   <tantek> Molly beat me to it :)
   krit: Some animations are really hard to time, if you don't have a
         global timing function (Which we currently don't).

   cabanier: it's reasonable that animations that are in not started but
             have fill-mode have their first frame honored
   cabanier: this is for animations that have fill-mode: backwards
   cabanier: should be easy to implement

   glazou: Ignoring the animation makes more sense.  The other options are
           too hard at the moment.
   Rossen: the way we print animated gifs or video, you would actually
           print the current frame or whatever
   Rossen: I'm not saying it's a precedent we have to follow, but there is
           relevant situation there.

   glazou: Could this be controlled from CSS? Eg a property about how
           animations should print
   TabAtkins: User print stylesheet, turn off animations?
   dbaron: If there's a right value for the static case, then authors will
           want to put the value in for UAs which don't support animations
    * fantasai agrees we should use the fallback values

   TabAtkins: Is there an implementation issue with snapshotting the animation
              at "some point close" to the time the button was pressed?
   krit: Can depend on the implementation itself, communication between UI
         and engine
   <cabanier> who wants that?
   glazou: The print button in the chrome, or the print button in the dialog
   TabAtkins: The last one.
   dbaron: We could do that if we did more work, to have printing CSS code
           know how to copy an animation timeline from elsewhere
   TabAtkins: I thought the printing code just snapshotted the page
   um, no.
   TabAtkins: Hmm perhaps this is more complicated than I first thought.

   glazou: Most reasonable option is to ignore anims.  Could we say that
           we /may/ change it in future?
   dbaron: Sounds good to me
   dbaron: we might even say that implementations are allowed to do something
           else if they want to do something more snapshotty
   krit: and future specs can say more about how to do that.
   glazou: So minimal expectation is that animations are allowed to be
           ignored, and implementations are allowed to do better if they
           want and we might spec how to do that in future
   <dbaron> maybe s/do better/snapshot in some way/ ?
   Correction: Minimal expectation is that animations for non-interactive
               media are ignored, but implementations are allowed to not
               ignore them and we might spec how to do that in future
   <cabanier> so a page with animations will print differently in the future?
   fantasai: We don't want to imply that snapshotting is necessarily better.
   TabAtkins: Snapshotting takes more work than ignoring, it wasn't a question
              of what's better or not.
   <Rossen> http://www.paulrhayes.com/experiments/clock/#clock
   TabAtkins: I'd like to print the frame that's there when you print, in
              that example
   glazou: No
   glazou: In print media, the animation might be there, and there might
           not even be a screen to "see" the anim
   RESOLVED: Minimal expectation is that animations for non-interactive
             media are ignored, but implementations are allowed to not
             ignore them and we might spec how to do that in future

MediaQueries: Parsing Media Types

   TOPIC: 'not', 'only' and 'and' as Media types
   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0794.html
   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0955.html
   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0658.html
   SimonSapin: I'm in favour of blacklisting these words as media types
   TabAtkins: I'd prefer to whitelist the types we have, and never let new
              ones be added
   TabAtkins: Media types were a horrible mistake
   TabAtkins: The only type which makes sense these days is print, which
              could have been a media query
   <glazou> +1
   dbaron: The media types capture a set of binary characteristics.
           (paginated? Really small?).  Media queries are better at handling
           such binary characteristics
   TabAtkins: Agree.
   dbaron: We actually agreed on a plan to add such characteristics to
           media queries.  Florian had an action?
   dbaron: I agree with TabAtkins that the plan should be to not add anything
           in the future
   dbaron: But it's a more limited change to just ban the specific few words
   <tantek> agreed. media types were unfortunately dated.

   dbaron: Anyone recall the error handling rules?
   ??: Unknown media types evaluate to false
   dbaron: "screen, projecton" and misspelt projection?  What do we throw away?
   glazou: I think we currently keep screen.
   dbaron: I would like to include 'or' in the discussion of these few words
   <oyvind> "Unknown media types evaluate to false. Effectively, they are
            treated identically to known media types that do not match the
            media type of the device."
   RESOLVED: 'not', 'only', 'and', 'or' are invalid media types

CSS3 Backgrounds

   Topic: background-attachment: local
   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0516.html
   <fantasai explains her post>
   fantasai: Proposal is to clarify/change the spec to say that the
             background positioning area for scrollable elements with
             background-attachment:local is the area which scrolls
             and not the scroll frame.
   smfr: I just posted to the mailing list
   smfr: Scrollable area is not well defined
   smfr: Eg shadows affecting scrollbars etc
   fantasai: That's equally true for body content, btw so it's not specific
             to this issue
   <fantasai and smfr discuss>
   smfr: What about background-origin
   fantasai: would pretend the scrollable area has a border with the specified
             border size. Best I can come up with.
   <dbaron> I didn't catch fantasai's conclusion there
   <fantasai> 0 0 would position negatively, effectively, by that amount
   smfr disusses background layers and perf and things
   dbaron: <apropos of something just mentioned> Can have multiple bg layers,
           in any order
   fantasai: Why does this affect positioning?  We're not changing the
             attachment behaviour here, just positioning
   smfr: currently bg is not scrolled with content
   fantasai: We're not changing anything about that
   <dbaron> fantasai, we're complaining about the background-attachment:
            local in its entirety
   fantasai: It moves when you scroll, that's the definition
   TabAtkins: We're just discussing an edge case: canvas
   fantasai: feature already exists and is in spec; we're discussion how
             you calculate the image positions

   fantasai: I'll propose wording which takes care of interaction with
             other bg properties
   fantasai: That scrollable area is not defined is a general problem.

   ??: <... status ...>
   fantasai: There are still a handful of open issues in the spec, mostly
             minor, but still need fixing.

   glazou: Are we OK with the proposal?
   smfr: I'm OK with it
   RESOLVED: background images are positioned to the scrollable area for
   <dbaron> "do what http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0516.html says" :-)

   TOPIC: Color of ridge/groove/inset/outset border styles?
   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0529.html
   glazou: We have no definition of how to do these things!!
   fantasai: Defer to level 4
   glazou: Then please mark it as an issue
   smfr: Ties in with 'lighter' and 'darker' colour functions that we've
         discussed before.
   dbaron: ridge and groove might have web-compat requirement that don't
           match what we'd like to do with lighter and darker
   * glazou proposed lighter and darker back in 98 and everyone at that
            time replied it was impossible to specify :-)
   smfr: I think we changed ridge and groove last year, and we haven't had any feedback
   <dbaron> FWIW, Gecko's implementation of 3-D border colors is

Variables for Media Queries

   Topic: DRYing up Media Queries
   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0638.html
   glazou: Wide discussion on mailing list about this
   TabAtkins: Boils down to fact that we do want to do something similar
              to the suggestion, but not right now.
   glazou: I'm using Media Queries a lot for responsive design support in
   * smfr would like to know what DRYing is
   <fantasai> Don't Repeat Yourself
   TabAtkins: Something for level 2?
   glazou: OK noted

CSS Syntax

   SimonSapin: Most is editorial
   SimonSapin: Two issues to discuss here
   <SimonSapin> [css-syntax] At-rules mixed in any declaration list?
   <SimonSapin explains the issue>
   glazou: Do we have everything ready in the OM for this proposal?
   TabAtkins: A few of these rule types will need to sprout child rule
              attributes, but that's about it
   SimonSapin: Answer: no we don't
   SimonSapin: Would like to do change in error handling as soon as possible
   <TabAtkins explains why he agrees with that>
   glazou: Do we all agree with SimonSapin's proposal?
   RESOLVED: Accept SimonSapin's proposal
   <dbaron> I'm fine with the proposal -- reasonable to implement -- there's
            an off chance it could break something, and if it does, we'll
            find out.
   SimonSapin: syntax3 already behaves in this way... should be backport
               to CSS21 and CSS Style Attribute
   TabAtkins: yes
   glazou: So this will override CSS21?
   <glazou> we have levels, not versions :-D
   glazou: Let's discuss in upcoming F2F, because I'd like Bert's input

   <SimonSapin> [CSS21][css-syntax] EOF in string and URL tokens
   SimonSapin: Next issue
   <SimonSapin explains the issue>
   glazou: My own parser makes it valid
   SimonSapin: So does syntax3
   dbaron: If a definition of variable terminates at EOF in the middle of
           a string, does the close quote that's implies get included in
           the variable value?
   <TabAtkins and dbaron discuss>
   dbaron: I'm not crazy about this closing thing
   <glazou> var-foo: foo("blah
   glazou: If EOF happens there, is it still valid?
   dbaron: Should it also contain a closing )  ?? Interesting question
   glazou: This is a F2F topic!

   <SimonSapin> glazou, third issue, if we have time:
                [css3-values] Syntax of attribute values for attr()

   TabAtkins: I'll be asking for FPWD of syntax at F2F!  *Please* be prepared!!
   <dbaron> I'm not sure I'm going to be able to review syntax by that deadline.

Outline Properties

   TOPIC: Principles behind the outline properties
   <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0668.html
   dbaron: I don't think this needs meeting time right now, but pls read
           message and respond!
   glazou: This is related to bounding box etc; makes a good F2F topic

Meeting closed.

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 21:57:07 UTC