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Extended Data Fig. 2: Ecotope factors of the Amazon basin. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Ecotope factors of the Amazon basin.

From: Amazon forest biogeography predicts resilience and vulnerability to drought

Extended Data Fig. 2

(a) Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND), a proxy for water-table depth25; (b) Soil fertility, as exchangeable base cation concentrations43; (c) Average forest heights as acquired by lidar45; (d) Soil sand content44; (e) Proportion of trees belonging to the Fabaceae family34; (f) MCWD variability (see the ‘Climate anomalies for drought definition and mapping’ section of methods), in terms of the standard deviation of the long-term MCWD timeseries. High variance in climate and low soil fertility in Guiana shield might contribute to the greatest proportion of trees belonging to the family Fabaceae with the very high wood density; (g) Averaged minimum monthly precipitation (low=green, high=orange). The north-west everwet Amazon is distinguished by lacking a dry season (precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration). (h) Community-weighted wood density34. Panels a-d are used as ecotope predictors in the GAM analysis of Supplementary Table 1. (Data sources: see the ‘Climate variables’ and ‘Climate anomalies for drought definition and mapping’ sections of methods).

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