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Extended Data Fig. 7: The sensitivities of forest drought response to soil texture and drought timing. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: The sensitivities of forest drought response to soil texture and drought timing.

From: Amazon forest biogeography predicts resilience and vulnerability to drought

Extended Data Fig. 7

(a) The sensitivity of forest response to soil texture (sand content) and water- table depth (HAND) in basin-wide GAM analysis. GAM-predicted adjusted EVI anomaly (left axis) versus soil sand content (%), with water table-depth in colour (shallow=blue to deep=red), paired with distributions of mean forest height in each soil texture bin (bottom graph, right axis, with N = 3,318, and 1,142 0.4° pixels for shallow and deep water tables, respectively). ‘Adjusted’ GAM predictions are made by setting non-displayed predictors (climate variables, tree-height, soil fertility) to their median values during the drought. (b)-(d): The sensitivity of forest responses to dry versus wet season drought periods, across the three-droughts: (b) distribution of the proportion of drought that was in the dry season (0 = all in the wet season to 1= all in the dry season) for drought-affected pixels in each of the three droughts; (c) GAM-predicted EVI anomaly versus PAR, for different proportions of dry season drought (blue=all wet to red=all dry, corresponding to coloured tick marks in the vertical axis of b). (d) Adjusted EVI anomaly from GAM prediction versus drought length, for different proportions of dry-season drought (blue to red, as in panel c).

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