

It’s become almost a tradition to post a bookshelf photo my first night in a new apartment :,). So here it is!!

I haven’t posted in a while, this month I: graduated college, moved, began medical school applications (!!!) and will be taking the MCAT (!!!!!!!)

I am very very tired. Very nervous. But very excited :)

someone pls tell the past me that made this post that her MCAT/ applications went fine and she gets to go to medical school this cycle :,)

cottagecore study aesthetic reading light academic aesthetic dark academic aesthetic interiors medblr medical school med studyblr med student studying study motivation books libraries

a student of mine is interviewing one of my professors and as I left so they could continue talking the prof said “get back to your physio and looking over EKGs!” And the way I said “yes sir!” as if I had even STARTED looking over physio and EKGs is astounding

good sir I know you told me to start cardio months ago but did you really think I would??? CLASS STARTS ON MONDAY?! med school my friends books light academia studyblr coffee college dark academia pre med stem academia cottage academia study aesthetic medblr med studyblr premed




Well hello again Tumblr,

Been completely MIA because life has truly taken some wild turns over the past two weeks. I did however go to a cafe on Sunday where I had an overpriced honey lavender latte-

But I mean it was an aesthetic cafe so I do think I’m paying to just sit down for the experience yknow?

Just doing some readings, finding the will to live — yknow the basic stuff.

Thank you so much btw for 50 followers !!


gentle reminder you can rise up from everything. you can recreate yourself. nothing is permanent. you are not stuck. you have choices. you can think new thoughts. you can learn something new. you can create new habits. all that matters is that you decide today and never look back.



Job searching is terrifying but every now and then I allow myself fugitive trips to the library to read, journal, and take care of myself. My current read is A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf. It was a gift and it has a priceless dedication on its front page, which I’m striving to show you.

(via scientificmethds)

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