Deliver PDF Certificates

  • Empower students to download gorgeous PDF certificates to certify their accomplishments
  • Allow students to download shareable PDF certificates to send to whoever they like
  • Enable students to download a PDF version of their certificate for printing and framing
Screenshot of a downloaded LifterLMS Course and Grades PDF via LifterLMS PDFs
Screenshot of single LifterLMS Certificate with Save and Download as PDF button via LifterLMS PDFs

Download PDF Reports

  • Create downloadable student PDF grade reports that function like transcripts
  • Download order details as PDFs for accounting or revenue share needs
  • Quickly download course, membership, progress report PDFs for your own admin purposes

Empower Groups with PDFs

  • Allow group administrators to download group member progress and grade reports as PDFs
  • Allow group leaders to download group member progress and grade reports as PDFs
  • Enable group members to download certificates, grades, and progress reports as PDFs
LifterLMS PDFs General Settings

Getting Started with LifterLMS PDFs

LifterLMS icon for the Infinity Bundle

Bundle Now. Bundle Later.

This add-on is part of our Infinity Bundle. With Infinity, you’ll get all of our add-ons, a weekly mastermind coaching session, and unlimited support for unlimited sites.

Not ready to bundle? Purchase this add-on individually now, and we will prorate your existing purchases if you upgrade at a later date. Simply contact us here when you’re ready to upgrade.

LifterLMS PDFs in Action

LifterLMS PDFs Add-On Details

Add-On Details

Add-On Requirements

  • LifterLMS Version: 6.0+
  • WordPress Version: 5.4+
  • PHP Version: 7.4+

30-Day Customer Success Bonus

Your purchase includes 30 days of access to weekly Liftoff Sessions with a LifterLMS product specialist. These are live online group support meetings to help you get your online learning project launched and get your specific questions answered live. Liftoff Sessions include screen-sharing, chat, and live Q&A.

Customer Success Liftoff 30-Day Bonus Sessions
LifterLMS Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-Days, 100% Money Back

30-Day 100% Money Back No Risk Guarantee

Try our products risk free and see why over 10,000 creators are using LifterLMS to lift up others through education. We offer a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, just reach out for a refund.