Create Courses

LifterLMS helps online course creators convert their expertise & life experiences into income by creating impactful courses

Example course image with lessons and progress bar

Multimedia Lessons

Appeal to multiple learning styles with video, audio, text, image-based lessons, and more


Create dynamic multimedia quizzes to reinforce learning or test competency of the material

Course Builder

Easily build online courses from one screen with the intuitive multi-tier drag and drop course builder

Question Banks

Prevent cheating and enhance learning with powerful easy-to-use quiz question banks

Course Cohorts

Allow groups of learning to enroll and progress through a course together with comprehensive cohort reporting

Course Reviews

Increase course sales by collecting testimonials and honest reviews of your courses

Drip Content

Protect your learner focus and future recurring revenue by making lessons available over time


Require the successful completion of a specific lesson or even a specific course before another one unlocks

Course Tracks

Offer degree programs or certifications on completion of a group of courses taken in any order


Assignments requiring manual grading are coming soon as an advanced add-on

Quiz Timer

Set a maximum time limit for a quiz so students can demonstrate learning within a certain time

Student Dashboard

Front end student profiles so learners can track their activity and stay organized

Multi Instructor

Create a multi instructor platform and even assign multiple instructors to a course if you teach in teams

Lesson Downloads

Offer downloadable worksheets, ebooks, PDFs, audios, and other files for offline learning

Course Import

Easily import a LifterLMS course from one site to another for migration, licensing, and more

Course Export

One click export a LifterLMS course from your website for migration, licensing, backups, and more

Discussion Areas

Enjoy multiple discussion areas including lesson comments, forums, private coaching areas, and timelines

Instructional Design

Allow the software to guide you in how to organize and structure the most engaging courses online

Form Integrations

Add form plugins to collect assignments, contact messages, other data, and more

Graphics Pack

Get beautifully designed royalty-free certificate backgrounds, achievement badges, and more

Note Taking

Increase learning by allowing your students to take and organize notes while taking courses

Chriis Lema

“LifterLMS makes the short list of my recommendations every single time not just because it’s feature-packed, and not just because of the great training resources and community, but because the code is flexible enough for you to do just about anything with it.”

Chris Lema, Leader, Executive & Product Strategist

Make Money

LifterLMS helps you build a strong income generating teaching business or membership site on your own website

Example graphic showing payment plans and credit card purchase form to complete checkout

Credit Card Payments

Own your platform and revenue with simple conversion-optimized credit card payments

One-Time Payments

You can charge whatever you want for your courses or memberships including simple one-time pricing

Recurring Payments

Create business sustainability and continuous cash flow with flexible recurring payment options

Payment Plans

Boost course sales with a payment plan option so people can spread it out if they need to

Unlimited Pricing Models

Includes a powerful pricing and access engine called Access Plans so you can sell and restrict however you want


Sell your courses or memberships worldwide for one-time or recurring payments via PayPal


Sell subscriptions to your learning platform and get recurring revenue for offering recurring value


Capture online course and membership sales with our elegant conversion-optimized one screen checkout

Free Courses

Offer free courses to generate leads or simply because your courses are not meant to be sold

Course Bundles

Increase revenues and learner impact by creating and selling bundles of courses

Private Coaching Upsells

Offer private content, coaching, and conversation unique to each student as an add-on to just training courses

Other Bundles

Bundle in other benefits in addition to courses and coaching at higher price points through memberships


Increase buying activity through sales, affiliate promotions, discounts, URL coupons, geo-targeting, and more with coupons

Bulk Sales

Sell your courses in bulk to a business, institution, school, and more with this powerful voucher system

Affiliate Ready

Amplify revenues by making it easy for an army of affiliate marketers to sell for you for a commission

Native Sales Pages

Build beautiful sales pages for your course or membership without landing page software

Offline Sales

Get paid offline or through a different system for your LifterLMS powered courses

Customizable Enrollment

Choose what details to collect from your learners as they enroll in your program so you have what you need

Country & Currency

You can sell from any country in any currency as LifterLMS is committed to education entrepreneurs worldwide


Offer courses for sale before they can be accessed to validate your idea or to offer prelaunch pricing

Ecommerce Dashboard

Easily review sales analytics and create custom reports for business intelligence and accounting purposes

Credit Card Management

It’s easy for your customers to update their credit card so they keep getting access and you keep getting paid

Payment Switching

Your customers can switch from credit card to PayPal or vice versa for the ultimate payment flexibility

Order Management

Manage every detail of orders so you are in control of your cashflow and the financial needs of your customers

Engage Your Students

LifterLMS has a keen focus on engagement and helping you create courses that students enjoy and actually complete

Example graphic with a course completion certificate, badges, and progress awards

Achievement Badges

Make your online course progress addicting with earned achievement badge gamification


Offer printable certificates for skills, training, continuing education requirements, and more

Personalized Email

Deliver personalized custom emails based on learner behavior in your learning platform

Social Learning

Unlock the power of a “Facebook-like” community on your site to increase conversation and completion rates

Private Coaching

Offer private 1:1 content, coaching, and discussion for maximum income potential and learner results

Text Messaging

Engage your learners and prospects with personalized text messages to their smartphones

Offer Memberships

LifterLMS is a complete membership solution and so much more

Example graphic of membership access plans with subscription billing and login required to see members only content

Sitewide Membership

Build a traditional membership site where everything is restricted to a membership except the sales page

Course Bundles

Increase revenue by creating memberships that contain bundles of courses

Traditional Memberships

Create an unlimited number of memberships to lock down any content, courses, and other benefits

Automatic Enrollment

Create a great flow for your members so they are automatically enrolled in some or all courses at checkout

Content Restrictions

Restrict access to certain courses, pages, blog posts, forums, and more with easy membership lockdown options

Members-Only Pricing

Make paid memberships more valuable by giving them different pricing for courses than the general public

Private Group Discussion

Create private group discussions around a course through membership groups

Members-Only Forums

Increase revenue by restricting access to valuable forums to certain memberships

Bulk Course Enrollment

Keep the recurring revenue rolling by easily enrolling existing members in newly added courses with one click

Integrate the Tools You Need

With LifterLMS you can collaborate easily with the the third party tools you need without creating a disjointed software Frankenstein

Example graphic showing multiple aspects of LifterLMS including course completion certificate, a graded quiz, an embedded video player, and revenue report chart

Payment Gateways

Receive money through the world’s best payment gateways for your courses, memberships, or programs

Email Marketing

Build that beautiful email list and integrate with world-class email marketing tools


Benefit from organized curated topic-based conversation with easy forum integration

Mobile Friendly

Responsive mobile friendly design so your website looks great on mobile, tablet, desktop, and big screens

Use Any Theme

LifterLMS works with any well-coded WordPress theme so you have unlimited design choices


LifterLMS is built with the highest coding standards and for compatibility with other tools


Sync your courses and memberships with best-in-breed Customer Relationship Management tools

Authoring Tools

Add lesson, course, or quiz content created with external elearning authoring tools to your website

Tin Can API

Integrate with an Experience API (Tin Can) service, manage competencies, use H5P, elearning content, and more

Protect Your Content

LifterLMS allows you to lock down your content to the people who are supposed to be able to see it at exactly the right time

Example image of restricted content and a message shown for no access

Course Protection

Course content is protected out of the box so only enrolled students can view the lessons and other materials

User Accounts

New students get their very own account on your website so the experience is unique to them

Members-Only Content

Lock down any content on your website so that only active members can view and interact with it

Restricted Access

Redirect non-members with custom messages to where to join the membership to unlock specific content

Password Management

Allow learners to choose their own passwords for your website and reset it if they forget


Avoid expensive monthly fees and own your learning platform while having complete control and more flexibility

Manage Your Platform

It’s wild how with LifterLMS you can manage and control your own online school from a simple WordPress website that you own

Example image of the reporting for revenue and lesson progress

Detailed Reporting

Beautiful customizable sales, enrollment, & student reports to view & download the data you care about


See how your students are doing based on their completion progress, quiz scores, and overall grades

Email Notifications

Receive custom emails when certain events happen like new sales, quiz fails, course completions, and more

Bulk Enrollments

Add students manually to your courses or send them activation codes so they can mass enroll

Student Management

View student reports, add students to new courses, remove students, give quiz second chances, and more

Access Management

Allow lifetime, limited time, recurring payment access, and more to your courses and memberships

Web Design Management

Looks great inside any website design and offers powerful tools to control design without coding


Control the look and feel of your platform so it’s in perfect alignment with your company culture and style


Choose from over 600 Google Fonts for your site so the words match your brand and signature style

LMS Roles

Build a team on your website with LMS managers, instructors, instructor’s assistants, and students


Keep your valuable learning materials safe and secure so only people who are supposed to see it can access it

Require Terms

Require people who enroll in your courses to agree to your terms and conditions before they can join


Go from one course and one student to a huge online school with tens of thousands or millions of learners


Customize the layout of your website header, footer, sidebars, site width, placement of components, and more

Testing Tools

Review specific quiz attempts and allow students to retake quizzes with limits if you choose

Zapier App

Create automation between LifterLMS and over 7,000 other apps using the LifterLMS Zapier app

Page Builder

Quickly create beautiful course and membership sales pages and more with our LMS page builder

Get Support

LifterLMS is here standing by as your long-term technology partner that you can depend on for your project for life

Technical Support

When you need a technical support person to solve your issue, your going to love the LifterLMS support team

Live Office Hours

Get live business, marketing and technical consulting from the LifterLMS team on their weekly Office Hours

Dream Team

At it’s core LifterLMS is made by a team of course creators, marketing experts, and technical geniuses

Free Training Courses

Free training courses to help you get the skills you need to build your project successfully even if you’re a non-techie

Setup Wizard

When you first install LifterLMS it will walk you through the steps, making setup quick and easy

Detailed Documentation

Incredibly detailed instructions on how to do everything with lots of screenshots and video tutorials

Dynamic Resources

Surround yourself with help with the LifterLMS podcast, webinar training series, and blog

Demo Course

Install a sample course with one click so you can see how LifterLMS works and replace the demo content with yours

System Analyzer

With one click you can generate a full diagnostic report of the current status of key site elements

No-Risk Testing

Test out all the LifterLMS bells and whistles by getting your own fully-loaded test site for 30 days

User Community

The LifterLMS user community is supportive, incredibly intelligent, and guides the direction of the product


Benefit from other companies than are building compatibility, integrations, and add-on products for LifterLMS

Feature Requests

LifterLMS listens to the voice of it’s community and has an open door policy for new feature requests


Get help and uncover opportunities with LifterLMS CEO Chris Badgett and other members of the community


Other service businesses specializing in LifterLMS can help you with coding, design, marketing, and more

From Book Author to Course Creator

“I bought/installed LifterLMS yesterday then spent the day having a blast!

Two years ago I started writing a book, which morphed into wanting to present the material online in a more interactive way. I started my website from scratch in January and installing the LMS was a milestone moment! A milestone moment that turned out to be one joy right after the other!

“I was wondering how difficult it was going to be (it isn’t!). I’m always amazed when something is made easy! The LifterLMS product is amazing!! Power to the people! Really quite extraordinary to have something so helpful be able to be in the hands of regular folk.

When I first installed it, I (briefly) thought, “Now how do I start?” And then I realized the Setup Wizard had put all the help I needed right in front of me- Chris leading a course to walk me through creating my first course. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. It was the info I needed, just when I needed it.

Thanks for all your help when I emailed you. You helped me to the point of hitting “buy” (you helped me with knowing I should proceed with bbpress forum). Actually, you helped me more than that- you helped me to know that if/when I have questions after I purchase, that there is a real person there to help me. That really helped me to hit “buy.”

Margot Worthy 43ratio

Author, Teacher

Chris and His Team Help You Avoid the Pitfalls

“If LifterLMS is to be used to monetize your knowledge through courses and memberships, then it is a no-brainer and a shoe-in for your next online course plugin. It is so well designed and so reliable that it would be hard not to recommend it.

While some people might find all of the options a little bit pricey, the fact that you have strong priority support, with coaching and Ask Me Anything style webinars is a unique offer which you shouldn’t underestimate. As you build an online business with courses, Chris and his team can help you avoid the pitfalls.

LifterLMS is a top class course plugin that performs exceptionally well. It delivers everything you need from a course builder and then some. You will need to buy a payment gateway to be able to sell your courses but if you don’t mind that, this is an excellent option.”



Not sure where to start?
Choose a demo to explore LifterLMS.

Video Demo

Watch a 30 minute video presentation that explains what LifterLMS is, how it works, and how it’s different from all the rest.

Sandbox Demo

Test drive the LifterLMS Infinity Bundle on a personalized temporary site, complete with demo content and every LifterLMS add-on pre-installed.

Free Core Plugin

Create and launch your online course or training based membership site with LifterLMS—the most trusted all-in-one WordPress LMS plugin.