Report a problem

Did you find a problem with Koha?

If it is a security bug, report it here

Search here to see if someone else has reported the problem you’re having:

Missing the nerd knobs? Try the advanced bug search.

View all of the current critical and blocker bugs

View all currently open Koha bugs

See more about what ideas we are kicking around (Enhancements to Koha)

Hey, are those bugs getting fixed? Why, funny you should ask! Yes, indeed they are! — check out our progress (bugs closed since 1-Jan-2009).

You didn’t find your issue listed? Make yourself an account, and then create a new bug report!

If you’re not sure about what to type in all of those boxes, you can check out our Bug Reporting Guidelines.

If you find yourself here a lot, you can install a Koha Bugzilla Quicksearch function in Firefox or Internet Explorer 7+, and search our bug database directly from your browser quick search bar. Note:If you had previously installed the browser search from our old Bugzilla at, you will need to remove it before you add the new one.