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    360 Core: Data Optimization Checklist for Discovery Services

    • Product: 360 Core Client Center

    What steps should I take to ensure that my Client Center settings work correctly for my Discovery Services?

    Use the Client Center Data Optimization checklist to help you optimize your library's Serials Solutions Client Center settings. By completing the checklist tasks you will provide your patrons with a positive research experience using your Discovery Services.

    The Client Center Data Optimization Checklist below (also available as a downloadable PDF) is broken into four sections, each of which focuses on a related set of tasks. Consider working through the four sections in the order presented, but only perform the tasks marked as Critical or Recommended. Then, revisit each section to see if there are any Optional items that are of interest to your library:

    1. Review Database and Title Selections

    2. Update Database Details

    3. Configure Library Settings and External Tools

    4. Stay Informed and Get Help

    For detailed information about why and how to preform the checklist tasks, click the links above or the heading titles at the beginning of the sections below.

    1. Review Database and Title Selections
      Priority Steps to Take Services Affected
      Critical Subscribe to databases not yet added to your Client Center's Data Management Area. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Critical Remove canceled databases from Data Management or hide them from your Discovery Services. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Critical Choose special consortium and regional databases only if they are appropriate for your library. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Critical Verify title selection is accurate: Select individual titles if your subscription does not cover the whole database. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, Summon
      Critical Customize coverage dates for titles if your library subscribes to a date range other than the default date range. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, Summon
      Recommended Hide databases containing selected (incomplete) full-text. 360 Link, Summon
      Optional Add open-access resources to your holdings. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, Summon
      Optional Create Library Specific Holdings databases for non-electronic titles only. 360 Core, 360 Link, Summon
    2. Update Database Details (HINT: Use the Database Details Report)
      Priority Steps to Take Services Affected
      Critical Check the corresponding Display in box for each service in which you want a database included. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Critical Add Custom URLs and identifiers to databases from providers that require special settings for authentication. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Critical Do not select the option to use database-level URL for all titles in the database. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates
      Recommended Omit your proxy from resources that do not require authentication. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, Summon
      Optional Add Custom Database Names, Custom Database Descriptions, and Public Notes. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
    3. Configure Library Settings and External Tools
      Priority Steps to Take Services Affected
      Critical Update your IP addresses in the Client Center. 360 Search, Summon,
    Optional for 360 Link
      Critical Configure your proxy service to allow access to your subscribed resources. Note: Index Enhanced Direct Linking may require special domains. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Critical Activate 360 Link with each content provider that you want to act as a referring source for your OpenURL link-resolver. 360 Link
      Critical Make sure the holdings in your link-resolver tool match your Client Center holdings. Summon (for libraries with a link-resolver other than 360 Link)
    4. Stay Informed and Get Help
      Priority Steps to Take Services Affected
      Critical Watch the Client Center for Knowledgebase Notifications regarding content changes that require action on your part. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Recommended Join the Summon and General Discussion listservs to share ideas and learn about product releases. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon
      Recommended On the System Status Page, subscribe to email alerts regarding scheduled maintenance and system availability issues. Summon
      Recommended Use the Support Portal to report problems and ask questions to the ProQuest support team. 360 Core, 360 Link, 360 MARC Updates, 360 Search, Summon

    • Date Created: 12-Feb-2014
    • Last Edited Date: 27-Sep-2016
    • Old Article Number: 9941