Lede is a Platform and Incubator for WordPress Publishers

We recently covered Block Club Chicago which was is built in partnership with the “Lede” platform from Alley Interactive. We’ve previously covered another Lede site called “Defector”.

Lede is one of several new WordPress publishing platforms including Newspack, PaywallProject, and IndieGraf.

Lede spun out of Alley Interactive, a large WordPress agency that works with large news organizations. In 2021, Alley launched Alley Group as a holding company and Lede is part of that group, operating as a separate company.

Lede promises, “WordPress publishing, fully leveraging the writer-friendly Gutenberg Block Editor, hosted by WordPress VIP.”

This next quote is how Lede describe themselves:

“Lede isn’t just another self-serve internet platform. We act as an incubator for the upstart journalist-led publishers on our platform by helping them build their own uniquely branded digital home and adopt best practices for community engagement, without having to pay upfront for the design or cede editorial control to investors.”

Lede Platform

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